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Turkey's Bad Joke: Crocodile Tears for Victims of Holocaust

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  • Turkey's Bad Joke: Crocodile Tears for Victims of Holocaust

    Turkey's Bad Joke: Crocodile Tears for Victims of Holocaust
    By Burak Bekdil
    February 8, 2015

    [Burak Bekdil, based in Ankara, is a Turkish columnist for the
    Hurriyet Daily and a Fellow at the Middle East Forum.]

    It all looks nice. It isn't.

    On Muslim Brotherhood channels based in Turkey, Egyptian clerics and
    commentators called for the murder of Egypt's President Abdel Fatteh
    al-Sisi and the journalists who support him.

    Under the nice wrappings of Holocaust Remembrance Day, there is an
    entirely different Turkey.

    Perhaps he thinks the Holocaust, too, happened because of the
    Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

    For a few moments, one could think there are two countries in the
    world that go by the name "Turkey." Then reality quickly corrects the
    mistaken belief.

    "We hope that every person develops an understanding of the Holocaust,
    which constitutes one of the darkest moments in human history, and
    will consider the importance of working together so that such a
    tragedy, and the conditions that made this inconceivable crime
    possible, will never re-emerge," the Turkish Foreign Ministry said in
    a written statement on January 27. How nice and thoughtful. But there
    were more Turkish niceties.

    Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu was among the participants
    in Poland at the ceremony marking the 70th anniversary of the
    liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp, on Holocaust
    Remembrance Day. And Turkey donated a modest sum of 150,000 euros this
    year as its contribution to the long-term preservation and restoration
    of the concentration camp.

    Also, for the first time, International Holocaust Remembrance Day was
    marked in Ankara by high-level officials. Turkish Parliamentary
    Speaker Cemil Cicek on January 28 addressed members of Turkey's tiny
    Jewish community and others at a Holocaust Remembrance Day event.

    It all looks nice. It isn't.

    The Turkish Foreign Ministry's statement looked like the bad joke of
    the year: "We observe that anti-Semitism, which formed a basis for the
    inhuman Nazi ideology, still survives today and therefore we believe
    in the importance of fighting tirelessly against this phenomenon."

    The ministry was right to observe that anti-Semitism still survives
    today. Sadly, most powerfully in its own country, where no prosecutor
    has indicted a single one of hundreds (perhaps thousands) of social
    media users who, since last summer, have praised Hitler endlessly,
    claiming that the "Jews deserved it."

    Under the nice wrappings of Holocaust Remembrance Day, there is the
    story of an entirely different Turkey.

    Parliamentary Speaker Cicek, for instance, linked rising anti-Semitism
    to Israeli actions. In his address to the Jewish community, he said:
    "As we remember the pain of the past, no one can ignore the last
    attacks on Gaza, in which 2,000 innocent children, women were
    massacred." Perhaps he thinks the Holocaust, too, happened because of
    the Arab-Israeli conflict.

    It was not a coincidence that back in 2011, a study, released by the
    Turkish think tank SETA, found that only 8.6% of the Turks had a
    favorable opinion of Jews. Nearly 20% of the respondents did not have
    an opinion of Jews, and 71.5% said they had a negative opinion.
    According to a poll that the Anti-Defamation League released in 2014,
    69% of Turks harbor anti-Semitic attitudes.

    More recently, the Hrant Dink Foundation in Turkey, named after the
    murdered Turkish-Armenian journalist, found that anti-Semitism is the
    most common racial or religious prejudice in the Turkish media.

    The study tracked derogatory coverage of over 30 different groups in
    media reports between May and August, only to find that Jews and
    Armenians were the subjects of just over half of the recorded
    incidents in a media landscape filled with "biased and discriminatory
    language use."

    Jews led the list with 130 incidents, followed by Armenians (60),
    [non-Greek] Christians (25), Greeks (21), Kurds (18) and Syrian
    refugees (10).

    Foreign Minister Cavusoglu may have bothered to travel all the way to
    Poland to mark Holocaust Remembrance Day, but his sentiments most
    probably align with other ideologies.

    Less than a month after Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu hosted
    Khaled Mashaal, head of Hamas's political bureau, at a high-level
    party congress, Cavusoglu in January said that Mashaal, reportedly
    expelled from Qatar, was free to come to Turkey. He said: "Regardless
    of which country they belong to, people are free to come and go to
    Turkey as they wish, as long as there are no legal impediments."

    But Hamas is not Turkey's only love affair in the neighborhood.
    Turkey's Islamist leaders are as passionate about the Muslim Brothers
    as they are about Hamas. Hence, not a word from the Turkish Foreign
    Ministry (which observes that anti-Semitism is still alive today) over
    the January 30 call from the Muslim Brotherhood for "a long,
    uncompromising jihad" in Egypt.

    Only two days before a terror attack killed 25 in Egypt's Sinai
    region, a statement from the Muslim Brotherhood said: "Imam al-Bana
    [founder of the Brotherhood] prepared the jihad brigades that he sent
    to Palestine to kill the Zionist usurpersĀ¦"

    And in programs aired on January 10 and 26 on Muslim Brotherhood
    channels based in Turkey, Egyptian clerics and commentators called for
    the murder of Egyptian President Abdel Fatteh al-Sisi and the
    journalists who support him. For instance, cleric Salama Abd al-Qawi
    said on Rabea TV that, "anyone who killed al-Sisi would be doing a
    good deed." Cleric Wagdi Ghoneim told Misr Alan TV that, "whoever can
    bring us the head of one of these dogs and hell-dwellers" would be
    rewarded by Allah. And commentator Muhammad Awadh said on Misr Alan TV
    that the punishment for the "inciting coup journalists" was death.

    But the Turkish Foreign Ministry was right. Anti-Semitism is still alive today!
