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BAKU: Azerbaijan Not To Attend Euronest PA Session In Yerevan

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijan Not To Attend Euronest PA Session In Yerevan


    APA, Azerbaijan
    Feb 9 2015

    Elkhan Suleymanov: "This organization keeps Armenia under its umbrella
    and attempts to insure Armenia from any sanctions and responsibility
    for its aggressive criminal actions against Azerbaijan"

    Azerbaijan will not attend the Euronest PA session to take place in
    Yerevan on 1618 March, Elkhan Suleymanov, Chairman of Azerbaijani
    Delegation to the Euronest PA, told APA.

    E. Suleymanov said bureau meeting of the Euronest PA will take place
    in Strasbourg on February 11, 2015. The meeting will discuss the draft
    agenda of the 4th plenary session, among other issues. The 4th plenary
    session of the Euronest PA will be held in Yerevan between 16th and
    18th March of 2015, and this decision was adopted by Bureau in 2014.

    "It should be noted that the Azerbaijani delegation repeatedly and
    resolutely expressed its objection against holding the Euronest PA
    sessions, Bureau and Committees' meetings in Armenia, as well as
    against cochairmanship of Armenia to the Euronest PA, during Bureau
    meetings between 2011 and 2014.

    The Azerbaijani delegation highlighted in its statements that it is
    inadmissible to hold the Euronest PA sessions, Bureau and Committees'
    meetings in Armenia and to allow Armenia to cochair the Euronest PA
    until Nagorno Karabakh and 7 surrounding provinces are liberated,
    threat for frontier provinces of Azerbaijan with 400 thousand
    population is fully eliminated as a result of the occupation of
    Sarsang reservoir for over 23 years, blockade of Nakhchivan is ended.

    Furthermore, the Azerbaijani delegation unambiguously stated that
    it won't attend plenary sessions and meetings of the institution to
    be held in Armenia. Therefore, the decision on holding the plenary
    session of the Euronest PA in Yerevan was adopted despite resolute
    objections of Azerbaijani delegation," he noted.

    E. Suleymanov added that the point of attention is that the 4th session
    of the Euronest PA in Yerevan will coincide with 100th anniversary
    of socalled Armenian genocide. Undoubtedly, the Armenian side will
    use this international event as a means of propagation of socalled
    Armenian genocide.

    "I'd like particularly underline that despite the fact that Armenia
    signed a Customs Union agreement and joined the the Eurasian Economic
    Union, the Euronest PA neither expressed its attitude towards this
    fact nor discussed this situation.

    On the contrary, the fact that the plenary session of the Euronest PA
    will be held in this country in such situation proves the approval of
    Armenia's political decisions to join the abovementioned institutions.

    And this means that Armenia will achieve the adoption of any decision
    in favor of its own interests during Yerevan session of the Euronest
    PA. On the other hand, Yerevan session provides the Armenian side
    with additional opportunities for propaganda of 100th anniversary of
    socalled Armenian genocide.

    We witnessed double standards policy regarding Azerbaijan for
    several times within the Euronest PA, as it was the case in other
    international organizations. Despite our multiple efforts, it was
    impossible so far to discuss the fact of the occupation of 20% of
    Azerbaijani territories by Armenia for over 23 years in Committees'
    meetings and plenary sessions of Euronest PA.

    We always faced a statement that Euronest PA is not an institution able
    to solve the issue of NagornoKarabakh and other occupied territories,"
    he underlined.

    E. Suleymanov went on to add that it's clear that on the background
    of the annexation of Crimea to Russia and armed confrontations
    in the southeast of Ukraine, a number of leading world states
    and international organizations, as well as the European Union,
    demonstrate highlevel support to Ukraine.

    "Nevertheless, despite the fact that we claimed the adoption of
    documents regarding sanctions against aggressor Armenia by demanding
    the same level of support to Azerbaijan, territories of which have
    been occupied for long, our efforts were definitely blocked by
    different means.

    Thus, as other international organizations, the Euronest PA, a
    parliamentary institution of the European Union within the framework
    of Eastern Partnership program, keeps Armenia under its umbrella and
    attempts to insure Armenia from any sanctions and responsibility for
    its aggressive criminal actions against Azerbaijan.

    At the same time, Euronest PA confirms itself to be a propagation
    facility in promoting these stupid claims among the world community
    by holding its 4th session in Yerevan on the eve of 100th anniversary
    of socalled Armenian genocide.

    Interestingly, this institution, which actually supports socalled
    Armenian genocide, doesn't take into account that Armenians, who
    are going to celebrate 100th anniversary of socalled claims, have
    been committing genocide crimes against the Azerbaijani people since
    1905 and that genocide crimes of Armenians against Azerbaijani people
    continues for already 110 years.

    Finally, I'd like to stress once again that Azerbaijani delegation
    insists on its position, and we won't attend the plenary session to
    be held in Yerevan," he completed.
