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Edgars Rinkevics: It Is Important To Revise The Basis Of The EU-Arme

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  • Edgars Rinkevics: It Is Important To Revise The Basis Of The EU-Arme


    February 4, 2015 09:25


    Mediamax's exclusive interview with the Latvian Foreign Minister
    Edgars Rinkevics

    - The Armenian leadership states that joining the Eurasian Economic
    Union (EEU) doesn't contradict to Armenia's dialogue with the EU. Do
    you really think that EU and Armenia can continue "business as usual"
    after Armenia's EEU membership?

    - After Armenia's decision not to sign the Association Agreement with
    the EU, the European Union and Armenia reconfirmed their commitment
    to further develop and strengthen comprehensive cooperation in all
    areas of mutual interest within the Eastern Partnership framework. The
    European Union will continue cooperation with Armenia in all areas
    compatible with Armenia's choice. At the same time we expect Armenia
    will continue with reform efforts.

    - During the Armenia- European Union Cooperation Council session
    in Brussels on January 20 one of the main topics was question of
    future legal basis of relations between EU and Armenia. It means a
    completely new legal framework or the existing format will be enriched
    with new chapters?

    - EU relations with Armenia are governed by the EU-Armenia Partnership
    and Cooperation Agreement (1999), which allows for wide-ranging
    cooperation in the areas of political dialogue, trade, investment,
    economy, lawmaking and culture. However, the EU and Armenia believes
    it is important to revise the basis of the EU-Armenia relationship.

    The consultations about the scope of a new legal framework are
    currently ongoing.

    - After decision to join the EEU, Armenian leaders were saying there
    are ready to sign the "political part" of the Association Agreement.

    EU explained that DCFTA is an integral part of the Agreement and
    the document can't be divided. Can we say that Armenia and EU are
    negotiating something very similar to the "political part" of the
    former Association Agreement?

    - The negotiations about new legal framework have not been formally
    launched. In order to start to the negotiations the so called
    "scoping exercise" should be completed and the new EU mandate should
    be approved. We support the start of negotiations on the new legal
    framework by the Riga Summit.

    - During your news conference in Yerevan in December 2014 you said that
    the Riga Summit will focus on development of "individual relations"
    with each Eastern partner. How do you see this "individual approach"
    for Armenia?

    - The development of the EU Eastern Partnership initiative is an
    important priority of the Latvian presidency. The Riga Summit should
    send a signal that the European Union has clear interests in the
    strengthening and continuation of the Eastern Partnership. The Riga
    Summit will also take stock of the fulfilment of objectives set by the
    Vilnius Summit and provide a preliminary assessment of implementation
    of the Association Agreements.

    Edgars Rinkevics and Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Moscow,
    January 12, 2015 Photo: REUTERS/Sergei Karpukhin

    The process of visa liberalisation with the Eastern Partnership
    countries which comply with the criteria should be taken forward. The
    EU, while pursuing the Eastern Partnership policy, should be looking
    at the individual interest of each EaP country and their readiness
    to cooperate with the EU.

    - During past years Armenia and EU have been discussing issue of
    organizing Donors' Conference for Armenia. Can we say that this idea
    is excluded from the agenda?

    - The EU is ready to continue to assist Armenia's efforts to carry
    on the launched political, social and economic reforms. For 2014-2017
    this will amount to between 140 and 170 million EUR, focused on private
    sector development, public administration and justice sector reform.

    - Armenian government on many occasions reaffirmed readiness to start
    visa free regime negotiations with EU. When will it be possible to
    start these negotiations?

    - Latvia welcomes the entry into force of the EU-Armenia Visa
    Facilitation and Readmission Agreements. We have always encouraged
    the Armenian Government to continue the effective implementation of
    these Agreements. It is one of the crucial conditions to start a visa
    free regime negotiations with the EU. I would not currently set any
    dates or deadlines.

    - People-to-people contacts are one of the key elements and principles
    of cooperation in the framework of Eastern Partnership. How do you
    imagine further dialogue between civil societies of Armenia and
    Azerbaijan after recent abuses and crackdowns against civil society
    in Azerbaijan?

    - We believe people-to-people contacts are one of the most important
    elements of the Eastern Partnership. Latvia supports people-to-people
    contacts between Armenia and Azerbaijan which is important for building
    the trust.

    The respect of fundamental values such as democracy, the rule of
    law, human rights and good governance is one of the key issues in
    the EU dialogue with Eastern Partnership countries. These issues are
    constantly being raised during the meetings with the officials from
    Eastern Partnership countries. The European Union will continue to
    follow the developments in these areas.

    - Please tell if the South Caucasus with its unresolved conflicts
    will be among the priorities of Latvian Presidency's of the Council
    of the EU? If yes, what real steps EU can do besides stating that it
    "fully supports" the OSCE Minsk Group efforts?

    - We, as the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, support
    the negotiations mediated by the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs aimed
    at settling the conflict. We believe it crucial to maintain direct
    high-level contacts between Armenia and Azerbaijan in a conflict
    settlement process. Efforts to reach the conflict settlement should
    be continued and Latvia supports them.

    Latvia is convinced that Nagorno Karabakh conflict should be resolved
    only by using peaceful means taking into an account the basic
    principles of international law. The sides should show restraint and
    avoid any actions or statements which could escalate the situation.

    Ekaterina Poghosyan talked to Edgars Rinkevics

    - See more at:

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress