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Syriacs urge Turkey to recognize massacres

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  • Syriacs urge Turkey to recognize massacres

    Syriacs urge Turkey to recognize massacres
    By Sibel Hurtas
    April 23, 2015

    The Ottoman policy of slaughter and deportations in 1915, associated
    mainly with its Armenian victims, was actually much broader in its
    scope. Along with more than one million Armenians killed, it crushed
    also the Christian Syriac community, which counts its dead in the
    hundreds of thousands.

    Armenians call the slaughter `the Great Calamity,' while Syriacs
    remember it as the `Seyfo Massacre' with `seyfo' meaning `sword.' On
    the 100th anniversary this year, the Syriacs are for the first time
    holding protests urging Turkey to recognize the Seyfo Massacre and to
    apologize. On April 21, Syriacs launched a hunger strike in the
    southeastern province of Mardin, where most of their ancestors
    perished. The protest, scheduled to end April 24, will last 100 hours,
    symbolizing the 100 years that have passed since the bloodshed. The
    Syriacs are also planning to hold a big march in June.

    Leading the events is the Mardin Syriac Unity Association, which a
    Turkish court ordered closed earlier this month over several
    provisions in its charter. According to its chairman, Yuhanna Aktas,
    490,000 Syriacs perished in 1914-1915 in Mardin and its environs,
    where the community was concentrated, with local Kurdish tribes and
    the state-founded Hamidiye Corps leading the massacres.

    Those who survived include people who fled to Syria as well as teenage
    girls and children who were Islamized, Aktas told Al-Monitor, adding
    that many people in the Mardin region today are the grandchildren of
    those Islamized Syriac women. `They would call Syriacs `uncles.'
    Hundreds are calling us `uncles' today,' said Aktas, himself a Mardin

    Aktas' ancestors survived the massacres by hiding in a citadel along
    with others from their native village of Alagoz, while Syriacs in
    neighboring settlements were executed in village squares or in the
    churches where they took shelter.

    In one remarkable episode of resistance, Aktas recounted how Syriacs
    in the village of Ivardo near the town of Midyat shut themselves
    inside a high-walled church and held out against the soldiers for a
    week. As the clashes continued, a group of Syriacs took the local
    district governor and mayor hostage in the Midyat Government Office,
    in a bid to stop the assault. A Muslim Kurdish elder by the name of
    Sheikh Fetullah was called in to help. The man gave his son and nephew
    as hostages to the Syriacs inside the government building and started
    negotiations to stop the massacre. As a result, the people of Ivardo
    were saved, but Syriacs in neighboring villages could not escape
    death. Today, Fetullah's grandsons are Muslim clerics in Mardin and
    his grave is frequently visited by Syriacs, Aktas said. `Sheikh
    Fetullah's name is written with golden letters in our history,' he

    Tragic stories from the Seyfo Massacre are engraved deep in the memory
    of many Syriacs in Mardin. One of them, Simon Poli, left Turkey for
    Europe in the 1970s and is now back after 43 years to tell his
    family's story and demand an apology.

    The story he recounted to Al-Monitor is about Sara Poli, or `Mama
    Sara' as he calls her, the wife of his grandfather's brother. Sara,
    then in her twenties, witnessed the killing of her husband and other
    relatives before she managed a short-lived escape with her three

    Here is what happened afterwards, in Poli's words: `Mama Sara had
    three children, two of them twins. When their village was raided, the
    children ran toward the granary. The eldest child collapsed, hit by a
    bullet. Sara left the child there and took refuge in the Virgin Mary
    Church [with the twins], hiding in the vineyard. Soon the soldiers
    came to the church, yelling and shooting whomever they came across.
    Then there was silence. Mama came out, thinking the soldiers were
    gone, but they were waiting in ambush behind the walls. There were
    seven of them ' two soldiers and five Kurds. They told Mama she must
    convert to Islam. She refused and they killed one of the twins before
    her eyes. Still, she refused to give in. Then they raped her and broke
    one of her arms with a rifle butt before stabbing her with a dagger.
    She lost consciousness and they left, believing she was dead. When she
    came round, she found the other twin at her side. She had no idea how
    the child survived. Sara had very long hair, which she used to bind
    her [broken] arm. She took the child and ran into the mountains,
    planning to reach the village of Ayvert, which was known to be holding
    out. The Syriacs were helping the people who fled to the mountains and
    that's how they found Mama. Her only surviving child died later of

    According to the Mardin Syriac Unity Association, the Syriacs number
    18,000 in Turkey and about 4 million around the world today. Some 80%
    of the Syriac population abroad is estimated to have their roots in
    Turkey, being the descendants of Syriacs who fled the Ottoman-era

    Yet, unlike the Armenian tragedy, the Seyfo Massacre is little known
    to the internationally community. Asked why, Aktas said Syriacs lacked
    the diplomatic might of Armenians, with the remaining community in
    Turkey intimidated into silence.

    The recent court ruling to shut down the association is `a
    continuation of Turkey's 100-year mentality,' Aktas said. Though he
    believes nothing has changed over the years, Syriacs now appear
    determined to speak out to bring about a change.
