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The Ambassador In Turkey (Abram I. Elkus) To The Secretary Of State

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  • The Ambassador In Turkey (Abram I. Elkus) To The Secretary Of State


    Posted by Garo Kotchounian
    Date: February 02, 2015


    867.00/804 1/2

    Constantinople, March 2, 1917.

    [Received April 7.]

    Dear Mr. Secretary:

    . . . . . . .

    Notwithstanding the rupture with Germany, our relations with the
    Turkish Ministers independent of the business of the Embassy at
    the Sublime Porte, more especially that dealing with belligerent
    interests, continue to be cordial. It is reported to me from all
    sides that the Turks will not break off relations with the United
    States even if there should be war between Germany and America. As
    I have already telegraphed the Department, Talaat Pasha stated to me
    that he saw no reason why the friendly relations between Turkey and
    America should not continue, even if there was a rupture between
    America and Germany. Some days after that he told me that he had
    reported our conversation to the Sultan, and that His Imperial
    Majesty had thoroughly approved Talaat Pasha s statements and said
    he deeply desired the continuation of the friendly relations between
    the two countries. But Djavid Bey, the new Minister of Finance, was
    much more outspoken than the Grand Vizier. In the course of a quiet
    after-dinner confidential conversation at the Embassy, he told me the
    other day that even if there was a war between Germany and America,
    Turkey would not break off relations with America. Djavid said that
    it was only after the war had ceased that people would realize what
    a calamity it had been. This country would be short of men, would
    be under the burden of a tremendous debt, the revenues decreased and
    would have to look outside of Turkey for financial assistance in order
    to begin the work of construction. Turkey s only hope is in the United
    States. The European countries will be unable or unwilling to help us
    financially." On the other hand," he continued, what can we expect to
    gain if we take part in a war against the United States? Absolutely
    nothing! I therefore guarantee 90% that if there is war between
    Germany and the United States, Turkey will stay out of it. At least
    that is our feeling and our intention to-day." And he looks upon the
    above reasons put forward by him as logical and convincing. I asked
    him what the Turks would do in case the Germans insisted on Turkey
    performing her duty as an ally to declare war against America. He
    said Turkey would simply refuse and if Germany still insisted Turkey
    would ask her to send her 3 to 400,000 troops to do the fighting,
    as otherwise the Turks would be unable to fight alone. The cordiality
    now demonstrated by the Ministers may be genuine and sincere, or may
    be only assumed and serving for some ulterior purpose. . . . Future
    developments will show whether this demonstration is sincere or not.

    If not sincere it may serve one of the following two purposes: it
    may be intended to mislead us, and for the purpose of having America
    help Turkey now or hereafter,--a repetition under another form of the
    assurances given to the British Ambassador in 1914 that Turkey would
    remain neutral--or it may be intended for the edification of Germany,
    a kind of a warning, if not a threat, to the overbearing ally that she
    is not the only great power and that if she is not more considerate
    towards the weaker ally, the latter can find--had found--other friends!

    Some Turks, however, not friendly towards the Union and Progress
    Committee have quite a different interpretation for these
    demonstrations of cordiality. According to what they say the Union
    and Progress leaders are aware that they will be held responsible for
    dragging Turkey into this war, which has proved to be disastrous for
    the Empire; that they will also be held responsible for the Armenian
    massacres, the persecution of the other non-Turkish races and for
    endless other misdeeds. Therefore seeing the approach of the day of
    reckoning and having no confidence in the ability or the willingness
    of their German ally to help them in the hour of need, they desire
    to make friends with America now, in order to protect themselves or
    at least have a friend when that day of reckoning comes.

    But it is curious to hear that some German officers here have stated
    that even if war should occur between America and Germany, Turkey
    should continue her diplomatic relations with America. These officers
    are further stated to have said it is not desirable to have a war
    between Germany and the United States.

    It is rumored that both in Turkish and German military circles here
    there is an apprehension that should war ever be declared between
    the United States and Turkey, the former can at once send troops and
    ammunition from the Philippines to the Persian Gulf and thus help
    the British in Mesopotamia or Palestine.

    It may interest the Department to know some facts demonstrative of
    cordiality on the part of the Ottoman Ministers and other dignitaries.

    First of all, in the two private audiences which I have had with the
    Sultan, His Majesty has put aside all formalism and court etiquette
    and shown a kindly, friendly attitude towards me and towards those who
    accompanied me. All the Court officials, Chamberlains, Secretaries,
    Masters of Ceremony, Aides-de-Camp, have been friendly to me and to
    my family, most attentive in details and tried their best to make
    our stay in Constantinople pleasant. They have often called at the
    Embassy on the days when Mrs. Elkus is at home. The same is true of
    the officials of the Sublime Porte in their personal relations with us.

    All the principal ministers--except Chukri Bey, Minister of Public
    Instruction, who is chiefly responsible for the sinister policy
    of the Turkish Government in the so-called seizure of the French,
    British, et cetera, institutions, have been constant callers at the
    Embassy, both before and after the rupture with Germany. I can state
    that Talaat Pasha has shown more friendship and intimacy since that
    rupture. Both at dinners, lunches and ordinary at home days these
    Ministers, Senators and other dignitaries have thoroughly enjoyed
    themselves. I hear that a short time ago, since the rupture with
    Germany, Talaat Pasha gave instructions to the Press Bureau not to
    allow the publication of articles hostile to America; and if articles
    not exactly friendly have appeared we can be almost certain that they
    were in papers subsidized by certain foreigners.

    A few weeks ago it was suggested with very complimentary remarks to
    confer an Ottoman order on Mr. Schmavonian, who, it was said had often
    avoided misunderstandings between the Embassy and the Sublime Porte.

    At Mr. Schmavonian s request I did not submit this matter to the
    Department, as he with very becoming modesty, said he did not think
    he ought to receive a decoration at a time when no other member of
    the Embassy staff would be authorized to receive one. It came to me
    as a surprise that the Grand Cordon (first class) of the Chefekat
    order has just been bestowed on Mrs. Elkus. The Imperial Irade was
    issued yesterday. As the law does not prevent her from accepting
    the order and as the wives of all my predecessors have received the
    same, I assume there can be no objection to her accepting this sign
    of courtesy and friendship on the part of His Majesty and of his
    Government. I could enumerate many other facts and instances showing
    indications on the part of the Ottoman Government of friendly and
    cordial conduct towards the Embassy.

    Of course these things do not pass unnoticed and are variably commented
    upon in foreign diplomatic and Turkish circles.

    I do not believe that these demonstrations of cordiality are seen with
    approving eyes either in Germany or in England. As much as I can judge
    from the Entente and German press, I think that these countries would
    prefer to see an enmity if not an actual break off between Turkey and
    the United States. Otherwise how could we interpret such unfounded
    statements as the following in the foreign press: that the American
    missionaries have been interned in Turkey, that the Scorpion has been
    sunk or seized, that the Department has had no news from the Embassy;
    or that I invited a number of diplomats to dinner to discuss political
    situation and all declined, et cetera? I can not say that the Germans
    here, more especially the military, have all been cordial to this
    Embassy. According to statements from Turkish sources, I am led to
    believe that at times they have sought to bring about friction and
    misunderstanding between us and the Turkish authorities.

    I mentioned above the statements of Talaat Pasha concerning the
    continuation of friendly relations and approval of the same by His
    Majesty. I was told the other day by a neutral envoy here that the
    German admiral Souchon, who bombarded Odessa and thus brought about
    the war between Turkey and the Entente, stated to this diplomat
    that Talaat Pasha had told me in connection with the question of an
    eventual rupture of relations between Turkey and the United States,
    that Turkey would do exactly what Germany dictated. (This is at
    variance with what Talaat really said.)

    Turks state to me that Germany does not wish to see here an Ambassador
    of a great power like the United States, who is too friendly with
    the Turks, because they wish to impress on the Turks that they are
    the only power that can protect Turkey, and the only friend Turkey
    has. I am told on the other hand that the Turks wish to emancipate
    themselves from this German guardianship.

    The feeling in the civilian Turkish circles is far from being
    friendly to the Germans. In a conversation with a Turkish Minister,
    the latter said,

    really speaking the Germans had no friends, their manner is such
    that they can have no friends, that they have a wonderful military
    organization, of which they are proud, and through their organization
    they have a strong discipline in their own country holding the people
    under a permanent guardianship and obedience, and they imagine that
    they have the same power over all the world. In diplomacy they are
    poor and what success they have had has been through threat. They
    think of nothing but themselves and their own interest. They never
    take into consideration the feelings and interests of others. We
    are their allies. In this war we have rendered them signal services,
    and have acted towards them as gentlemen. What have we seen? What are
    they doing for us. Nothing. In all our dealings with them they raise
    difficulties. If we have negotiations concerning a loan or anything
    else, there is not a small point that can be raised in their favor
    which they would fail to raise. We went into the war without thinking
    of loans, expenses or other details. Had we asked the Germans at that
    time to take upon themselves all our war expenses, Germany would have
    agreed to do so, but as we did not raise that question, to-day we are
    borrowing money from the Germans and we are indebted to them to the
    amount of 100,000,000 pounds sterling just for the war expenses. As
    allies of the Germans, of course, we desire to see Germany win in this
    war, but do not want to see Germany have such a victory as to become
    the dictator of the whole world. That would be a misfortune for all."

    I spoke to him about the food question in Germany, and whether the
    scarcity was such as to force the Germans to put down their arms. The
    Minister stated that according to his information the German Army was
    well fed; as to the civilian population, he believed, that through
    the wonderful organization which they have in Germany, it would be
    possible to feed them until the new crops. But in his opinion there
    was another question which was more serious for the Germans than that
    of the food supply. How long will the material for the manufacture
    of ammunition last? There is scarcity of coal and scarcity of copper.

    These statements did not prevent him from saying that the way the
    Entente Powers had published their terms of peace was a most stupid
    piece of business. There were thousands of people in this country,
    who were against the war and longed for peace, and yet the Entente
    Governments say that they want to give Constantinople to Russia. All
    these people now want the continuation of the war.

    He knew that there were no diplomats in Germany, that it was only
    through force that the Germans wanted to deal with every nation,
    but he had believed that in England and in France there were good
    diplomats. The way the latter acted in this matter showed him that
    there is a penury of statesmanship even in those countries.

    While speaking of the friendly relations between Turkey and America, I
    told him that Turkey had many friends in America, but I added in order
    that these friends might in some way be able to be of any service to
    this country, there should be put an end to all Armenian massacres as
    well as Arab or Syrian or other persecutions. He at once stated that
    he agreed with me entirely. "These things should not have happened."

    He said he hoped that very soon we would see an amelioration in the
    condition of the Armenians, who would be allowed to travel and do
    business within certain zones. What happened was a most deplorable
    thing and he said you can be sure that it will not be repeated.

    In conclusion I desire to inform you that when we first heard of
    Germany s last decision in regard to submarine warfare, the German
    Ambassador here told me that Germany was committing a serious mistake.

    He is since reported to have said that this warfare has proved

    It is difficult to know how much truth there is in these different and
    sometimes contradictory rumors. But I thought you would be interested
    to hear them. . . .

    With kindest regards

    Abram I. Elkus term=0_4ba08d4794-e41ca9c2e6-260280249

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress