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ANKARA: Azerbaijan, Armenia Urged To Ease Tensions

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  • ANKARA: Azerbaijan, Armenia Urged To Ease Tensions


    World Bulletin, Turkey
    Feb 9 2015

    The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe has expressed
    concern over a record high number of casualties in January during

    World Bulletin / News Desk

    The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe has called
    for easing of tensions between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

    Last year, some 60 people were killed over a long-standing conflict
    between the two countries over a disputed zone.

    In a statement Saturday, the organization expressed concern over the
    volatile situation.

    The remarks came after a meeting in Munich between the interim chairman
    of the organization, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and the OSCE
    Minsk Group, which was established to solve the conflict by Russia,
    the U.S. and France.

    In January, 12 people were killed, while 18 others were injured,
    which is a record high number since a cease-fire was established in
    1994, according to the statement.

    "We call on the sides to end incursions, cease targeting villages and
    civilians, stop the threat of reprisals and the use of asymmetric
    force, and take additional steps to reduce tensions and strengthen
    the cease-fire," the statement said.

    An Azerbaijani solider died Friday after succumbing to his wounds
    following clashes a day before, officials said.

    Azerbaijan and Armenia, two former Soviet republics, fought a war
    over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region in the 1990s.

    On May 12, 1994, a cease-fire agreement was signed between Azerbaijan
    and Armenia after two decades of conflict over the disputed territory.

    In February 1988, the regional parliament in Nagorno-Karabakh,
    which is largely populated by ethnic Armenians, voted to declare its
    independence from Azerbaijan.

    Armenia's parliament voted to recognize the independence, a move that
    prompted a forceful evacuation of over 200,000 ethnic Azerbaijanis
    from Armenia. Thousands of Azerbaijani civilians lost their lives in
    the resulting conflict.
