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Aliyev's Despotic Regime: Towards The European Games

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  • Aliyev's Despotic Regime: Towards The European Games


    Wednesday, 22 April 2015 10:28

    The first European Games to be held in this June in Baku, on the
    one hand, have inspired the Aliyev clan, and on the other hand, have
    become a problem for it. It is clear that the Games are not a purely
    sporting event, which is usually characterized by conviviality.

    The political subtext should be also considered: Azerbaijan will host
    delegations of European democracies, presenting itself not as a state
    having the corresponding image on the world arena.

    And indeed, a paradoxical situation will occur in Baku: foreign
    athletes and guests will express their gratitude to the leadership
    of the country for a good time, but surely, along with this, there
    will be responses and comments by the Europeans who have witnessed
    the violence that is carried out by the ruling regime of Azerbaijan
    against its own citizens. This fact increases the probability of
    making appeals, sobering the Aliyev clan, during the Games.

    The question is whether all this will please the leadership of the
    country, and what the President of Azerbaijan will specially brag
    about. We think that everything will take place on the old scenario:
    Europe will take advantage of the benefits, magnificent receptions,
    gifts from Azerbaijan, but the country will continue to be qualified
    as a classic dictatorship.

    In short, Aliyev should expect also European political games from the
    European sports games. Who knows, maybe this event also pursues this
    goal. Last month, the West once again exposed to the international
    community the illegal and inhuman actions of the Azerbaijani
    authorities on suppressing dissent. US Senator Richard Durbin made a
    statement, urging the Obama Administration not to forget about the
    struggle for fundamental political freedoms against the background
    of global challenges. The Senator recalled the Azerbaijani citizens,
    who are imprisoned for their commitment to democratic values or
    their propaganda. "First of all, I am deeply concerned about the
    recent repressions of human rights defenders in Azerbaijan", said
    the Senator and described the situation over the past year in the
    country as alarming.

    The Azerbaijani site Radioazadlyg, citing the editorial of the The
    New York Times newspaper, quoted Senator Durbin about President Ilham
    Aliyev: this man tries to convince the world that he is reasonably
    establishing relations with the West, while he has created one of
    the worst forms of human rights violation. "Aliyev's desire is to
    convince the world that Azerbaijan is a model country that professes
    moderate Islam, has strong relations with the West and is the perfect
    host for the upcoming European Games", said the Senator.

    Next, Senator Durbin described the situation around the closure of
    Radio "Liberty", the arrest of journalist Khadija Ismayilova and other
    activists. Dissatisfaction with the style of actions of the Aliyev
    clan was expressed not only by Durbin, but also by other members of
    the US Senate. In last August, Senators Ben Cardin and Chris Cerf
    sent a letter to President Aliyev, expressing their concern about the
    imprisonment of two Azerbaijani human rights defenders. According to
    Azerbaijani sources, Aliyev has released one of them and the other
    remains behind bars so far.

    Analyzing the processes observed recently in the relations between
    Azerbaijan and the West, it is also necessary to pay attention to the
    news in the economic sphere. As is known, the Azerbaijani Republic's
    state oil company SOCAR is working closely with the US and the UK.

    Recently, the Azerbaijani sources have informed that the noted company
    has signed yet another deal, which is quite lucrative for the US. In
    fact, Azerbaijan has business ties with the West, but this does not
    hamper members of the U.S. Senate to criticize harshly the Azerbaijani
    despotic regime. Moreover, they not only criticize, but also require
    to make corresponding conclusions.

    No less interesting is the fact that the President of Azerbaijan tries
    to counter the criticism from the West with his new political course.

    Against the background of intensification of radical Islam, statements
    are sounded from official Baku that Azerbaijan acts from the positions
    of moderate Islam. Thus Aliyev makes it clear that tolerance should be
    displayed towards the current Azerbaijani authorities. It is something
    like this - we do not support radical Islam, therefore, we are not
    against you, but you should not be against us either. Probably, this
    fact claims to a major role in the political calculations of the ruling
    clan, but at the same time, establishing a dialogue with the leadership
    of this country, the West constantly raises the issue of democracy.

    Almost parallel with the criticism of Senator Durbin against the
    Azerbaijani political elite, the mass media informed about the visit
    to Baku of Co-Rapporteur of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council
    of Europe (PACE) on Azerbaijan Pedro Agramunt, which got a wide
    resonance in the Azerbaijani mass media. The PACE Co-Rapporteur's
    visit to Azerbaijan was scheduled for April 8-9 and was associated
    with the report "Azerbaijan's chairmanship of the Council of Europe:
    what actions should be taken in the sphere of human rights?". The
    report was to be prepared by him on behalf of the PACE Committee on
    Legal Affairs and Human Rights. But, the visit of PACE Co-Rapporteur
    on Azerbaijan Pedro Agramunt to Baku was postponed due to unforeseen
    circumstances. During the visit, Agramunt's meetings were scheduled
    with the head of the President's Administration, the Minister of
    Justice, Prosecutor General, Chairman of the Supreme Court and other
    officials. Agramunt had also to meet with the Working Group on Human
    Rights. The PACE Committee entrusted Agramunt to prepare the report
    yet in June 2014, after the numerous appeals of local activists on
    the issue of political prisoners. This coincided with the beginning
    of Azerbaijan's chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the
    Council of Europe. We believe it is quite clear why the noted European
    structure recalls the issue of human rights violation in this country
    - during Azerbaijan's chairmanship, the situation was not improved,
    moreover, it worsened: human rights defenders, informing the Council
    of Europe about the issue of political prisoners, were arrested.

    Ilham Aliyev's situation is more than obvious: the leadership of the
    country, conducting a sporting event of a European scale, should at
    least strive for European values, which means that the international
    community should again criticize the Azerbaijani regime and make it
    realize that the respect for basic human rights is a priority.


    From: A. Papazian