April 21, 2015
On April 19, 2015 Canada's Minister of National Defense, the Honorable
minister Jason Kenny delivered a speech in Toronto at the Unity March
in which he said.
"I believe in memory. We are here today, because we all believe in
memory. Canada believes in memory. This is why in 2002 the Senate of
Canada recognized the historical reality of the Armenian Genocide.
This is why in 2004 the House of Commons, in a motion that I was
honored to sponsor, recognized the historical reality of the Armenian
Genocide. And this is why in 2006 the government of Canada recognized
the historical reality of the Armenian Genocide.
"This is why in the new National Canadian museum of human rights, at
the center of our country in Winnipeg, there is a permanent exhibit
of the greatest genocides of the 20th century, including specifically
the Armenian Genocide, the first genocide of the 20th century.
"This is why I was so honored to represent Canadians in visiting and
paying my respects, the respects of all Canadians, to the 1.4 million
victims of the genocide at Dzidzernagapert near Yerevan in Armenia last
summer. And this why my colleague Bred Butt MP, has put forward the
motion 587 that will recognize April as Genocide commemoration month,
recognizing the Armenian Genocide, the Holodomor, the Holocaust and
the Rwandan Genocide"
April 21, 2015
On April 19, 2015 Canada's Minister of National Defense, the Honorable
minister Jason Kenny delivered a speech in Toronto at the Unity March
in which he said.
"I believe in memory. We are here today, because we all believe in
memory. Canada believes in memory. This is why in 2002 the Senate of
Canada recognized the historical reality of the Armenian Genocide.
This is why in 2004 the House of Commons, in a motion that I was
honored to sponsor, recognized the historical reality of the Armenian
Genocide. And this is why in 2006 the government of Canada recognized
the historical reality of the Armenian Genocide.
"This is why in the new National Canadian museum of human rights, at
the center of our country in Winnipeg, there is a permanent exhibit
of the greatest genocides of the 20th century, including specifically
the Armenian Genocide, the first genocide of the 20th century.
"This is why I was so honored to represent Canadians in visiting and
paying my respects, the respects of all Canadians, to the 1.4 million
victims of the genocide at Dzidzernagapert near Yerevan in Armenia last
summer. And this why my colleague Bred Butt MP, has put forward the
motion 587 that will recognize April as Genocide commemoration month,
recognizing the Armenian Genocide, the Holodomor, the Holocaust and
the Rwandan Genocide"