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Armenian Church Could Canonise 1.5 Million Victims Of Armenian Genoc

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  • Armenian Church Could Canonise 1.5 Million Victims Of Armenian Genoc


    Christian Today
    Feb 5 2015

    Ruth Gledhill

    In what could stand as the biggest saint-making service in history,
    the Armenian Church is preparing to canonise up to 1.5 million victims
    of the Armenian genocide in one go.

    The Armenian Apostolic Church is to mark the 100th anniversary of
    the atrocity, which saw Turkey stripped of its Armenian population
    in 1915, with a liturgy on April 23 at the Patriarchal See of the
    Catholicosate in Echmiadzin Cathedral, the extraordinarily beautiful
    mother church of the denomination at Vagharshapat in Armenia.

    The announcement was made during a press conference held on 3 February
    at the Patriarchal See.

    Patriarch Karekin said in a statement: "The Armenian Church does not
    sanctify. It recognizes the sanctity of saints or of those people that
    is already common among people or has been shown with evidence. The
    Church recognizes only what happened, that is, the genocide".

    The decision to recognise the victims of the genocide as saints was
    made in September 2013, during a meeting at Echmiadzin.

    In the liturgy on the April 23 the Psalm "martyrs of April", composed
    by the late Bishop Zareh Aznavourian, will be used as the psalm for
    the canonization. The canonization will be attended by heads of sister
    Oriental Churches and delegations of other Churches.

    Soon after he became Pope in 2013, Pope Francis canonised 800 martyrs
    killed in the 15th century by Ottoman Turks for refusing to convert
    to Islam known as the "martyrs of Otranto".

    Fr Alexander Lucie-Smith wrote in The Catholic Herald this week of
    how on April 24 1915 the Ottoman government began to arrest and deport
    Armenians who had been living in Anatolia "from time immemorial".

    The organised campaign of arrest, deportation, massacre and
    extermination led to the deaths of up to 1.5 million Armenians. "It
    is for this reason that visitors to Turkey today will find plenty of
    Armenian history but no actual Armenian people, or at least very few."

    He added: "The Armenian genocide is commemorated all over the world,
    but not in Turkey and not much in Britain, which studiously avoids
    mentioning the genocide in order not to jeopardise relations with

    He cited Hitler's view of the Armenian genocide: "Our strength is
    our quickness and our brutality... Who still talks nowadays of the
    extermination of the Armenians?" .of.armenian.genocide/47498.htm
