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Germany Plans To Recognize Armenian Massacre In 1915 As Genocide

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  • Germany Plans To Recognize Armenian Massacre In 1915 As Genocide


    April 20 2015

    by Stefan Nicola

    April 20, 2015

    A picture released by the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute dated
    1915 purportedly shows soldiers standing over skulls of victims from
    the Armenian village of Sheyxalan in the Mush valley, on the Caucasus
    front during the First World War. A hundred years after an estimated
    million members of the empire's Christian minority were forced from
    their homes on death marches by Turkish forces during World War I,
    Germany is still struggling to come to terms with its role in enabling
    the massacres that many European governments, including Pope Francis,
    call the first genocide of the twentieth century. Source: STR/AFP
    via Getty Images

    Germany plans for the first time to officially recognize the killing
    of hundreds of thousands of Armenians by the Turkish regime 100 years
    ago as genocide.

    Chancellor Angela Merkel's coalition will vote on April 24 to label the
    murders as genocide as defined by the United Nations in 1948. The lower
    house vote is on the same day as leaders meet in the Armenian capital
    of Yerevan to commemorate the massacre that began in April 1915.

    Germany's ruling parties plan in their resolution to "find a
    formulation which states the fact that a genocide took place in
    Turkey," Franz Josef Jung, deputy faction leader of Merkel's Christian
    Democrats, said in a statement Monday.

    Germany has been under pressure from some of its European partners
    to follow their example and more fully recognize the depth of the
    Armenian tragedy. Germany maintains that the onus is on Turkey to
    publicly come to terms with its past actions, as Germany did with
    the Holocaust. Turkey recognizes the killings, while rejecting the
    genocide label.

    While it's "very important" that Turks and Armenians reconcile over
    the killings, "such a coming to terms with the past can't be forced
    on someone from abroad -- it's a domestic issue," Christiane Wirtz,
    a government spokeswoman, told reporters last week.

    Merkel's government faces a difficult balancing act in voting on the
    measure, while trying to not further antagonize Turkey. Germany is
    Turkey's biggest trading partner in the European Union, its biggest
    foreign investor and home to the largest group of Turks outside
    the country.

    Yerevan Event

    France, Russia, Greece, Sweden and the Netherlands are among countries
    that recognize the killings as genocide and will be sending senior
    representatives to Yerevan on Friday. Merkel won't attend, and instead
    will send a junior foreign minister in her place.

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has announced he will be
    holding his own ceremony on the same day to mark the 1915 Gallipoli
    campaign, even though the World War I battle is normally observed on
    a different date.

    The European Parliament will vote Wednesday on a resolution urging
    Turkey "to come to terms with its past" and to recognize the scale
    of its deed, a measure that Erdogan says he plans to ignore.

    Last year, Turkey offered its first-ever condolences over mass
    deportations that preceded the Armenian deaths. Armenia estimates
    1.5 million ethnic Armenians were killed from 1915 to 1923. Turkey
    says the figure is inflated and that killings of Armenians took place
    during clashes in which thousands of Turks also died.

    The fate of the Armenians "exemplifies the history of mass
    extermination, ethnic cleansing, expulsion and genocide that
    characterizes the 20th century in such a terrible way," Jung said in
    his statement.
