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Yerevan Blames Azeri Army For Shelling Friendly Villages

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  • Yerevan Blames Azeri Army For Shelling Friendly Villages


    Interfax, Russia
    Feb 5 2015

    The Azeri Armed Forces shelled a number of friendly village at the
    border with Armenia in the early hours of Thursday, Armenian Defense
    Ministry spokesman Artsrun Hovhannisyan claimed.

    "The Azeri village of Parakhli that is on the opposite side from the
    villages of Baganis and Koti in the Tavush district of [northeastern]
    Armenia was under the shelling from the Azeri positions starting from
    10.40 p.m. (9.40 p.m. Moscow time). Mostly, tracer bullets were fired.

    This is another provocation of the Azeri side," Hovhannisyan wrote
    on Facebook.

    The Azeri army "continued to shell the villages of Parakhli and
    Kushchi Airum" overnight, he said.

    In turn, the Azeri Defense Ministry reported 70 violations of the
    ceasefire regime by the Armenian army along the line of contact with
    Azeri troops and said large-caliber machineguns were used.

    The ministry said the hostile fire had been suppressed.

    Tensions in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone have been lingering
    for several months. The sides are trading ceasefire breach accusations

    The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) urged
    Azerbaijan and Armenia on January 27 to exhibit self-restraint in
    the Karabakh peace process.

    "We called on Azerbaijan to observe its commitments to a peaceful
    resolution of the conflict. We also call on Armenia to take all
    measures to reduce tensions," reads a statement by OSCE Minsk Group
    co-chairmen issued after their meeting with the Azeri Foreign Minister.

    "The rise in violence that began last year must stop for confidence
    to be restored and progress to be made in the Nagorno-Karabakh peace
    process," the statement reads.

    The OSCE emphasized the importance of measures that could prevent
    unintended incidents between Azerbaijan and Armenia.
