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Can I Get Paid? Grammy Nominated Artist Reveals His Royalty Statemen

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  • Can I Get Paid? Grammy Nominated Artist Reveals His Royalty Statemen


    Madame Noire
    Feb 9 2015

    February 9, 2015 รข~@~P
    By Ann Brown

    Most people think musicians and Grammy nominated artists are rolling
    in the dough. But fact is, the majority of artists have to work hard
    for their money and lots of times have to fight for income such as
    royalty rights.

    Mega successful Taylor Swift engaged in an epic battle with streaming
    music service Spotify over her royalties. In fact, so upset that she
    didn't receive the royalties she claimed was due to her, Swift last
    year removed her entire back catalog from Spotify.

    Just recently Grammy nominated composer, keyboardist, and recording
    artist Armen Chakmakian graphically illustrated just how little artists
    make on royalties by releasing his royalty statements to the public.

    The Armenian-American musician revealed that out of 14,227 performances
    of music (almost every track 100 percent owned by Chakmakian, played
    everywhere from streaming services like Pandora to over speakers at
    events) he only generated $4.20 in royalty earnings.

    There are striking differences on the amount of royalties earned
    on different outlets. One performance of his songs "Ceremonies" or
    "Distant Lands" on a streaming radio show like Hearts of Space earned
    him 26 cents for the full writer's share compared to when his song
    "Gypsy Rain" was play a whopping 2,088 times on Spotify and brought
    in just a measly 60 cents.

    "Someone's making money, and in true fashion with the music industry,
    it's not the artists. Business practices like this are one of the
    reasons I jumped ship and only write for television now," writes
    Chakmakian in Digital Music News.

    He also shows his artist's statement from SoundExchange (an independent
    digital performance rights organization) from the same period showing
    Chakmakian was paid $11.50 in royalties. "I received a total of $30.89
    from them - $11.50 for the artist; $19.39 for the label (I'm the label,
    TruArt Records)," he confirms.

    It's no secret that the music industry is changing. Forbes listed some
    of the major shifts; even as people are listening to more music than
    ever, they're purchasing fewer downloads in favor of streaming. So
    money is being made more often through touring and partnerships
    with brands. Companies spent $1.3 billion last year to partner with
    musicians, which is why you see so many artists turning up in ads
    these days.
