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Security Concerns: Karabakh Issue Addressed On Margins Of Munich Con

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  • Security Concerns: Karabakh Issue Addressed On Margins Of Munich Con


    Analysis | 09.02.15 | 11:50

    By Naira Hayrumyan
    ArmeniaNow correspondent

    The annual International Security Conference, which this year was
    almost entirely devoted to the Ukrainian problem, ended in Munich,

    Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian, who last year
    found it unnecessary to attend the conference, did take part in it
    this year.

    During the forum, Nalbandian met with the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs
    (Igor Popov, of Russia, James Warlick, of the United States, and Pierre
    Andrieu, of France). In addition, he met with his counterparts from
    Croatia, Romania, Qatar and other countries.

    The Karabakh issue was discussed at the margins of the conference, and
    the Armenian minister did not make any special speech. The Minsk Group
    co-chairs issued a joint statement in which they called on the parties
    to return to talks on a framework agreement on long-term peace. Also,
    statements were made by the chairman-in-office and secretary general
    of the OSCE.

    The Minsk Group statement contains a remarkable appeal to the parties
    to avoid steps that could lead to a repeat of the incident of November
    12, 2014 when during military exercises an Armenian helicopter was
    shot down by Azerbaijani troops. Armenian experts in this regard said
    that the appeal was addressed to Azerbaijan, which was conducting
    large-scale military exercises near the Line of Contact last week.

    The situation on the borders of Armenia and Karabakh with Azerbaijan
    has significantly deteriorated since the beginning of the year.

    Azerbaijani troops use the tactic of small sabotage activities and
    inflicting "drip" damage. At the same time, the Armenian army announced
    transition to the tactics of punitive and preventive actions. Since
    the beginning of the year the Armenian side alone has had more than
    a dozen victims.

    Armenia is in search of a more "diversified" security. Russia is
    considered to be the guarantor of Armenia's security, but Armenia
    also has cooperation with NATO, even though Moscow prevents closer
    contacts with the North-Atlantic alliance and supply of arms.

    Between Russia and the greater part of the leading countries of the
    world there is an ongoing strong opposition on Ukraine. One of the main
    reproaches that are made to Russia is its interference in the affairs
    of neighboring states and influencing their foreign-policy orientation.

    Armenia is among such countries - on September 3, 2013 the president
    of Armenian, after three years of negotiations with the European
    Union on association, suddenly declared about Armenia's joining the
    Russian-led trade bloc.

    The same thing all but happened in Ukraine, and the current war there
    is a continuation of Russia's opposition to Ukraine's integration
    into Western structures - NATO and the EU.

    The West is clearly supporting Ukraine, but many wonder if the same
    support would be given to Armenia if its leadership pressed ahead with
    association with the EU. Armenia too clearly yielded its security
    to Russia. Now there are some unsuccessful attempts to establish
    relations with NATO and, perhaps, get weapons.

    On February 6, Armenian Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan received
    UK Ambassador to Armenia Katherine Leach. During the meeting issues
    related to the trial relations of Armenia-UK-NATO and regional security
    were discussed. Great Britain would like to become a provider of
    closer relations between Armenia and NATO. But it is not known whether
    Armenia agreed to establish such a relationship.

    A day before that, February 5, Minister Ohanyan met with Collective
    Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) Secretary General Nikolai
    Bordyuzha. Discussed were issues related to the implementation of the
    decisions of the December summit of the CSTO aimed at the development
    of the military unit and the components related to regional and
    international security.

    This time there were more specifics - the CSTO is going to increase
    the military component. In autumn the organization intends to
    conduct large-scale exercises in Armenia codenamed "Indestructible
    Brotherhood". As for NATO, there are still no specifics in this issue. h

    From: A. Papazian