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Candle Light Vigil In Ottawa To Mark Armenian Genocide Centennial

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  • Candle Light Vigil In Ottawa To Mark Armenian Genocide Centennial


    11:00, 21 Apr 2015
    Siranush Ghazanchyan

    Holocaust survivors, Ambassadors and human rights organizations will
    gather at the Ottawa Human Rights Monument for a candle light vigil
    on the occasion of the Armenian Genocide centennial, the Armenian
    Youth Federation of Canada reports.

    To mark the centennial of the Armenian Genocide, human rights
    activists from Ottawa and across Canada will gather on Thursday,
    April 23 to hold a vigil in memory of the victims of all genocides
    that have taken place throughout the past century.

    Holocaust survivor Dr. Raoul Korngold and Rwandan Genocide survivor
    Alice Musabende will share their stories of survival and perseverance
    - outlining the gruesome realities of genocide and the transcending
    effects it has on future generations.

    Hundreds are expected to be in attendance starting at 7:00pm at the
    Canadian Tribute to Human Rights.

    Several diplomats including the Ambassador of Russia, Armenia, Uruguay
    and Argentina along with a representative from the Embassy of Italy
    will be present.

    In organizing the vigil, the Armenian Youth Federation of Canada
    has partnered with the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, Student
    Federation of the University of Ottawa, Jewish Federation of Ottawa,
    Hillel Ottawa, Canadian Association of Rwandan Youth Ottawa, Humura
    Ottawa - Canadian Association of Rwanda Tutsi Genocide Survivors,
    uOttawa - Amnesty International, Carleton Student Association and
    AEEDCO (Association des etudiants et etudiantes en droit civil de

    Representatives of the Armenian Youth Federation, Armenian Genocide
    Centennial Committee, Rabbi Steven from Jewish Federation of Ottawa
    and the President of the Student Federation of the University of
    Ottawa will be amongst those addressing the audience

    The participants will present a collective voice against genocide
    and denial and together make a pledge for "Never Again" as they stand
    for justice and truth.

    The Armenian Genocide, which began on April 24, 1915, was the
    planned extermination of a million and half Armenians at the hands of
    Ottoman Turkey. More than two million Armenians were forcibly taken
    from their homes and villages, men drafted into and murdered in the
    Ottoman Turkish army, and women, children and the elderly driven into
    the Syrian deserts where they were starved, beaten, raped, drowned,
    or burnt alive. Survivors ended up in orphanages and refugee camps
    across the Middle East and the West. 150 of the genocide orphans were
    brought to Canada starting in 1923 in what became known as Canada's
    Noble Experiment.

    From: A. Papazian