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Anti-Armenian statements of U.S. diplomat result of Armenia's alignm

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  • Anti-Armenian statements of U.S. diplomat result of Armenia's alignm

    Expert: Anti-Armenian statements of U.S. diplomat result of Armenia's
    alignment with EEU

    by Nana Martirosyan
    Saturday, February 7, 19:37

    When aligning with the Eurasian Economic Union, the authorities of
    Armenia should have thought not just of the 170 million market, but
    also of the negative consequences, such as escalation of tension on
    the Armenian-Azerbaijani border and unfavorable statements of the OSCE
    MG co-chairs, Ara Papyan, Director of the Modus Vivendi Centrer, told

    To recall, OSCE MG, James Warlick, the OSCE MG Co-Chair of U.S. told
    APA that extradition of the Azeri diversionists convicted in Nagorny
    Karabakh would be a kind step that would help reduce tensions and
    build confidence between the parties.

    "Armenia has occurred in the heat of the West-Russia confrontation and
    as a EEU country it will be feeling permanent pressure in terms of
    statements on Karabakh and anti-Armenian resolution," Papyan said.
    According to him, it is not for the first time when representatives of
    a mediating country raise the issue of the diversionists in a way not
    favorable for Armenia.

    The expert believes that the meetings as part of the peace talks have
    become an end in itself. "In his annual reports the Foreign Minister
    of Armenia does not speak of the goals achieved. He just speaks of the
    meetings and visits, which, as a rule, bring no result," Papyan said.
    He pointed out that the Foreign Ministry of Armenia has a Soviet-time
    work-style - for the sake of appearance, not for a result.¬E71020-AEE7-11E4-B6670EB7C0D21663
