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Aleppo Bishops Says Syrian Christians Betrayed By The West

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  • Aleppo Bishops Says Syrian Christians Betrayed By The West


    ANSAmed, Italy
    Feb 6 2015

    Monsignor Marayati laments lack of help, 'city is dying'

    (by Fausto Gasparroni) (ANSAmed) - ROME, FEBRUARY 6 - The Armenian
    Catholic bishop of Aleppo told ANSA on Friday that the Christian
    community in Syria felt "forgotten, neglected and betrayed by the
    West". Monsignor Boutros Marayati added, in response to a question
    about the international community's reaction to the conflict that has
    been ongoing for almost four years, that "no one thinks about us. For
    example, you hear about Kobane (also known as Ayn Al-Arab, Ed.), and
    Kobane is a small, unimportant town, while Christians - most of whom
    live in Aleppo - are forgotten." "The situation in Aleppo," he said on
    the fringes of a bishops prayer for peace he presided over on Friday
    in the Santa Maria in Trastevere church, promoted by the Comunita di
    Sant'Egidio, "is tragic. There is a lack of water, electricity, light,
    heating, and fuel. The doctors have left and there is no medicine. But
    we are living there, surviving. We feel a bit abandoned, forgotten,
    by the West and the entire world." Monsignor Marayati went on to say
    that churchgoers "often come and ask us whether they should stay or
    go. And you can't say anything given the tragedy before us, since
    there is above all a lack of security.

    Rockets and bombs come from the jihadists' area, and two weeks ago
    our cathedral was also hit a rocket that destroyed the cupola and
    the entire roof." "The people are now thinking about leaving," he said.

    "Already two thirds of the Christian population, the Armenians, have
    left. Only a small one-third of them have stayed - those that still
    believe in peace want to stay. Especially when the appeal to save
    Aleppo was launched, or at least to freeze the situation and bring
    in a ceasefire, some believed and still do.

    They are however becoming more pessimistic, because the situation has
    not changed. It has instead become worse." Marayati underscored that
    "there is hope. There have been many appeals, and even the Comunita
    di Sant'Egidio made an appeal to save Aleppo. However, nothing has
    changed on the ground, in reality. To the contrary: it has become
    worse." "At this point," he continued, "we only open our churches to
    help people. Aid comes and everyone has become poor and in need of
    help. Those who used to help the church now need help themselves.

    People are fed up. Is there such thing as human dignity? How can you
    always line up for a drop of water, to wait for petrol, wait for food.

    The wealthy have left and the middle class has become poor." The
    bishop said that, nevertheless, "despite everything, we have opened
    the schools and churchgoers come to church. Many of the churches have
    been destroyed, but those that are still functioning are filled with
    believers praying that this type of evil - as the Gospels say - will
    go away simply by praying and fasting. We call for peace through
    appeals for prayer and fasting. As one bishop said, 'these are
    things we ask the Lord with tears'. This is what we do now in our
    communities." On the subject of relations with other communities,
    including non-Christian ones, the Armenian Catholic bishop stressed
    that "what was beautiful about Aleppo was that everything is done in
    an ecumenical fashion" he said.

    "Either we're together or we aren't. And so, everything that is done
    is done between the Orthodox, Catholics and Protestants, and with
    moderate Muslims. Everything that happens now - at least as concerns
    the part that is still there - is cooperation, a collaboration,
    ecumenical and interfaith solidarity." (ANSAmed).
