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Western Prelacy News - 04/23/2015

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  • Western Prelacy News - 04/23/2015

    April 23, 2015
    Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
    H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate
    6252 Honolulu Avenue
    La Crescenta, CA 91214
    Tel: (818) 248-7737
    Fax: (818) 248-7745
    E-mail: [email protected]


    Thursday, April 23, 2015 will forever remain a historic and
    unforgettable day in the life of the Armenian people as on this day, His
    Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians, and His Holiness Aram I,
    Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, conducted the canonization
    ceremony of our 1.5 million martyrs of the Armenian Genocide at the Mother
    See of Holy Etchmiadzin.
    The ceremony began with the procession and encompassed the reading
    of the Vgayapanootyoon of the Martyrs, hymns, canonization of the martyrs as
    saints and the proclamation of April 24 as a day of "Commemoration of the
    Holy Martyrs, who were massacred during the Armenian Genocide for their
    faith and for their fatherland," Scripture readings, unveiling and anointing
    of sacred pictures, blessing and censing of the relics of the martyrs, hymn
    dedicated the Holy Martyrs of the Genocide, and sermons.
    The ceremony concluded at the symbolic hour of 7:15 p.m. (19:15)
    Yerevan time, at which time church bells throughout Armenia and in Armenian
    Churches worldwide rang 100 times, including within our Prelacy Churches.



    Sunday, April 26, 2015 is the fourth Sunday of Easter, known as Red
    Sunday. H.E. It is also the first Divine Liturgy that will be celebrated
    following the canonization of our martyrs.
    H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, will preside over
    Divine Liturgy at St. Sarkis Church in Pasadena and deliver his sermon on
    the historic canonization ceremony.



    On Tuesday, April 21, 2015, the annual clergy conference in
    preparation for the upcoming 43rd Representatives Assembly was held at Holy
    Martyrs Church in Encino presided over by H.E. Archbishop Moushegh
    Mardirossian, Prelate, and with the participation of all Prelacy Clergy.
    The day began with a prayer service, during which the Prelate
    delivered his meditation dedicated to the Armenian Genocide Centennial.
    Through the passage from Hebrews 10:19-36, the Prelate called upon the
    clergy to heed the words of the Apostle, especially during this special time
    as we prepare for the canonization of the Armenian Genocide martyrs, and to
    follow in the example of our martyrs who put aside earthly riches and
    received the reward of heavenly treasures.
    The conference convened with the invocation by the Prelate. The
    first session was dedicated to the review of the Religious Council annual
    report to be presented at the Representatives Assembly and to the
    coordination of various Genocide centennial commemorations in which the
    Prelate and clergy members will participate.
    The second session began with a lecture by Dr. Ida Karayan, who
    spoke on the importance of pre-marital counseling, particularly for today's
    young couples, in an effort to prevent disputes and misunderstandings in the
    future. Clergy members participated in the discussion and shared their
    thoughts based on personal experiences. The Prelate offered his guidance and
    suggestions in the matter and how to implement them in the future.

    The next session was dedicated to the review and drafting of the
    schedule of upcoming events and ceremonies was. The election of clergy
    delegates to the Representatives Assembly also took place. Religious Council
    Chair Very Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian thanked the clergy for the productive
    meeting and invited the Prelate to deliver the closing message.
    The Prelate first commended the day's fruitful proceedings. His
    Eminence spoke of the mission of our clergy as it relates to the
    commemoration of the Armenian Genocide centennial and the canonization of
    our martyrs, which opens up a new page in our history he said, and concluded
    by stressing that clergy have a duty to fulfill their noble mission with
    utmost dedication and a great sense of responsibility.
    The day came to a close with the Prelate's benediction followed by
    the hymn "Disciples of Christ".



    The weekend of April 18, 2015 will live on as a memorable one for
    the Armenian community of Las Vegas and beyond, featuring the inauguration
    of the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Armenia, the unveiling of a
    Genocide memorial plaque at the UNLV campus, and Episcopal Divine Liturgy
    celebrated by H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate.
    On Saturday afternoon the Prelate participated in the inauguration
    of the Honorary Consulate. The program featured welcoming remarks,
    introduction of official guests, and presentation of certificates to the
    newly appointed Honorary Consul Mr. Adroushan Armenian. Following the
    ribbon-cutting ceremony, clergy leaders conducted the blessing of the office
    and of salt and bread. Dignitaries and state and local officials attended
    the ceremony, including Nevada State Treasurer Dan Schwartz, Henderson Mayor
    Andy Hafen, Congresswoman Dina Titus, Congressman Joe Heck, Assembly members
    Ellen Spiegel, Victoria Seaman, and Victoria Dooling, Consul General Sergey
    Sarkisov, Consul Levon Minasyan, Honorary Consul of Fresno Berj Apkarian,
    and representatives from the ARF Central Committee members and Armenian
    The unveiling of the plaque at the UNLV campus dedicated to the
    survivors of the Armenian Genocide followed the ribbon-cutting ceremony. The
    plaque was sponsored by the Tarkanian family in memory of the late UNLV
    basketball coach Jerry Tarkanian. A cultural program followed at the Student
    Union Hall, organized by the Armenian American Cultural Society of Las Vegas
    and the Las Vegas Armenian Genocide Centennial Education Subcommittee. Both
    events were sponsored by the UNLV History Department.
    In the evening, Honorary Consul Adroushan Armenian and his wife Nora
    hosted a dinner at the Trinidad Ballroom of the Tropicana Hotel in honor of
    visiting dignitaries and Las Vegas Consular Corp. The dinner was held under
    the auspices of His Excellency Ambassador Tigran Sargsyan and His Excellency
    Consul General Sergey Sarkisov, and under the patronage of H.E. Archbishop
    Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, and H.E. Archbishop Hovnan Derderian,
    Primate. Welcoming remarks were conveyed by Mr. Armenian's daughters Hera
    and Carnie. The Prelate delivered the invocation and his message. His
    Eminence congratulated Mr. Armenian, with whom he has a friendship dating
    back twenty-five years, and commended his diligent and dedicated service
    over that time. His Eminence highlighted Mr. Armenian's fundamental role in
    the re-establishment of the Las Vegas parish community and in the
    construction of St. Garabed Church and Cultural Center, for which he was
    awarded the Prelacy "St. Dertad" medal, and wished his continued successes
    in his varied endeavors.
    Remarks were conveyed by Consul General Sergey Sarkisov, Honorary
    Consul Berj Apkarian, and Honorary Consul Adroushan Armenian. Proclamations
    were presented by public officials. The evening also featured a dance
    performance by the Armenian Dance Academy of Las Vegas.
    On the morning of Sunday, April 19, the Prelate celebrated Divine
    Liturgy and delivered the sermon at St. Garabed Church. Parish Pastor Rev.
    Fr Arsen Kassabian and former parish pastor Rev. Fr. Avedis Torossian
    assisted at the altar. Prior to beginning his sermon, His Eminence gave
    thanks to God for the opportunity to share in the historic weekend and to
    join the parish community on the third Sunday of Easter, Green Sunday, which
    symbolizes rebirth, a fitting coincidence, he said, as we remember our
    martyrs and the rebirth of our nation as well as renew our pledge to
    continue our fight for justice. The Prelate recalled that the consecration
    of the church was also conducted on Green Sunday two years before, and
    joyfully stated that hereafter the consecration anniversary of St. Garabed
    Church will be celebrated on Green Sunday.
    The Prelate's message focused on the rebirth of Christ's disciples
    following His Resurrection. Having seen the Risen Christ, the disciples were
    revitalized with new life, one of unyielding faith, unending hope, and
    unwavering courage. They established the Christian Church and fearlessly set
    out to spread His Word and His Light to the world, and in doing so, brought
    new life to the masses. Those who accepted the Gospel were transformed with
    the promise of everlasting life, and the world also was forever changed with
    the blossoming and flourishing of Christianity.
    His Eminence emphasized that our forefathers became among the first
    members of the new Church, they adapted and gave it a unique Armenian
    identity and worked hard to develop and strengthen it, and it is the duty of
    all of us here today to follow in their footsteps and strive to keep our
    Church strong and flourishing for centuries more, stressed the Prelate. One
    hundred years ago, 1.5 million of our innocent ancestors walked their own
    path to the Golgotha of Der Zor for love and defense of the Armenian faith
    and identity. Turkey set out to obliterate the Armenian people from the map,
    but they ultimately failed, for armed with the indestructible faith and hope
    of the Resurrection, the Armenian nation was reborn from the ashes of the
    Genocide. We overcame, we rebuilt, we thrived, and we will triumph, for the
    truth always prevails, said the Prelate. His Eminence also noted that as of
    April 23, our tearful requiem prayers for our martyrs will be replaced by
    prayers of intercession as they become canonized into the sainthood and
    dwell in eternal blessedness in the presence of God. "Today, the spirit of
    our martyrs calls on us to remember and keep their memory alive eternally,
    to remind the world of what they endured and of our just cause, and to keep
    demanding that which is rightfully ours. A new day is coming for the
    Armenian people," stressed the Prelate.
    Yesterday was also the start of a new day for this community, said
    the Prelate, and once again congratulated Honorary Consul Adroushan Armenian
    on his new assignment and wished him utmost success. "This community
    underwent a tremendous rebirth just a few years ago, and today we rejoice at
    how far you've come and continue to flourish. At this historic juncture of
    the Armenian Genocide Centennial, let us take this opportunity today to
    pledge that we will continue to serve our Lord and the Armenian Apostolic
    Church with the same faith and spirit of our forefathers, and let us vow
    that we will continue our struggle undeterred until justice is served. May
    this be a day of new life, new faith, and rebirth for us individually, for
    our families, communities, and for the Armenian nation as a whole,"
    concluded the Prelate.
    At the conclusion of his sermon, His Eminence conducted the washing
    and consecration of a cross-stone, which on April 24 will be used a
    cornerstone for the Armenian Genocide monument to be constructed at Sunset



    On Monday, April 20, 2015 over 600 Armenian-Americans from across
    California, among them large numbers of youth and students from Prelacy
    Schools, gathered at the California State Capitol in Sacramento for the
    annual ANCA-WR Advocacy Day. H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate,
    participated in the day's events and delivered the invocation at the
    California State Assembly session dedicated to the commemoration of the
    Armenian Genocide. He was accompanied by Rev. Fr. Vahan Gosdanian.
    The day began with a press conference at the California State Museum
    highlighting the exhibit on Armenians which runs until August. Among the
    items on display are religious and national relics on loan from our Prelacy.
    The Genocide commemorations in the State Legislature followed.
    The Prelate delivered the invocation on the Assembly floor stating,
    "As our history continues to be denied and refuted by modern-day Turkey and
    its allies, we are grateful for friends and supporters such as those in the
    California State Legislature who designate this time each year to pay
    tribute to our martyrs and raise awareness of the truth of the Armenian
    Genocide and our just cause." His Eminence offered a prayer for our martyrs
    and for all victims of genocide as well as for those subjected to similar
    atrocities today adding, "May there come a time when all the peoples of the
    world can live amongst one another in peace, as brothers and sisters of one
    and the same human family." The Prelate beseeched the Lord for strength,
    perseverance, and patience as we continue our struggle for universal
    recognition and justice, concluding, "We owe it to our martyrs to keep their
    legacy alive and we owe it to all victims and survivors of genocide, so that
    history does not keep repeating itself."
    Both the Senate and Assembly on this occasion unanimously passed AJR
    2 recognizing the Armenian Genocide and calling on President Obama to do the
    same. The day concluded with a reception and program on the Capitol Lawn
    hosted by members of the Armenian Caucus, Assemblymembers Adrin Nazarian,
    Katcho Achadjian, and Scott Wilk.



    By the invitation of the Pasadena Armenian Genocide Memorial
    Committee and partner organizations, on Saturday, April 18, 2015 over 1500
    people gathered at Memorial Park in Pasadena to witness the unveiling of the
    Armenian Genocide Memorial. The monument stands sixteen feet tall in the
    shape of a tripod. Every 21 seconds a drop of water will fall from within
    the monument, 1.5 million drops annually for each victim of the Armenian
    Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian and Archpriest Fr. Nareg Pehlivanian
    participated in the ceremony on behalf of H.E. Archbishop Moushegh
    Mardirossian, Prelate. Among the participating dignitaries were
    Congresswoman Judy Chu, former Assemblymember Anthony Portantino, Los
    Angeles County Supervisor Michael Antonovich, Pasadena Mayor Bill Bogaard,
    and others.
    The Prelate was on a pastoral visit to the Las Vegas parish
    community at the time. In April of 2014 His Eminence presided over the
    ground-blessing ceremony and in January of this year over the commencement
    of construction.



    On Wednesday, April 22, 2015 H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian,
    Prelate, welcomed Inglewood City Council member Ralph Franklin, who had come
    to the Prelacy to present His Eminence with a proclamation by the City of
    Inglewood declaring April 24, 2015 as a day of remembrance of the Armenian
    Genocide of 1915-1923. The Councilmember was accompanied by friend of the
    Prelacy Mr. Kevork Karajerjian and his sons Ara and Apo, who work closely
    with the Inglewood City Council.
    The Prelate welcomed Councilmember Franklin and saluted the
    proclamation as yet another step in the direction of truth and justice. His
    Eminence noted that he was in Sacramento on Monday when the California State
    Senate and Assembly passed AJR 2 recognizing the Armenian Genocide and
    calling on President Obama to do the same. The Prelate stressed the
    importance of acknowledging the Armenian Genocide not just for the Armenian
    people but for all people, for it is a matter of truth and justice.



    In commemoration of the Armenian Genocide, the Holocaust, and the
    Rwanda Genocide, on the morning of Tuesday, April 21, L.A. City
    Councilmember Mitch O'Farrell hosted a special event at City Hall which
    brought together faith and civic leaders in support of religious pluralism
    and against persecution and hate.
    The event began with a unity prayer at City Hall Rotunda, and was
    followed by the presentation of a formal resolution in Council Chamber
    titled "Standing for Religious Pluralism."
    Archdeacon Manuk Chulyan participated in the service on behalf of
    the Prelate.
