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eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 02/05/2015

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  • eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 02/05/2015

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Contact: Chris Zakian
    Tel: (212) 686-0710 or (973) 943-8697
    E-mail: [email protected]

    ** TOP STORY February 5, 2015
    St. Vartan
    A stained glass window at St. Vartan Cathedral depicts the
    fifth-century hero.

    ** Sts. Vartanantz Day
    Every year on the Thursday preceding Great Lent, Armenians throughout
    the world commemorate the anniversary of the Battle of Avarayr
    (A.D. 451), in which Christian Armenia, under the leadership of
    St. Vartan Mamigonian, fought against the Persian Empire, which aimed
    to convert the country to Zoroastrianism.

    On the field of Avarayr, outnumbered Armenian fighters faced a mighty
    Persian army. St. Vartan and his companions saw a military defeat, but
    their unyielding commitment to defend their faith ultimately thwarted
    the Persians, and ensured that Christianity would endure in
    Armenia. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-cca4ad6711-159688434)
    to read more about the Battle of Avarayr on our website, or download
    the Diocese's iBook
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-cca4ad6711-159688434)
    for an interactive introduction to St. Vartan's historic campaign.

    Two days prior to the Feast of Sts. Vartanantz, the Armenian Church
    remembers the sacrifice of St. Leontius (Ghevont) the priest and his
    companions. St. Ghevont is one of the great exemplars of the Armenian
    priesthood, remembered for his rare courage and resolution at the
    Battle of Avarayr.

    On the eve of battle, Ghevont celebrated the Divine Liturgy, conferred
    the sacrament of Holy Communion on the soldiers, and baptized those
    who had not yet been received into the church. His stirring sermon
    assured the soldiers that their mystical union with Christ would
    survive even physical violence and death. In observance of
    Ghevontiantz Day, the clergy of the Eastern Diocese hold regional
    gatherings every year. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-cca4ad6711-159688434)
    to learn more about St. Leontius and his companions.

    Presentation of the Lord to the Temple
    The Presentation at the Temple from The Gospel of Khizan (1499).

    ** Feast of the Presentation of the Lord to the Temple
    On Saturday, February 14, the Armenian Church will observe the Feast
    of the Presentation of the Lord to the Temple, a beautiful story from
    the infancy of Jesus, in which he is confirmed as the Holy Messiah or
    Christ-the world's long-awaited savior. In Armenian, it is known as
    Dyarnuntarach, or "the bringing forward of the Lord.'

    Forty days after Jesus' birth, Mary and Joseph brought their baby to
    the temple, as was the pious custom at the time. There they
    encountered Simeon, an elderly and devout man who had prayed to God to
    keep him alive until he could see the savior promised to mankind.

    When Simeon saw Mary and her baby, he sensed God's presence, and said:
    "Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy
    word. For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, which thou hast prepared
    in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the
    Gentiles, and for glory to thy people Israel" (Luke 2:29-32).

    Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-cca4ad6711-159688434)
    to read more, and to find activities and resources for children and

    Lent Begins

    ** Great Lent Begins on February 16
    This year, the Armenian Church calendar designates Monday, February
    16, as the first day of Great Lent: the season when Christians
    consciously turn away from worldly matters and make the effort-through
    prayer, fasting, study, and introspection-to prepare for the spiritual
    drama of Holy Week and Easter Sunday.

    The Scriptural basis for Lent resides in the 40-day period Christ
    spent in the wilderness following his baptism. In the words of
    St. Matthew's Gospel (4:12): "Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into
    the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And he fasted forty days
    and forty nights, and afterward he was hungry."

    During Lent we are called to follow the Holy Spirit to confront our
    own `inner wilderness'-the realm of spiritual emptiness engendered by
    sin, laziness, and vanity. Through prayer, fasting, Bible-reading, and
    self-examination, we are given an opportunity to renew our commitment
    to God, and gain the strength to work at being more loving, humble,
    and gentle. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-cca4ad6711-159688434)
    to learn more about the Armenian Church traditions concerning Great

    ** Scripture of the Week

    Is 63:18-64:12
    Ti 1:1-11
    Jn 7:37-52

    ** Prayer of the Week

    My soul is always in your hands and I place my hope in your Holy
    Cross, O Heavenly King. May the multitude of your saints intercede on
    my behalf.

    You who are patient with everyone, do not neglect me who trusts in
    you, but keep me in peace with your precious and Holy Cross. Amen.

    ** Upcoming Saints & Feasts

    7 February: Catholicos St. Sahag Parthev

    10 February: St. Leontius the Priest and His Companions

    12 February: St. Vartan the Warrior and His Companions

    14 February: Presentation of the Lord to the Temple

    15 February: Great Barekendan

    16 February: First Day of Lent

    Abp. Barsamian Visits Rome
    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian with His Holiness Pope Francis.

    ** Catholic and Oriental Orthodox Churches Meet
    The 12th meeting of the International Joint Commission for Theological
    Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Oriental Orthodox
    Churches took place in Rome from January 24 to 31, 2015. Meeting at
    the Vatican, delegates from the Roman Catholic Church met with
    representatives of the Armenian, Antiochian Syrian, Coptic, Ethiopian
    Tewahdo, and Malankara Syrian churches.

    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate, was part of the
    delegation representing the Armenian Church. Also representing the
    Catholicate of the All Armenians was Bishop Hovakim Manukyan,
    Ecumenical Officer of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin; and the
    Rev. Fr. Shahe Ananyan, Etchmiadzin's director of publishing. The See
    of Cilicia sent Archbishop Nareg Alemezian and Bishop Magar
    Ashkarian. Among the Roman Catholic delegation were Armenian churchmen
    of the Armenian Catholic order: Archbishop Boghos Levon Zekiyan and
    Archbishop Peter Marayati.

    His Holiness Pope Francis personally received the Joint Commission
    participants on the afternoon of Friday, January 30, at the Vatican's
    Apostolic Palace.

    During their time in Rome, Archbishop Barsamian and Bishop Manukyan
    met separately with Cardinal Kurt Koch; Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, the
    Prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches; and Cardinal
    Pietro Parolin, the Vatican's Secretary of State. In the course of
    those meetings, they discussed the April 12 mass that Pope Francis
    will conduct at St. Peter's Basilica, in memory of victims of the 1915
    Armenian Genocide. They also continued discussions begun last year by
    His Holiness Karekin II, the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All
    Armenians, regarding the possibility of a papal visit to Armenia
    during the current centennial year of the Genocide.

    Click on the following links to read more
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-cca4ad6711-159688434)
    and to view photos
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-cca4ad6711-159688434)

    Dr. Edgar Housepian
    Dr. Edgar Housepian (1928-2014).

    ** Memorial Service for Dr. Edgar Housepian
    On Saturday, February 14, the Eastern Diocese and the Fund for
    Armenian Relief will host a memorial service for the late Dr. Edgar
    Housepian=80'an internationally-renowned neurosurgeon and a founding
    member of the Fund for Armenian Relief, who passed away on November
    14, 2014.

    Dr. Housepian was heir to a remarkable family tradition of
    compassionate involvement in Armenian life. In an earlier era, his
    parents Dr. Moses and Makrouhi Housepian were pioneers in humane
    outreach to our homeland. The warmth of their family life in New York
    was memorably portrayed in the novel A Houseful of Love, by Dr. Edgar
    Housepian's late sister Marjorie Housepian Dobkin.

    Days after the 1988 earthquake in Armenia, Dr. Housepian joined the
    late Archbishop Torkom Manoogian and the late Kevork Hovnanian on a
    visit to our homeland to assess the damage and formulate a
    response. From that trip, the seeds of the Fund for Armenian Relief
    were planted. For more than 20 years, Dr. Housepian led FAR's effort
    to restructure the health care system in Armenia. Thanks to his
    foresight, a new generation of Armenian physicians would enjoy
    invaluable opportunities for training and education.

    A memorial service for Dr. Housepian will be held at St. Vartan
    Armenian Cathedral on Saturday, February 14, at 11:00 a.m. It will be
    followed by a memorial luncheon and a special program of remembrance,
    beginning at 1 p.m. Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate,
    will preside.

    Armenian Genocide Cintennial

    ** Resources for the Genocide Centennial
    With the 100th year of remembrance of the Armenian Genocide advancing
    rapidly, the Eastern Diocese has created a special section on its
    website for downloadable resources. Parishes, community groups, and
    anyone else can obtain materials to help them inform local press and
    reach out to their surrounding communities. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-cca4ad6711-159688434)
    to access these resources.

    In the meantime, the Armenian-American community is building towards a
    national observance in Washington, DC, in May 2015. Special events are
    scheduled for May 7 to 9-including an ecumenical prayer service at the
    National Cathedral, a Pontifical Divine Liturgy, a memorial concert,
    and an awards banquet honoring those who helped the survivors. His
    Holiness Karekin II, the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All
    Armenians, and His Holiness Aram I, the Catholicos of the Great House
    of Cilicia, both will journey to the United States to lead the
    Washington commemoration. They will be joined by Armenians from across
    the U.S., under the auspices of the Eastern and Western Dioceses, and
    the Eastern and Western Prelacies. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-cca4ad6711-159688434)
    to learn more about the May events in the nation's capital.

    The Eastern Diocese's Annual Diocesan Assembly and Clergy Conference
    will convene in Washington that same week. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-cca4ad6711-159688434)
    to view information for clergy, delegates, and Parish Council chairs.

    People in the New York metro region should also reserve the dates of
    April 24, 25, and 26 for commemorative events in New York City. These
    will include a Divine Liturgy at St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral on
    Sunday, April 26, with the participation of Archbishop Khajag
    Barsamian and Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan. The annual Times Square
    program sponsored by the Mid-Atlantic Knights and Daughters of Vartan
    will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. on April 26.

    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian has appointed George and Lorraine
    Marootian as Diocesan liaisons to the Genocide commemorative
    committees. They will be working with established committees at the
    national, regional, and local levels, and have begun reaching out to
    our parish communities. Contact them via e-mail at
    [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) .

    Never Forget 1915

    ** Support the Genocide Awareness Campaign
    The Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee of America (Eastern Region)
    is planning a creative national campaign spanning public relations,
    social media, and print and broadcast outlets to raise awareness about
    the Armenian Genocide in this milestone year.

    The committee is raising funds to finance the national
    campaign. Please consider supporting this ambitious outreach
    effort. Click here
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=cca4ad6711-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-cca4ad6711-159688434)
    to make a donation.

    In addition, the Centennial Committee (Eastern Region) has launched a
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=cca4ad6711-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-cca4ad6711-159688434)
    -which will soon offer a listing of events organized nationwide in
    commemoration of the Armenian Genocide. They are asking all local
    committees to share their contact information to assist in this

    Concert at St. Vartan Cathedral
    Yeghishe Manucharyan performs at St. Vartan Cathedral.

    ** St. Vartan Cathedral Hosts Opera Concert
    St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral hosted `An Evening at the Opera' on
    Friday, January 30. The concert featured Armenian and Western opera
    music, performed by internationally-acclaimed artists Narine Ojakhyan
    and Yeghishe Manucharyan. Lusine Badalyan accompanied on the piano.

    The Very Rev. Fr. Mamigon Kiledjian, cathedral dean, and Jacob
    H. Yahiayan, Diocesan director of administration, welcomed guests, who
    included Armenia's Ambassador to the United Nations Zohrab

    The concert was made possible by the Dadourian Family Foundation, in
    memory of Haig Dadourian. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-cca4ad6711-159688434)
    to view photos and a video of the January 30 program.

    Lenten Resources

    ** Download the Lenten Family Resource
    Every year the Diocese's Department of Christian Education produces a
    Lenten family resource for distribution to Diocesan Sunday
    Schools. This year's publication is an informational booklet about
    Great Lent, accompanied by 20 double-sided bookmarks, each bearing a
    Scripture verse and a daily activity.

    The packet has been mailed to parishes for distribution to Sunday
    School families and staff, but it can also be downloaded by clicking
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-cca4ad6711-159688434)

    Mothers at the Stepanakert maternity ward.

    ** FAR and AAHPO Train Doctors in Karabagh
    The Fund for Armenian Relief recently organized Continuing Medical
    Education (CME) seminars in Nagorno-Karabagh. The seminars focused on
    modern trends in obstetrics and gynecology and were led by lecturers
    Dr. Hripsime Apresyan and Dr. Rusadan Vardanyan.

    Participating physicians from Stepanakert and other regions of
    Nagorno-Karabagh said they appreciated the opportunity to discuss
    local cases and raise questions with other medical
    professionals. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-cca4ad6711-159688434)
    to read more on FAR's blog.

    Working with the Armenian American Health Professionals Organization
    (AAHPO), FAR has been implementing Continuing Medical Education
    sessions in Nagorno-Karabagh since 2011.

    Holy Trinity Church, PA
    Parishioners Dr. Garo Garibian and Merle Santerian share recollections
    of their pastor's first five years at Holy Trinity Church.

    ** Cheltenham Parish Celebrates Pastor's Milestone
    On Sunday, January 25, Holy Trinity Church of Cheltenham, PA, honored
    the Rev. Fr. Hakob Gevorgyan on his fifth anniversary as Holy
    Trinity's pastor. Some 350 people attended the celebratory event in
    the church's Santerian Hall.

    The program included a video message from Archbishop Khajag Barsamian,
    Diocesan Primate, who congratulated Fr. Gevorgyan and Yn. Anna on this
    milestone. A surprise video message was recorded by Fr. Gevorgyan's
    father in Armenia, and a slide show of photographs showed the young
    priest's journey through seminary in Armenia and his tenure at the
    Cheltenham parish. Other activities included music, dancing, and games
    for children.

    Also celebrating with the community was the Rev. Fr. Karekin
    Kasparian, the recently retired pastor of St. Gregory the Enlightener
    Church of White Plains, NY, who mentored Fr. Gevorgyan when the latter
    first arrived in the Eastern Diocese from Armenia.

    `For me, there is no greater joy than to serve God and His people,'
    Fr. Gevorgyan said. `This service gives me happiness and lots of

    Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-cca4ad6711-159688434)
    to view photos.

    New Britain Armenian Church
    Hary Mazadoorian Esq., acolytes Matthew and David Marottolo, and
    Fr. Kapriel Mouradjian.

    ** Two Altar Servers Honored in New Britain
    Two acolytes were honored at Holy Resurrection Church of New Britain,
    CT, on Sunday, January 25. Brothers Matthew and David Marottolo
    received the `Deacon Charles N. Mazadoorian Memorial Altar Server
    Award' in recognition for their service and their dedication to
    learning the worship traditions of the Armenian Church.

    The award was established in 2008 by Harry Mazadoorian, Esq. in memory
    of his late brother, Deacon Charles Mazadoorian. The Rev. Fr. Kapriel
    Mouradjian, parish pastor, presented the award recipients with an
    honorarium and copies of the Deacon's Guidebook to the Divine Liturgy.

    Fr. Tateos Abdalian
    Fr. Tateos Abdalian at a service honoring police, firefighters, EMTs,
    and other first-responders.

    ** First-Responders Recognized in Pennsylvania
    The Rev. Fr. Tateos Abdalian, the Diocese's director of Mission
    Parishes who also serves as a police chaplain for the Police
    Department of Cheltenham, PA, attended a service honoring local
    police, firefighters, EMTs, and other first-responders last month.

    The service was held at Queen of Peace Roman Catholic Church in
    Ardsley, PA, on Friday, January 30, as part of `Catholic Schools
    Week,' during which students, faculty, and staff of Good Shepherd
    Regional Catholic School honored first-responders.

    Fr. Abdalian has been serving as a police chaplain for the past 10
    years. His duties include making hospital visits to officers and their
    families, personal counseling, and responding to critical
    incidents. He also is an instructor in the Community Policing Program
    for civilian personnel.

    Saint Egidio Community at St. Vartan Cathedral
    The annual Christmas dinner for the Catholic lay community of

    ** Reaching Out to the City's Elderly
    On December 25, St. Vartan Cathedral hosted the annual Christmas
    dinner for the Catholic lay community of Sant'Egidio. With the support
    of Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate, Diocesan staffers
    Jennifer Morris, Eric Vozzy, and Lorie Odabashian organized volunteers
    from local Armenian parishes to assist at the dinner.

    Sant'Egidio's guests included the elderly, nursing home residents, and
    the homeless. The community was especially grateful for the presence
    of the Rev. Fr. Bedros Kadehjian who blessed the meal and helped serve

    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-cca4ad6711-159688434)
    has a long history in New York City, and has been hosting its
    Christmas dinner at the Diocesan Center for the past three years.

    Upcoming events

    ** Upcoming Parish Events

    St. Gregory the Illuminator Church | Chicago, IL
    St. Gregory the Illuminator Church of Chicago, IL, will host a Poon
    Paregentan dinner and dance on Saturday, February 14. Highlights
    include music by the Kevork Artinian band and a magic show for
    children. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-cca4ad6711-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    Church of the Holy Ascension | Trumbull, CT
    The Church of the Holy Ascension of Trumbull, CT, will host a
    =80=9CMardi Gras Fun Night' on Saturday, February 14, from 6 to 10
    p.m. Enjoy music, dance performances, and more. Click here
    ( ese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=cca4ad6711-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-cca4ad6711-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    Armenian Church of Southwest Florida | Naples, FL
    The Very Rev. Fr. Daniel Findikyan will celebrate the Divine Liturgy
    at the Armenian Church of Southwest Florida on Sunday, February 8. The
    service will take place at 1:30 p.m. at St. Paul's Episcopal Church
    (3901 Davis Blvd. in Naples). The parish's annual bake sale featuring
    Armenian breads and pastries will follow; a light luncheon will be
    served. For information, contact Carole Meghreblian at (239) 348-3804,
    or via e-mail at [email protected]
    (mailto:[email protected]) .

    St. Mary Church | Livingston, NJ
    The Jewish Federation of Greater Metrowest New Jersey, in
    collaboration with St. Mary Church of Livingston, NJ, is hosting an
    exhibit in commemoration of the 100th year of remembrance of the
    Armenian Genocide. The exhibit will open on Monday, February 9
    (rescheduled from Jan. 26), with the screening of a film about the
    Armenian Genocide. It will run through April 30. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-cca4ad6711-159688434)
    for information.

    St. George Church | Hartford, CT
    The Sunday School of St. George Church of Hartford, CT, will sponsor
    special guest Stepan Piligian on Sunday, February 8. Mr. Piligian will
    present his "Time Machine" program on St. Vartan Mamigonian. Click
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-cca4ad6711-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    The St. George Women's Guild will sponsor a "Poon Paregentan Family
    Fun Day" with dinner, a student talent show, and raffle prizes on
    Sunday, February 15. Click here
    ( Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=cca4ad6711-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-cca4ad6711-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    The Women's Guild is also hosting a Lenten Dinner on Saturday,
    February 28, with guest speakers Ted and Marianne Hovivian from `NY
    Friends of Gavar Special School in Armenia.' Click here
    ( ocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=cca4ad6711-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-cca4ad6711-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church | Providence, RI
    Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church of Providence, RI, is sponsoring a
    =80=9CFamily Fun Night' on Friday, February 6. Enjoy dinner and
    activities for children and families. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-cca4ad6711-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    The church will host a Vartanantz Day commemoration on Thursday,
    February 12. Services will be followed by a dinner and program. Click
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-cca4ad6711-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    St. Leon Church | Fair Lawn, NJ
    Musicologists Krikor Pidedjian and Å=9Eahan Arzruni will give a talk
    on Armenian composer Kristapor Cara-Murza at St. Leon Church of Fair
    Lawn, NJ, on Thursday, February 19, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Krikor
    Pidedjian and Å=9Eahan Arzruni will place the work of Cara-Murza in
    historical and social contexts and bring to life exchanges with
    personalities of the time, such as Khrimian Hairig. They will share
    new discoveries, including a Divine Liturgy composed by Cara-Murza
    that was found by Krikor Pidedjian. Click here
    ( iocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=cca4ad6711-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-cca4ad6711-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    St. Leon Church is sponsoring a course for high school students on the
    Armenian Genocide. Sessions will be held on Monday evenings, beginning
    on March 9. Instructor Khatchig Mouradian will guide participants as
    they investigate the political, social, and economic environment in
    the Ottoman Empire on the eve of the Armenian Genocide, and consider
    questions pertaining to genocide denial, resistance, and
    awareness. Mr. Mouradian, a Ph.D. candidate at Clark University, has
    lectured widely on the Armenian Genocide and its aftermath. Click here
    ( iocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=cca4ad6711-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-cca4ad6711-159688434)
    to view a flyer for registration information.

    Diocesan Summer Camps

    ** Get Ready for the Summer Camp Season
    Mark your calendar for a summer filled with friendship, fellowship,
    and fun at St. Vartan Camp and Hye Camp. St. Vartan Camp is housed at
    the Ararat Youth and Conference Center in Greenville, NY. Hye Camp is
    located at Camp Hickory in Ingleside, IL.

    Online registration is now open through the new camp website: Brochures and flyers can be picked up at
    your local parish or downloaded on the new website.

    To add your name to the camp e-mail list, or for more information,
    contact Jennifer Morris, the Diocese's director of Youth and Young
    Adult Ministries, at [email protected]
    (mailto:[email protected]) .

    St. Vartan Camp Dates
    Staff Training: Wednesday, June 24 - Saturday, June 27
    Session A: Sunday, June 28 - Saturday, July 11
    Session B: Sunday, July 12 - Saturday, July 25
    Session C: Sunday, July 26 - Saturday, August 8

    Hye Camp Dates
    Staff Training: Thursday, July 23 - Sunday, July 26
    Two-week session: Sunday, July 26 - Saturday, August 8
    One-week session: Sunday, July 26 - Saturday, August 1 (all
    One-week session: Sunday, August 2 - Saturday, August 8 (for those
    unable to attend week 1)

    ** EVENTS
    St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral

    ** Vartanantz Day Program at St. Vartan Cathedral
    Sts. Vartanantz Day will be observed at New York's St. Vartan
    Cathedral on Thursday, February 12.

    The Rev. Fr. Hagop Gevorgyan, pastor of Holy Trinity Church of
    Cheltenham, PA, will celebrate the Divine Liturgy beginning at 6
    p.m. A dinner and program will follow services.

    Christopher Sheklian, a Ph.D. candidate in anthropology at the
    University of Chicago, will be the evening's keynote speaker. The
    program also will include a performance by soloists of the St. Vartan
    Cathedral Choir.

    The Vartanantz Day commemoration is organized by the Eastern Diocese
    with the participation of the Mid-Atlantic Knights and Daughters of
    Vartan. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-cca4ad6711-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    Farah Siraj
    Fusion artist Farah Siraj will perform during the dinner and music
    program on February 14.

    ** Artist Farah Siraj to Perform at Diocesan Center
    The recently-formed St. Vartan Cathedral Community of New York City is
    hosting an exciting evening of dinner and music featuring the talented
    fusion artist and humanitarian, Farah Siraj.

    Farah Siraj has performed around the world, including in Europe, the
    Middle East, Southeast Asia, and the United States. She uses her music
    to raise awareness for urgent humanitarian causes around the world,
    among them the genocides in Darfur and the Republic of Congo, as well
    as the military conflicts in Gaza. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-cca4ad6711-159688434)
    to read more about her music and humanitarian work.

    The event will be held in Haik and Alice Kavookjian Auditorium (630
    Second Avenue, New York City). Tickets are $50 for adults; $35 for
    seniors and college students. Advance reservations are required by
    February 12; tickets will not be available at the door. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-cca4ad6711-159688434)
    to purchase tickets.

    The Diocese's e-Newsletter will not be published on Sts. Vartanantz
    Day , Thursday, February 12. We look forward to resuming e-Newsletter
    publication on Thursday, February 19.
