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Armenia: Aftermath of a Massacre

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  • Armenia: Aftermath of a Massacre

    Armenia: Aftermath of a Massacre

    Posted by: Thomas de Waal

    Wednesday, January 28, 2015

    For two weeks, Armenians have had time for only one issue: the horrible
    murder of a whole family in the town of Gyumri and outrage at the way
    politicians have dealt with it.

    At first it was just a tragic murder. On January 12, a soldier broke out of
    Russia's 102 military base in Armenia's second city of Gyumri and, for
    reasons that are still unexplained, made his way to a family house in the
    middle of the city. He broke in and shot and killed six members of the
    Avetisian family, including a two-year-old girl. Then he fled on foot and
    was detained several hours later near the Armenian-Turkish border.
    [image: De Waal is a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment,
    specializing primarily in the South Caucasus region comprising Armenia,
    Azerbaijan, and Georgia and their breakaway territories as well as the
    wider Black Sea region.]Thomas de Waal

    Senior Associate
    Russia and Eurasia Program

    The whole of Armenia followed agonizing health bulletins on the seventh
    member of the family, a six-month-old baby boy whom the soldier had stabbed
    with his bayonet. A week later, the boy too died of his wounds.

    By then, the alleged murderer, a 19-year-old named Valery Permyakov, was in
    custody at the Russian military base and the subject of a growing political

    The public reacted much more quickly to the tragedy than did either
    Armenian or Russian politicians. On the day of the family funeral, angry
    crowds demonstrated

    the Russian consulate in Gyumri demanding that the soldier be handed over
    to the Armenian authorities. At least 14 people were injured as the police
    beat back the demonstrators.

    The protesters voiced anger not just with the Russians but with their own
    leaders. On the fourth day after the murders, a veterans' group criticized

    President Serzh Sargsyan and the leader of the Armenian Apostolic Church
    Karekin II for not speaking in public about the killings.

    We can presume that there were many private Armenian-Russian official
    conversations about what should be done with the alleged killer. Even
    though the crime had been committed against Armenian victims on Armenian
    soil, Russian officials displayed an amazing stubbornness in insisting that
    he should be tried under Russian law.

    In the first few days after the killings, the Russian media barely
    mentioned them. When Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov
    eventually spoke

    the issue, he said that the trial would be held in a Russian military
    court. When Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was asked
    about the
    killings at a press conference on January 21, he condemned them in the
    strongest terms but also stirred up resentment by talking about a
    "provocation" by "those willing to use this tragedy to obtain some
    geopolitical advantages," implying that the demonstrators were working to a
    Western agenda.

    Russia is Armenia's economic and political patron and sole provider of
    foreign security. On January 1, Armenia entered the Russian-led Eurasian
    Union. The Gyumri base, home to 4,000 soldiers and their families, is also
    the mainstay of the local economy. In 2010 its lease was extended until

    But that does not mean the relationship is an easy one. Periodically
    Armenian resentment at Moscow's perceived high-handedness and colonial
    mentality boils over. That was the case in 1988, the year of Armenia's
    anti-Soviet revolt, when Soviet troops opened fire on Armenian nationalist
    demonstrators at Zvartnots airport.

    On the Armenian side, the Russian alliance is in large part a forced
    marriage which Armenia has entered in order to maintain military parity in
    the Karabakh conflict with Azerbaijan.

    Currently none of the political elite questions it. The three political
    parties associated with the current president and his two predecessors--the
    Republican Party, Prosperous Armenia and the Armenian National Congress--all
    swear loyalty to Moscow. The relationship deepened last year with the
    appointment of a new prime minister in the oligarch mold, Hovik Abrahamian.
    In October a prominent American-Armenian columnist

    that the close relationship with Russia was founded on "existential
    strategic and economic realities" and that it was pointless to criticize
    Armenia's joining of the Eurasian Union.

    The protests show that the Armenian public has a much broader spectrum of
    views than do their political leaders. The political fallout of the
    horrible Gyumri massacre will not result in a strategic orientation away
    from Russia. But it will further hollow out public support for President
    Sargsyan and his government. 7e8uXaag38431UFwdcjKPmjr1YIERMV0aPyQAgobGp5I5FEIQ7 XYTLB2t60MWA%3D%3D

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress