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Armenian Genocide Reflected, Spreading Awareness During Recent Confe

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  • Armenian Genocide Reflected, Spreading Awareness During Recent Confe


    Daily Sundial, CSUN, California
    Feb 4 2015


    By Michael J. Arvizu and Diana Jimenez

    As a little boy -- maybe 5 or 6 years of age -- Vahram Shemmassian,
    a CSUN professor of Armenian Studies, remembers going with his
    grandparents to attend the yearly Armenian Genocide commemorations
    on April 24.

    Placed along the stage during those presentations, he recalls, were
    the skulls and bones of those who had perished in what is considered
    to be the first genocide of the 20th century.

    "People would cry. I used to look around me without understanding
    what was going on," Shemmassian said. "I knew it was something sad
    and traumatic. But at that age, I didn't know what was going on."

    By the time he became a man, Shemmassian grew more conscious of the
    genocide. He started asking questions. He became a researcher and
    today is able to perceive the depth of the "tremendous tragedy the
    Armenians went through," he said.

    "Every single day as I grow older, I see the depth of this tragedy,"
    he said. "You grow and mature as you are in the field."

    By the time the genocide ended in 1917, over 1.5 million Armenians
    had lost their lives at the hands of the Turkish Ottoman Empire.

    On Saturday, the CSUN Armenian Studies Department hosted a conference
    focusing on the Armenian Genocide in an effort to raise awareness
    of the historic event. Most who attended the conference were older
    generation adults, many who had relatives that survived the genocide.

    "I have this burning desire not to let this be a dying language nor
    a dying culture," said Sara Chitjian, 81, whose parents survived
    the genocide. "I want us to be more recognized -- not only for the
    genocide but I want something done about it."

    Chitjian has spent the last 20 years translating and digitizing her
    father's papers into English.

    The conference, titled "The Armenian Genocide: Accounting and
    Accountability," featured a variety of panelists who expressed their
    scholarly works that spoke to different events that took place during
    the Armenian Genocide. Each of the four moderated panels revolved
    around a common theme such as language, teaching the genocide, those
    who were forced to assimilate, and legal responses to the genocide.

    Each panel featured four or five individual speakers who each
    introduced an idea or scholarly work based on that theme.

    "It's obviously very important. It helps brings awareness," said
    Shant Yeretzian, a junior animation studies major. "Even though I'm
    Armenian, I'm sad to say I don't really know much about my culture,
    so I hope to know more about today."

    As the 100th anniversary of the genocide approaches in April, the
    panelists shared the common idea that the Armenian Genocide needs to
    be acknowledged because of the innocent lives that were taken.

    "The topic of the Armenian Genocide deserves more awareness, and maybe
    that can prevent future genocides," said Hasmig Baran, an Armenian
    Studies professor at CSUN, who was among 13 panelists who participated.

    Dr. Elyse Semerdjian, director of Global Studies from Whitman college,
    during the panel themed "Those Who Were Forced to Assimilate," in
    her talk, titled "The Girl With the Cross Tattoo: Field Notes on
    Crypto-American," spoke of the practice of women receiving tattoos
    during the genocide.

    According to Semerdjian, during the Armenian Genocide, some girls and
    women received tattoos by the Turks as a sign of possession. Armenian
    women were also forced to convert to Islam, and that would be the
    only way they would survive during the Genocide.

    Khatchig Mouradian, the editor of Armenian Weekly, speaking during
    the same panel in his talk titled "Un-Hinding the Past: Myth-Making
    and the 'Hidden Armenians of Turkey,'" expressed the importance
    of Armenians staying true to their roots and not being ashamed of
    expressing their identity.

    Mouradian told the story of a little boy grandmother who survived the
    Armenian Genocide. Today, how he goes to his local Armenian church
    and picks up trash every week. Mouradian states that this is a way
    the little boy connects with his Armenian roots.

    "Worldwide, the Armenians are commemorating with new zeal, with new
    drive, in order to bring the attention of the world to his horrible
    crime against not just the Armenians, but against humanity," said
    Vahram Shemmassian, CSUN Armenian Studies professor. "Because the
    Armenians are part of humanity, so this is considered a crime against

    Panelists spoke of death marches, the fate of captive Armenian Genocide
    survivors, Armenian women and children during the genocide, Armenian
    Genocide education in schools today, and language, among other topics.

    "No matter what the topic is, there is an intrinsic value in knowing
    history in an accurate way," said Levon Marashlian, a professor
    of history at Glendale Community College and panel moderator. "In
    the Armenian case, it becomes doubly important, because there's an
    official government denial."

    Armenian Studies student Aleen Arslanian stated how she feels this
    event affects her as a student.

    "I feel that this event can help educate the Armenian youth in order
    for us to keep the memory of the Armenian Genocide alive for future
    generations to come," she said.

    >From 12:30 to 3 p.m. on Feb. 5, there will a silent protest in front
    of the Oviatt Library in commemoration of the Armenian Genocide.

    From: Baghdasarian