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After Eurasian Deal, Free Expression Fears In Armenia

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  • After Eurasian Deal, Free Expression Fears In Armenia


    Institute for War and Peace Reporting, UK
    IWPR CRs #766
    Feb 3 2015

    Membership of Russian-led bloc could mean restrictions on free speech.

    By Arpi Harutyunyan

    Supporters of free speech in Armenia fear that the country's accession
    to the new Eurasian Economic Union could restrict the free flow
    of information.

    Armenia joined the union when it came into being at the beginning
    of January. The other members are Russia, Belarus and Kazakstan,
    with Kyrgyzstan expected to join shortly.

    According to a copy of Armenia's accession agreement posted on the
    economy ministry's website, member states cannot import, export or
    distribute material prohibited in other bloc states. Furthermore, the
    agreement bans the "distribution of printed, audio and visual materials
    liable to harm the political and economic interests of member states,
    their national security, or the health and morals of their citizens."

    This wording is part of the terms of trade and customs regulations
    that bind the new economic grouping.

    Before Armenia joined, its own customs rules determined what could
    or could not be brought into the country.

    Under the Eurasian Economic Union agreement, restrictions include
    the loose concept of member states' "political interests".

    Suren Deheryan, head of Journalists for the Future, an Armenian press
    freedom organisation, is concerned that the restriction will be used
    to silence critics.

    "This implies that imports of Western press and literature to the
    Eurasian Economic Union should be prohibited, since such material
    often contains criticism of the [bloc states'] political elite,"
    Deheryan said.

    Even before Armenia joined the union, critics said accession could
    undermine the country's sovereignty. President Serzh Sargsyan insisted
    there was "no danger" to Armenia's independent status. (See Armenia's
    Eurasian Deal: Sell-Out or Fair Trade? )

    For some, those fears have now been realised.

    In December, Armen Martirosyan, head of the Antares printing company,
    attended a conference on the Eurasian Economic Union in St Petersburg,
    where he raised questions about what membership would mean for the
    publishing industry.

    "I was told that the Eurasian Economic Union was a purely economic
    union and that cultural matters were unrelated," Martirosyan said.

    "But in reality they are connected. It turns out that the Eurasian
    Economic Union is not purely an economic union; it is gradually
    expanding into other areas."

    The editor of the Yerevan Press Club, Heriknaz Harutyunyan, believes
    that the Eurasian treaty violates basic human rights and may have
    significant consequences not only for dissemination of information
    but also on the freedom of movement across borders.

    "The ban on the distribution of such prohibited information may
    prevent any one of us from leaving the country, for example to travel
    Yerevan-Moscow-London," Harutyunyan told IWPR. "Any absurd pretext
    may be cited as a breach of the ban, for example, carrying an ordinary
    music CD."

    Not everyone thinks the restrictions will go that far. Deheryan
    believes it unlikely that things will reach a point where people
    travelling in and out of Armenia need authorisation to carry a book
    or a magazine in a suitcase. But he thinks the agreement could still
    have far-reaching consequences, particularly as it might pave the
    way for moves to muzzle voices critical of the government.

    "If we talk about dissent, Russia has already started blocking
    websites and blogs that offer alternative opinions, and it has done so
    unashamedly, using dozens of amendments to existing legislation as well
    as new laws adopted in 2014," Deheryan said. "Since Russia has taken
    control of the content of Runet [Russian domain names] and feels at
    liberty to shut down any content that for some reason is inconsistent
    with or contrary to law, then why not do the same at customs controls?"

    An annex to the Eurasian agreement also bans other kinds of content,
    including Nazi propaganda and symbols, justifications of terrorism,
    pornography and even election campaign materials deemed illegal in
    any of the four states.

    Martirosyan said the ban was unconstitutional and would have major
    ramifications for his company and the material it publishes. He gave
    the example of a book about the 2008 Russian-Georgian war by former
    US State Department staffer Ronald Asmus, called A Little War that
    Shook the World.

    "We have published Asmus's book and it is now on sale, but according to
    the new restrictions we cannot export it to another country because
    this runs contrary to the interests of Russia," he said. "That's

    Martirosyan also questioned the ban on Nazi symbols, particularly
    as the ancient swastika remains a common symbol of eternity or God
    in Armenia, and appears in several churches such as the 13th-century
    Noravank Monastery.

    "If someone in Italy publishes a book about Noravank, will it be
    impossible to import it to Armenia?" Martirosyan asked.

    Ara Shirinyan, director of the Yerevan-based television company
    Shoghakat, said the restrictions were comparable to those of the
    Soviet era, although in the modern internet age they were by and large
    meaningless and could not be enforced. However, he is concerned that
    the new law has implications for wider political freedoms in Armenia.

    "It may give the authorities an additional lever to persecute political
    opponents and individuals," Shirinyan said.

    Arpi Harutyunyan is a freelance journalist in Armenia.

    3 Feb 15
