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How Foreign Governments Can Influence American Media - And Tried To

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  • How Foreign Governments Can Influence American Media - And Tried To


    The Conversation
    Jan 30 2015

    Ted Bogosian, Instructor and Visiting Filmmaker at Duke University

    Feature films and television shows notoriously play fast-and-loose
    with the facts. When prologues proclaim "Based on a True Story,"
    they're gracefully implying that what follows is mostly fiction.

    Awards shows and moviegoers seem to have few problems distinguishing
    narrative films from documentaries - and assign different editorial
    standards accordingly. Case in point: last year's box office behemoth
    Gravity was rife with scientific inaccuracies, large and small -
    and took home seven Academy Awards.

    Foreign governments are another story. No matter if films are purported
    to be fact or fiction, governments care how their countries are
    being portrayed. And though some may think of the media as immune
    to foreign influence, history - along with my personal experience -
    tell a different story.

    Foreign PR campaigns have been waged for decades

    Last month, North Korea conducted a now-infamous cyberterrorism
    campaign against Sony Pictures in an attempt to block the company
    from releasing The Interview.

    North Korea may have lost the war, but they did win one censorship
    battle: before Sony distributed the film overseas, its rattled
    producers decided to tone down the gore in Kim Jung Un's death scene.

    Showtime's Homeland has come under fire from the Pakistani government.

    blur95/Flickr, CC BY

    And Pakistan recently complained about the Showtime series Homeland
    for portraying its country as "a grimy hellhole and war zone where
    shootouts and bombs go off with dead bodies scattered around."

    "Nothing is further from the truth," a Pakistan embassy spokesman said.

    If Pakistan looks like a much more welcoming place on Homeland next
    season, maybe their not-so-quiet diplomacy will have fostered subtle

    In fact, American media outlets have feel external editorial pressures
    for decades. Whether it was Hollywood executives running scripts by
    Nazi officials for approval in the 1930s, or studios inserting subtle,
    pro-China messages into their films to cull favor with China's
    notoriously strict censors, foreign countries have long exerted
    influence on the final products emerging from America's television
    and film studios.

    And studios have ample reasons to capitulate. From overseas box
    office receipts to retaining access to foreign filming locations,
    it doesn't hurt to be on the good side of a foreign regime.

    Hired from within?

    But unless more emails of diplomats and media executives are hacked and
    published, we can only guess how frequently these events are unfolding
    among insiders. What many don't know is that American lobbyists also
    play a part in the process - and work as paid mouthpieces for foreign
    governments. Aside from an act of cyberterrorism or a diplomatic
    complaint, if a foreign country wants to lawfully -- and effectively -
    influence the editorial direction of American news and entertainment,
    it hires a Registered Foreign Agent.

    Registered Foreign Agents are individuals and organizations paid by
    a foreign government or business for lobbying, public relations and
    advocacy within the United States. The Foreign Agents Registration
    Act (FARA) was passed in 1938 to levy criminal penalties against Nazi
    propagandists from unduly influencing the US political process. The law
    forces strict reporting requirements on every means of communications
    and every meeting.

    Some lobbyists choose to break the law rather than do the paperwork.

    But those who violate the FARA regulations have to pay hefty fines
    and risk up to five years in prison. The Justice Department also can
    seek an injunction that would bar violators from acting as a foreign
    agent for a certain amount of time.

    Today, thousands of Registered Foreign Agents collect - and spend -
    many millions of dollars each year to make sure that their foreign
    clients' interests are represented in the corridors of Capitol Hill.

    Joseph Califano, Jr., Turkey, and my documentary film

    Joseph Califano, Jr. has been in the news recently. In an op-ed penned
    for the Washington Post, the former adviser to President Lyndon B.

    Johnson declared the film Selma unfit for awards consideration.

    "Contrary to the portrait painted by Selma," Califano wrote, "Lyndon
    Johnson and Martin Luther King Jr. were partners in this effort.

    Johnson was enthusiastic about voting rights and the president urged
    King to find a place like Selma and lead a major demonstration... The
    movie should be ruled out this Christmas and during the ensuing
    awards season."

    As an expert witness, Califano effectively exercised his right to
    discredit a fiction film for its supposed historical inaccuracies. But
    how, then, does he contend with the fact that he was paid by a foreign
    country to lobby for the censorship of my 1988 documentary film, which
    sought to unearth historical truths related to events surrounding
    the Armenian Genocide?

    Author Ted Bogosian's 1988 documentary An Armenian Journey.

    In 1988, according to his "Short-Form Registration Statement Under
    the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended," Joseph A.

    Califano, Jr. served as Registered Foreign Agent No. 3759.

    Califano listed his business address as his prestigious Washington,
    D.C. law firm, Dewey Ballentine, and his occupation as "Attorney."

    Asked to "describe in detail the services you have rendered" on behalf
    of the "foreign principal" (The Embassy of the Republic of Turkey)
    that "made it necessary to you file this form," Califano entered

    Representation involves the application of Section 396(g)(1)(A)
    of the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967 to the broadcast of the film
    "An Armenian Journey."

    In April 1988, PBS scheduled a nationwide, primetime broadcast of
    the WGBH-Boston presentation An Armenian Journey. This hour-long
    documentary - which I wrote, directed and produced - would focus on
    a historical event that remains controversial 100 years later:

    A bitter debate has raged over the deaths of more than a million
    Armenians in Eastern Turkey during World War I. Were they simply
    casualties of war, or the victims of a calculated effort by Turkish
    officials to exterminate the Armenian people?

    The press kit describes the film as "a personal quest for the truth" by
    "an American journalist of Armenian descent" to reconcile "stories of
    the atrocities committed against our people by the Ottoman Turks...with
    Turkish government denials."

    Califano and several other Registered Foreign Agents working for the
    Republic of Turkey, including the late Frank Mankiewicz, organized a
    strong effort to dissuade PBS from broadcasting the film, according
    to the New York Times.

    Frank Mankiewicz, the vice chairman of Hill & Knowlton, the public
    relations firm that is representing the Turkish Government, said
    that the [Turkish] Embassy and an umbrella group called the Assembly
    of Turkish American Associations were considering such actions as
    picketing and a lawsuit.

    Joseph Califano, Jr. - whom Turkey paid $122,334.37 - sought to block
    the author's film from being broadcast on PBS. LBJ Foundation/Flickr,
    CC BY

    Unlike Sony's response to North Korea's cyber attack, PBS, WGBH
    and hundreds of other local public television stations resisted this
    attempt by Turkey and its Registered Foreign Agents to censor a motion
    picture presentation inside the United States.

    The Times continued: "PBS said there was nothing wrong with the
    film, as did WGBH, the public television station in Boston that was
    co-producer. Letters have gone back and forth, one side enumerating
    alleged flaws, the other refuting, and the accusers refuting the

    An Armenian Journey was broadcast as scheduled around the day of the
    annual Armenian Genocide commemoration, April 24. Nielsen ratings
    indicated that more than two million US households tuned in to the
    broadcast that week.

    TV Guide touted the program as "fascinating viewing."

    For his unsuccessful efforts to block the broadcast, Califano reported
    under FARA that his compensation was $122,334.37. In fact, his private,
    personal attempt at censorship earned Joseph Califano, Jr.

    more money than I did. His fellow Registered Foreign Agents were also
    well compensated, according to FARA records.

    Thankfully, all of us were able to compete freely in the marketplace
    of ideas, but the events in France this month prove how perilous
    editorial disputes can be. Je Suis Charlie.

    I have yet to meet Califano, but if I ever do I will thank him for
    filing his FARA paperwork so thoroughly, even though it was his
    legal obligation. Otherwise, the American public would be much less
    informed about how foreign censorship is waged against the media
    elite and producers.

    Fortunately for myself and the makers of Selma, Califano and others
    like him were unable to steer audiences away from our efforts to
    present well-made films with high standards of journalism and craft
    that offer alternative points of view.

    Months from now, the Registered Foreign Agents of North Korea and
    Pakistan will file their FARA paperwork. Anyone who wants to uncover
    the roster of Americans who profited from the attempts of these
    countries to censor the theatrical release of The Interview or the
    transmission of Homeland can do their patriotic duty: follow the
    money trail that leads to censorship by visiting
