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Event In Greece Commemorating The Armenian Genocide Centennial

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  • Event In Greece Commemorating The Armenian Genocide Centennial


    17:21, 21 Apr 2015
    Siranush Ghazanchyan

    On April 19, an event commemorating the centenary of the Armenian
    Genocide was held at the renowned "Pallas" theatre of Athens, on
    the initiative of Greek Centennial Central Body and the prefecture
    of Attika.

    Minister of Industry Reconstruction, Environment and Energy Panagiotis
    Lafazanis, State Minister Panagiotis Nikoloudis, Deputy State Minister
    Terence Quick, Deputy National Defense Minister Nikolaos Toskas,
    Chief of the National Defense General Staff Michail Kostarakos, Deputy
    Speaker of the Hellenic Parliament Ioannis Balafas, former President
    of the Parliament Apostolos Kaklamanis, MPs representing various
    parliamentary groups, Members of the European Parliament, Head of
    the military academy "Evelpidon" Dimitrios Reskos and Armenian cadets
    studying at the academy, Deputy Governor of Attika and Piraeus, Mayors
    of Piraeus and Nikaia-Renti, heads and members of foreign embassies,
    military attaches, heads and members of religious, political,
    cultural and educational institutions of the Greek-Armenian Community,
    representatives of Pontian Greek, Assyrian and Jewish organizations,
    academic and other circles of Greek society were in the attendance.

    The event was moderated by Araxie Abelian-Qolanian who in her opening
    speech highlighted the link between the past and present stating that
    the Armenian Genocide issue does not affect only the Armenian-Turkish
    relations, but the security of the wider South Caucasus region as
    well. A short film based on the testimonies of genocide witnesses
    was screened.

    Keynote speaker, MEP and head of the EU-Armenia friendship group Eleni
    Teocharous commenced her speech with following words "Every free person
    in Greece is Armenian today". Thus, expressing her admiration for the
    centuries-old struggle for freedom of the Armenian people and hoping
    to see the same spirit of liberation in Cyprus as well.

    Teocharous noted that due to the impunity of the Armenian genocide
    the international law has "cracks" and this makes the small nations
    vulnerable to violence and arbitrary practices. The speaker noted
    that the 1915 genocide saw its continuation in the 90's massacres
    of Armenians in Baku and Sumgait, in the violation of the right to
    self-determination of the people of Artsakh, and in the blockade of
    Armenia. Touching upon the European Parliament resolution of April
    15 and the following response by the Turkish high level officials,
    Teocharous stated that democracy punishes and teaches a lesson, but
    it never inflicts revenge. In addition she noted that denying the
    truth the Turkish authorities make the Turkish nation an accomplice
    to the heinous crime of the Ottoman government. She reaffirmed the
    call of the MEPs on Turkey to recognize the Armenian Genocide and to
    comply with all its obligations under the international law.

    In his speech Ambassador Ghalatchian highlighted the concepts of
    memory, gratitude, international struggle and rebirth, as cornerstones
    of the Armenian genocide Centennial commemoration and attached special
    importance to the renewed processes of the international recognition
    of genocide due to the Armenian Genocide Centenary, as an additional
    tool to prevent the crime of genocide.

    Speeches by Deputy Regional Governor of Attika, Deputy Speaker of
    Parliament and Deputy National Defence Minister followed.

    The artistic part of the event consisted in the performance of
    "Lament of Adana", "Shall we still be silent" and "Der Zor" by the
    "Hakob Papazian" choir of "Hamazgayin" cultural centre under the
    baton of Father Hrayr Nikolian. The Greek quartet "Evritmon" closed
    the event performing pieces by Komitas.

    Accompanied by the Armenian Scouts groups the participants marched
    towards the central Syntagma square where a solemn wreath laying
    ceremony at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier took place with the
    guard of honour. Wreaths were laid by Eleni Teocharous, Ambassador
    Galatchian, Military Attache Samvel Ramazyan, by the representatives
    of the Hellenic government, Attica prefecture, Athens municipality,
    Greek-Armenian community, Unions of Assyrians, Jews and Pontus Greeks.
