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"To Forget The Dead Would Be Akin To Killing Them A Second Time"

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  • "To Forget The Dead Would Be Akin To Killing Them A Second Time"


    12:21 | April 22,2015 | Politics

    The international forum "Against the Crime of Genocide" started today
    at Karen Demirchyan Sports and Concerts Complex in Yerevan.

    The event has brought together more than 500 participants from all
    over the world, including political, religious and public figures,
    journalists and editors.

    Before the start of the forum, a documentary about the Armenian
    Genocide by the Ottoman Turkey was screened for the participants.

    In his speech, Serzh Sargsyan stressed that the forum could become
    an important platform for discussions on prevention of genocides.

    "This forum is one of the central events to mark the Armenian Genocide
    Centennial. Perpetration of genocide is both an aftermath of the inner
    developments in a given state or society, and failure of the entire
    system of international relations. Impunity is a prerequisite to the
    recurrence of the crime of genocide. It is impossible to disagree with
    the Holocaust survivor and Nobel Prize winner Elie Wiesel, who notes
    that "to forget the dead would be akin to killing them a second time,"
    Serzh Sargsyan said.

    He stressed that Armenia's active engagement with the international
    community's efforts toward the prevention of the crime of genocide has
    been time and again demonstrated through the relevant UN resolutions
    adopted by consensus throughout years upon our initiative. "The most
    recent one was adopted in March of this year by the United Nation's
    Human Rights Council. The resolution, inter alia, condemned the
    international public denial of crimes of genocide and crimes against
    humanity since public denials created a risk of further violations
    and undermined efforts to prevent genocide.

    Serzh Sargsyan also welcomed the two documents adopted by the National
    Assembly of the Republic of Armenia this year - the Statement
    Condemning the Genocide of the Greeks and Assyrians Perpetrated
    by the Ottoman Turkey, and the amendments introduced in the Law on
    Holidays and Memorial Days. "In accordance to the latter December
    9 is designated as the day for condemnation and prevention of the
    crimes of genocide, which is highly symbolic, as the Convention on the
    Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide had been adopted
    on the very that day," he stressed.

    "On the Armenian Genocide Centennial we declare confidently in broad
    daylight that the perpetrators of the Genocide failed to achieve what
    they planned. Moreover, our response to the attempt to annihilate
    the Armenian nation is the state building, our ongoing revival that
    is now no longer reversible. I would like to reiterate that today's
    Forum, along with the discussions to be held, shall send the following
    powerful and pragmatic message to the international community: the
    crimes of genocide have not in the least ceased to be a threat to the
    humanity, and the overcoming of their consequences, and prevention
    shall become a top priority. The lessons of the past simply oblige us
    to do so. The civilized humanity shall joint its efforts to eradicate
    eventually the evil of genocide, and its underlying circumstances,"
    Serzh Sargsyan said.

    Catholicos Karekin II said in speech that humanity has a moral
    obligation to fight against genocide because impunity gives rise to
    more atrocities.
