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Armenian Diplomats Upset Aliyev In Munich

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  • Armenian Diplomats Upset Aliyev In Munich


    12:05, 9 February, 2015

    YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 9, ARMENPRESS. During the Munich Security Annual
    conference the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev had a speech
    during the Panel Discussion "Beyond Ukraine- Unresolved conflicts in
    Europe." The President of Azerbaijan in essence repeated the boring
    statements which are being made over the last two decades.

    As reports "Armenpress", during this section of the conference, where
    a number of high-ranking officials were present, not everything went
    smoothly for Ilham Aliyev. After the latter's speech a question was
    addressed by a member of the Armenian delegation Andranik Hovhannisyan
    that "it is well-known that the OSCE Minsk Co-Chairs have on numerous
    occasions appealed to the both countries to accept the Basic Principles
    of the Madrid document, i.e. non-use of force or threat of force, right
    to self-determination and territorial integrity. The Armenian side has
    several times noted that it is accepting those proposals. Azerbaijan
    has never clearly stated about this. Can you here unequivocally state
    that you are accepting those principles as a basis for the conflict

    Putting the question flatly perplexed Ilham Aliyev and he spoke
    about his vision of the conflict settlement. Then he made a distorted
    presentation of the right to self-determination completely ignoring
    the principle of non-use of force and threat of force, and eventually
    did not clarify whether he is unequivocally accepting those principles
    or not.

    Ilham Aliyev underlined that the conflicts in the former USSR space
    should have the same solutions, adding that Russia has occupied
    the Crimea.

    The head of the Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    Tigran Lazarian using the opportunity of asking a question, first
    of all reminded about the addressed call of the Minsk Group, then
    said that Azerbaijan is escalating the situation to undermine the
    negotiation process. "Mr. Aliyev, the Minsk Group Co-Chairs, about whom
    you mentioned, a few days ago made a statement where they "called on
    Azerbaijan to observe its commitments to the peaceful settlement of
    the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict." This is not accidental, that their
    appeal is addressed to you, because it is the Azerbaijani side which
    is ignoring those appeals and is violating the ceasefire regime on
    Armenia-Azerbaijan border, as wlel as on the Line of Contact between
    Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh. Since January the Azerbaijani side
    has violated the ceasefire regime more than 3.000 sides, as a result
    of which there were several losses on all sides. Just a few days ago
    65 and 85 years-old Armenians were killed by your snipers. Don't you
    think that by your actions you are further escalating the situation
    and thus are making the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict in the near future less likely.

    I would like to recall the Moderator of this session of the conference,
    Slovenia's President, Mr. Pahor's question asked to you and the other
    panelists, where he asked what the first step on the way to progress in
    the peaceful settlement of the conflicts. You wandered around, but did
    not speak about the most important. Settlement of a conflict commences
    when duns are stopping to fire. So my appeal to you is - Stop firing!"

    Aliyev got more upset by the statement of the Armenian diplomat,
    repeated his accusations against the international community, the
    Armenian Diaspora, Armenia, without responding to the question and
    the appeal.
