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Turkish PM: We Won't Succumb To 'Jewish Lobby'

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  • Turkish PM: We Won't Succumb To 'Jewish Lobby'


    Arutz Sheva, Israel
    Feb 9 2015

    Turkish PM Davutoglu says gov't 'won't succumb to Jewish lobby'
    after Erdogan accuses opponents of cooperating with Mossad.

    By Cynthia Blank

    Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said Sunday that his government
    would not succumb to the Jewish lobby, the Armenian lobby, or the
    lobby of the Turkish-Greek minority.

    Speaking at the Justice and Development Party's provincial congress
    in Istanbul, Davutogolu stated, "I announce it from here: we have
    not and will not succumb to the Jewish lobby, the Armenian lobby or
    the Turkish-Greek minority's lobbies."

    "I call out to the parallel lobby [the Gulenists] that sent them a
    message: We will stand before you with dignity no matter where you are;
    you will be despicable for the treason you have done to this nation."

    Davutoglu's comments come as a response to President Recep Tayyip
    Erdogan's accusation that Gulenists in Turkey are working in
    cooperation with Israel's intelligence organization, the Mossad.

    Gulenists, the supporters of US-based Islamic scholar Fethullah
    Gulen, have been dubbed "the parallel structure" by Erdogan. They
    are believed to be engaged in a political power struggle with the
    President, despite claiming to be non-political in nature.

    Erdogan has previously accused Gulenists of illegal wiretappings and a
    "coup attempt" following the corruption-related arrests of four former
    ministers and their sons, all allies of Erdogan.

    He alleges Gulen's supporters orchestrated the charges after the
    government shut down many of Gulen's private pre-university schools
    in Turkey in December of 2013.

    During a meeting of business leaders in Istanbul on Saturday, Erdogan
    attacked the Gulenists and called on their supporters to open their

    "The sincere people backing this parallel structure should see
    this structure is cooperating with ... Shame on them if they still
    cannot see that this structure is cooperating with the Mossad,"
    Erdogan charged.

    Both Erdogan and Davutoglu are known for their anti-Israel sentiments
    and statements.

    Erdogan recently blasted Netanyahu for "daring" to attend an
    anti-terror solidarity march in Paris after the attacks in that city.

    Davutoglu, followed suit, first claiming that Netanyahu had committed
    crimes against humanity and following that up by accusing him of

    Turkey's Foreign Minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu, joined the act Friday,
    when he cancelled plans to attend the Munich Security Conference in
    protest at the inclusion of Israeli representatives in a session on
    the Middle East.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress