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Analyst: Tsarukyan-Initiated Gathering Was Warning To Sargsyan Over

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  • Analyst: Tsarukyan-Initiated Gathering Was Warning To Sargsyan Over


    Analysis | 06.02.15 | 11:28

    By Sara Khojoyan
    ArmeniaNow reporter

    The conference of 'non-governing' forces organized by Prosperous
    Armenia Party (PAP) head Gagik Tsarukyan is a warning, first of all,
    for incumbent President Serzh Sargsyan and the rest of the government
    as well, so that they give up the idea of reforming the Constitution,
    analysts say.

    "The ball is in the government's court, but their time is not unlimited
    and they have to make up their mind," Tsarukyan said, addressing the
    participants in the event. "Public patience is up, indeed. The Gyumri
    incident (when a family of seven was murdered in January), the border
    tensions, unbearable inflation, instability of the financial market
    must have alarmed the government that the society is on the verge
    of huge breakdowns. One wrong move, even a wrong word can take the
    people out to the streets."

    Addressing non-governmental forces' demand to the government to refrain
    from constitutional changes, Tsarukyan said that if the government
    chooses the option of refusing, then the public has just one thing left
    to do - to demand preterm presidential and parliamentary elections.

    "Officials should remember that no position is forever, and if the
    country's development and the country's security need change of
    government, then it must take place."

    The PAP head's speech is primarily a warning to President Sargsyan,
    said Cooperation for Democracy Center NGO Chairman Stepan Danielyan.

    "If Serzh Sargsyan refrains from constitutional changes, it will
    be possible to say that Tsarukyan will achieve his goal. The main
    conflict refers to constitutional changes. The purpose of those
    changes is expanding Serzh Sargsyan's and the Republican Party's rule
    for another 10 years," the political analyst told ArmeniaNow.

    According to Danielyan, only a constitutional reform can ensure
    President Sargsyan continues his solo rule in Armenia until 2018.

    "Starting from the moment when he gives up the changes, it will
    mean that he will lose full control over the National Assembly and
    the government. The reason is clear - nobody will confide with an
    outgoing president, everyone will start tying relations with the next
    potential president, and an overwhelming majority of members of the
    ruling Republican Party as well," Danielyan said.

    Tsarukyan has some potential and it is not without reasons that he
    sees himself as a 'non-governing' figure, the political analyst added.

    "As a matter of fact, certain sections of the government, such as the
    army, state structures, as well as the business-affiliated section of
    the Republicans, etc. have maintained their relations also with the
    'non-governing' camp. Naturally, those ties, with Sargsyan's rule being
    improbable and the financial potential of Tsarukyan and his entourage,
    are a serious challenge for the current president and his supporters."

    Political analyst, member of the You Won't Pass group Armen Grigoryan
    shares the analyst's opinion on Tsarukyan's potential.

    "Non-governing forces have twice made Sargsyan suspend the
    constitutional changes, and at this moment there is a high probability
    that they will be able to scuttle [the plans] and win."

    "If constitutional changes are cancelled, Serzh Sargsyan will become
    very weak, and he will lose his power, and after that there will arise
    the question of overtaking the government and one of the potential
    candidates is Gagik Tsarukyan," Grigoryan told ArmeniaNow. sition_politics
