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Turkish Recognition Of Genocide 'Shortest Path' To Reconciliation, S

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  • Turkish Recognition Of Genocide 'Shortest Path' To Reconciliation, S


    Wednesday, April 22nd, 2015

    Armenia's President Serzh Sarkisian during an interview with Euronews

    YEREVAN--In an interview with Euronews, Armenia's President Serzh
    Sarkisian reiterated his country's view that the mass killings and
    deportations of Armenians under Ottoman Turkish rule should be termed
    a genocide.

    "Without a doubt, the recognition of the genocide by the Turks is the
    shortest path to the reconciliation of our nations. And it is my
    strong conviction that, if it is done sincerely, I believe, in a short
    period of time, relations between Armenia and Turkey could reach a new
    and quite a high level."

    "The events that will commemorate the victims of the genocide contain
    in themselves a few messages," President Sarkisian said.

    "The first one is the message of remembrance. We think the crimes
    against humanity cannot be forgotten with time. The second message
    during the events is gratitude, which is directly linked to the
    message of remembrance. It is gratitude to those individuals,
    organizations and nations and states that at the most difficult moment
    for us spoke up and extended a helpful hand to us and helped some of
    our people to survive. The third message is a mix of both remembrance
    and gratitude that leads towards prevention against the recurrence of
    such crimes and it is our duty to find out and point out the patterns
    and the causal relations that can later turn into this type of crime.

    With this we say that it is necessary to fight against these
    particular phenomena in order to be able to prevent future genocides
    and other crimes against humanity from recurring. And a final general
    message, the fourth one, is the message of a nation rising from the
    ashes. We say that those who wished us harm did not succeed in erasing
    us from the Earth."

    Speaking about the prospects of reconciliation, Serzh Sarkisian said:
    "I myself in my capacity as the president of the Republic of Armenia
    have tried two times to embark upon this path. And the two presidents
    who preceded me tried to embark upon that same path. We have declared
    our intention to establish diplomatic relations with Turkey without
    any preconditions. After that, parties could have discussed and
    addressed all issues that exist between them. The second such attempt
    was made on the eve of the Armenian Genocide centennial. Several
    months in advance I sent a letter to the president of Turkey. That
    letter was delivered in person by our foreign minister to the
    appropriate Turkish officials, so it was not just a publicized action.

    And by that letter I invited him to partake in the April 24th events
    and to express jointly condolences and commemorate all victims. But
    the Turkish authorities decided otherwise: they decided to hold on
    April 24th - our genocide remembrance day -celebrations for the
    Gallipoli battle."

    In the past days the Turkish side has unleashed all their anger, there
    were harsh statements, unusually harsh reactions to the statement of
    the Pope, to a resolution voted by the European Parliament. "For us
    those statements and reactions of the Turkish side were not in any way
    or shape unexpected," the Armenian President said.

    "We have always heard and witnessed their denialist posturing. We have
    also seen that every time they renewed their toolbox of denial. With
    regard to the statement by His Holiness, I consider that to be an
    appropriate one. You know, I believe that a world free of crimes
    against humanity can be achieved only with the leadership of strong
    people. His holiness is a great leader, just and truth speaking."

    As for Turkey's proposal to set up a commission of historians,
    President Sarkisian said: "First, from the very beginning it is
    incorrect since I am not aware of a case that historians sat down,
    made a decision and the question was settled once and for all. This
    was the first point. Secondly, I cannot imagine how such a commission
    shall operate, since the Turkish historians would be under pressure of
    the Turkish society and Turkish authorities' pressure, and the
    Armenian historians would be under the pressure of the Armenian
    society and Armenian authorities'. But even these are not the most
    important arguments. The most important is the following: the
    specialized structures, countries that posess the largest archives on
    this issue have no doubts about it. There are no doubts about it and I
    again return to what happened at the Vatican: what do you think, isn't
    the Vatican one of the most well informed of the events that unfolded
    during the First World War? What do you think, does the Vatican feel a
    shortage of well-educated historians? For us such a proposal in itself
    is an insulting one since it questions the very fact and veracity of
    the Armenian Genocide. Ultimately, what will the historians find out?

    How many people died? And is there a significant difference whether
    one and a half million people or one million four hundred forty nine
    thousand people died?"
