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Arab And Amazigh Human Rights Organizations Call On Turkey To Recogn

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  • Arab And Amazigh Human Rights Organizations Call On Turkey To Recogn


    12:37, 22 Apr 2015
    Siranush Ghazanchyan

    On the eve of the centennial of the Armenian Genocide, leading Arab and
    Amazigh human rights organizations called on the Turkish government
    to recognize the truth of the historic events, issue an unequivocal
    apology, and move towards accountability and reparations.

    The concerted campaign by Ottoman leaders a century ago resulted in
    the deaths and exile of the vast majority of their Armenian citizens,
    but successive Turkish governments have failed to recognize or take
    responsibility for the deliberate and systematic mass extermination
    of the ethnic group.

    Signatories to the statement calling on recognition of the Armenian
    Genocide include the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, the Cairo
    Institute for Human Rights Studies, the Arabic Network for Human Rights
    Information, the El Nadim Center for the Rehabilitation of Victims of
    Violence, Tamkeen for Legal Aid, Lawyers Without Borders, the World
    Amazigh Assembly, the National Federation of Amazigh Associations in
    Morocco, and the Aleppo Compatriotic Charitable Organization.

    "We call on President Erdogan and Prime Minister Davutoglu to recognize
    the Armenian genocide and the responsibility of Turkey's predecessor
    government for the terrible crimes against the Armenian community,"
    said Ziad Abdel Watab, Deputy Director of the Cairo Institute for
    Human Rights Studies." As human rights organizations, we reiterate
    our call for unequivocal truth, justice, and accountability for the
    victims of this Genocide."

    "The historic record is well-settled, and it is well past time for the
    Turkish government to end its denials and come to terms with its past,
    for the benefit of Turks, Armenians, and all of humanity," said Khaled
    Mansour, board member of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights.

    "By recognizing the massive crimes and human rights abuses that took
    place within its own nation, even if a century ago, Turkey could
    initiate a unique path in a region whose political conflicts have
    degenerated into bloody ethnic and sectarian conflicts."

    A full copy of the statement appears below:

    This year, on the occasion of the centennial of the Armenian Genocide,
    we join in extending our condolences to the global Armenian community
    for the mass extermination campaign against them in 1915, which is
    commemorated annually on April 24th. We call on President Erdogan
    and Prime Minister Davutoglu to recognize the genocide and the
    responsibility of Turkey's predecessor government for the terrible
    crimes against the Armenian community. As human rights organizations
    in the Middle East and North Africa region, we reiterate our call for
    truth, justice, and accountability for the victims of this Genocide.

    The facts of the Armenian Genocide are well known. Encouraged by the
    cloak of war and alarmed by the crumbling of the Ottoman Empire,
    the Young Turk leadership saw the Armenian population as a threat
    to the Empire's future survival, and decided to exterminate their
    Armenian subjects. Beginning in the spring of 1915, in one of the
    first genocides of the twentieth century, the Young Turk regime
    and its state officials presided over the mass deportation and
    annihilation of up to a million and a half Armenians from different
    parts of the Empire. Despite wide-scale global recognition of these
    facts, successive Turkish governments have refused to acknowledge the
    events of 1915 as genocide or to make any reparations or amends to the
    survivors. Discussion of the Armenian Genocide remains controversial
    inside Turkey, and the vast majority of Turks are ignorant about the
    history and facts of the genocide.

    The government of Turkey today presents itself as a model for nations
    around the world, often championing human rights throughout the region
    and in the Muslim world. By recognizing the massive crimes and human
    rights abuses that took place within its own nation, even if a century
    ago, Turkey could initiate a unique path in a region whose political
    conflicts have degenerated into bloody ethnic and sectarian conflicts.

    As activists and representatives of human rights organizations in the
    Middle East and North Africa, we call upon the Turkish government to
    now, one hundred years later, acknowledge the scale and magnitude of
    the atrocities committed against the Armenian people. Without truth,
    recognition and accountability for past crimes, it is difficult to
    change course and set a new path for respect, tolerance and protection
    for minorities in the world today, and especially in the Middle East
    and North Africa.


    Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights

    Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies

    Arabic Network for Human Rights Information

    El Nadim Center for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence

    Tamkeen for Legal Aid

    World Amazigh Assembly

    Aleppo Compatriotic Charitable Organization

    National Federation of Amazigh Associations in Morocco

    Lawyers Without Borders
