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Thomas De Waal: "Great Catastrophe" Is A Very Powerful Term

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  • Thomas De Waal: "Great Catastrophe" Is A Very Powerful Term


    February 2, 2015 10:56

    Mediamax's interview with Thomas de Waal, Senior Associate at the
    Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

    - First of all, let me congratulate you with your new book "Great
    Catastrophe: Armenians and Turks in the Shadow of Genocide". What is
    the main message of your book and who you consider the main audience:
    Turks and Armenians, or the Western world?

    - Thank you. The starting-point for all my books is in identifying a
    "gap in the literature" that I believe needs to be filled. In the case
    of the Armenian Genocide of 1915-16, there has been some very good
    writing in recent years by academic historians about what happened and
    why. I am thinking of the work of Donald Bloxham, Raymond Kevorkian,
    Taner Akcam and others. Ronald Suny is about to publish a new book
    which looks excellent. However, much less has been written about the
    aftermath and politics of the issue and the way it has changed over the
    last 100 years. I am thinking of the struggles in the Armenian diaspora
    about the Soviet Union, Stalin's territorial claims against Turkey
    in the 1940s, the terrorism of the 1970s and the Turkish response,
    the re-awakening and demonstrations of 1965. In particular, over the
    last 12 years an enormous amount has happened in Armenian-Turkish
    relations much of it very positive. I write about my trips to Turkey,
    the "Armenian opening" in Diyarbakir and the re-discovery of oral
    histories and Islamicized Armenians. So I wanted to write a book that
    reflects on all those issues.

    Who is the book for? Anyone who takes an interest in the whole complex
    of Armenian-Turkish relations. Also, anyone who is interested in a
    bigger question that cuts across morality and politics, "What do we
    owe to the past and those who suffered? What do we need to remember
    and honor and when should we let go?"

    - Are there any plans to translate the book to Armenian and Turkish?

    - A respected Turkish publisher, Iletisim, is working on a Turkish
    version of the book. Obviously I would be delighted to see an Armenian
    version too, but there are no proposals at the moment. I think there
    are a lot of information and episodes in the book which are little
    known to both Armenian and Turkish readers.

    - When naming the book "Great Catastrophe" you meant "Medz Eghern"
    - how the Armenians call the Genocide?

    - Yes, that is right. One question I wanted to investigate in the book
    was about the naming of the catastrophe that the Armenians suffered
    in 1915-16. "Great Catastrophe" seems to me a very powerful term. I
    know that there are other Armenian words as well and that Marc
    Nichanian likes to use the word "aghed". The Turkish intellectual
    Cengiz Aktar also calls the Armenian Genocide the "Great Catastrophe
    of all Anatolia".

    - In your recent piece in the Foreign Affairs you have suggested that
    Armenians focus too much on the "G-word". Do you think that Armenians
    could make better use of President Obama's usage of "Medz Eghern" term?

    - When beginning my work, I set myself to answer two research
    questions. First, "When, how and why did the catastrophic trauma
    that Armenians called 'Medz Eghern' come to be called the 'Armenian
    Genocide?'" Second, "How come that usually the first question people
    ask when the issue comes up about the destruction of the Ottoman
    Armenians is 'Was it genocide?'" I do find it a bit strange that for
    most people this has become the question remind people that there
    are other big questions to be asked and answered.

    - Don't you think that there is too much hypocrisy around this issue?

    Everybody in the West accepts that more then 1 million Armenians were
    killed in 1915 and it obvious that such a massacre was a planned
    operation against particular nation. So, everybody agrees that it
    was genocide by a definition, but prefers to name it with other terms.

    Don't you think that this hypocrisy makes Armenian angry and unable
    to fix their attention on other conceptual issues?

    - I understand that Armenians get angry about this. The Turkish
    Republic didn't carry out the killings but it has suppressed the
    history of what happened-although that has begun to change. And
    most scholars, starting with Raphael Lemkin, who have studied the
    history, agree that what the Ottoman state did to the Armenians fit
    the category of "genocide," the word Lemkin invented in 1944. As I
    say, I also use the term "Armenian Genocide." It's become a standard
    scholarly term and I prefer to be on the side of those who use it,
    including many Turks, rather than those who do not.

    Having said that, I wrote the book and also the Foreign Affairs essay
    in part to invite Armenians and others to consider the negative
    side of the word "Genocide." The term has become very politicized
    and there are endless legalistic arguments about the meaning of the
    definition used in the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention
    of Genocide. It is used as a political term of abuse and numerous
    ethnic groups aspire to call their historical suffering "genocide." In
    my view all this hullabaloo throws up a barrier to ordinary people
    understanding the human story of the Medz Eghern and to ordinary Turks
    recognizing it. So, yes, there is a certain logic to the use of the
    "genocide" word but it's also, in view, a rather cold legal ugly term.

    It is somewhat equivalent to a man whose grandparents were murdered
    going around and telling friends and families and strangers "My
    grandparents were the victims of homicide." Correct, but not so
    conducive to getting them to listen to your story.

    - What you think - what went wrong with the Turkish-Armenian protocols
    process? Armenians miscalculated the situation and were tricked by
    the Turks who just wanted to gain time and were not going to normalize
    the relations? Or the Turks underestimated the level of Azerbaijan's
    influence on them? Or something else?

    - I think everyone miscalculated a little. One part of the worldwide
    Armenian community and one part of Turkey - the Armenian government
    and one half of the Turkish government-wanted to normalize relations,
    open the border and work on the problems from a position of greater
    trust. But others were skeptical or fearful--I am thinking of many
    Diaspora Armenians, some Turks, and Azerbaijan above all. And the
    negative voices prevailed. I talked to most of the people involved
    in the negotiations that began in 2007. The Swiss mediators did a
    very professional job. The United States government pressed hard,
    but I think it's clear now that the Americans should have devoted
    many more resources to persuading the doubters of the value of the
    Protocols-and in the first place Azerbaijan, which played the key
    role in blocking the deal.

    - Armenian President needs to make a tough decision before April
    24, 2015. One option is that he calls off the Armenian signature
    under the protocols - and this move will be hardly welcomed by the
    Western partners and U.S. in particular. Another option - he keeps
    the protocols while understanding Turkey will not ratify them for
    another 5 years. It seems that Turkey wins in both cases and Armenia
    gets nothing. What you think? Or maybe you see some third option?

    - I believe that President Sargsyan gains more internationally
    by keeping the Armenian signature on the Protocols than he does by
    revoking it. But of course he is a politician and he will use the fact
    that he can revoke the document to win some leverage. It should not be
    forgotten that the 2015 centenary puts pressure on Turkey to take some
    constructive steps. I hope we can see some progress on some symbolic
    issues - Armenian churches in Anatolia, the renaming of monuments and
    street-names-as well as some practical ones, such as the laying of a
    fiber-optic cable to the Armenian border. We should not forget that
    there are many people in Turkey who still want a normalization of
    relations with Armenia--and some of them are still in the government.

    If the Armenian-Turkish wall cannot be pulled down all at once,
    efforts can at least be made to take it down brick by brick.

    - What you think about Russia's role in Turkish-Armenian process?

    Sergey Lavrov was present together Javier Solana, Hillary Clinton
    and others during the protocols signing but it seemed that Russian
    was not very much involved in the preparation process. And what is
    Russia's position today regarding Turkish-Armenian relations given
    the fact of Putin-Erdogan rapprochement.

    - I think the Russian government basically played "both sides"
    on this issue. They saw benefits from a successful Armenian-Turkish
    rapprochement, especially economic ones for the Russian-owned companies
    in Armenia. But the failure of the Protocols process also enabled
    them to strengthen the military alliance with Armenia.

    Ara Tadevosyan talked to Tom de Waal

    - See more at:
