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Invisible Nation

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  • Invisible Nation


    Editorial, 9 February 2015

    "No other nation and ethnic group seems to see such a degree of
    antagonism, misinformation, misappropriation and distortion against
    their own history more than the Armenians."--Vahan A. Setyan

    "Language as a Fingerprint" (page 72, The Armenian LLC, 2014).

    Mr. Setyan's overstatement is understandable considering the centuries
    of unfair and unjust treatment Armenians and Armenia have been dished
    by Western historians. The ugly tradition continues today not only
    in history books but also in the general mass media.

    How many times have you looked into the index of history books to
    check whether Armenia/Armenians are mentioned and then shut the book
    in frustration because we don't exist in the book? And sometimes,
    when we are mentioned, it's in a repetitive boiler-plate format:
    "Alexander the Great/Romans/Persians/Arabs/Turks (take your pick)
    conquered Egypt, Syria, Asia Minor, Armenia..." Always conquered,
    always occupied.

    Never making a difference; never contributing to civilization. About
    4,300-year history and not a single significant person or achievement
    to show for it, if one is to believe these "scholars". We are the
    Invisible Nation.

    In 19th century history books we play two roles: agitator; victim of
    massacre. We also couldn't please the Westerner chronicling his/her
    trip through the Ottoman Empire. If the Armenian was poor or dressed in
    traditional costume, he was mocked or vilified for his backwardness
    while his clergy was branded obscurantist, superstitious. The
    churches were decorated in bad taste. If the Armenian was educated
    and had adopted some Western ways, he was dismissed for his 'airs and
    pretensions' while the brigand Turk or Kurd was hailed as a natural
    or heroic-looking man in colorful traditional costume.

    In history books of the early 20th century we were given a "half a
    pass" by these writers because the West was fighting the Ottomans,
    our executioners. When Armenia became part of the "godless" Soviets,
    we vanished for 70 years. Western historians, who mentioned Armenians
    and the First World War, also made the point that we had egged the
    Ottoman Turks by aiding its enemy Russia...and thus, sort of, got
    what was coming to us. This narrative persists today.

    After independence we had some lukewarm attention (hopes for a staged
    'Pomegranate Revolution'?), but since then because of Azerbaijan's
    petrol, caviar diplomacy and junketeering ethos, we have been pushed
    in the background or accused of being the offending party in the war
    with Alievstan.

    The denial, the hiding of the Genocide is also widespread among
    Western "scholars". To commemorate the First World War, leading German
    magazines recently published special issues about the war. Not one
    of them, except "Die Zeit" mentioned the Genocide. Meanwhile at the
    Berlin German Historical Museum, a small section was dedicated to
    Genocide documentarian Armin Wagner but "genocide" was again absent
    from the display. Earlier this month, MSNBC featured "10 Special
    Anniversaries Across the Globe". The Genocide was, of course, not
    among them, although "80 Years Since Aya Sofia Became a Mosque" was.

    As if the standard anti-Armenian narrative or dismissal of
    the Armenians were not enough, in the past few months a group of
    mercenary writers (Ilan Aran, Tal Buenos, Ariel Cohen, Amanda Paul,
    Brenda Schaffer, Thomas de Waal, etc.) have made a brand-new concerted
    attempt to attack Armenians so as to strengthen relations between
    Azerbaijan and Israel. Dragging that 100% fail-proof "anti-Semitism"
    tag, they have accused Armenians of hating Jews. The root of the
    falsehood is the notorious Anti-Defamation League's "survey" (See June 1, 2014). The "facts" revealed by that unscientific
    survey is parroted as God's truth by these dubious journalists.

    There's, of course, no mention in any of their articles that many
    Armenians are disappointed by Israel's refusal to recognize the
    Genocide and thus may bear negative feelings towards Israel but not
    against Jews. Israel not only denies the undeniable but its US lobby
    has been Turkey's most effective anti-Armenian weapon in the US. It's
    that lobby which has made sure the US will not recognize the Genocide.

    So why shouldn't some Armenians be unhappy with Israel? Armenia
    recognizes the Holocaust and has a monument dedicated to it. Jews in
    Armenia have never complained about discrimination. Armenians have
    also preserved ancient Jewish cemeteries.

    Countless acres of forests have been felled in the past year to meet
    Western publisher demand for fat history books on the occasion of the
    centenary of the First World War: "World War I" by Jennifer D. Keene,
    "Gardens of Hell" by Patrick Gariepy, "The Month That Changed the
    World" by Gordon Martel, "A Mad Catastrophe" by Geoffrey Wawro, "War
    of Attrition" William Philpott, "The Sleepwalkers" by Christopher
    Clarke, "Catastrophe" by Max Hastings, "The Great and Holy War" by
    Philip Jenkins...With rare exceptions these tomes (average page count
    600) do not mention Armenians, let alone the Genocide. In Margaret
    MacMillan's 739-page "The War That Ended Peace", Armenia is mentioned
    once and in passing, along with Georgia and Azerbaijan.

    The First World War was the result of European colonial greed and
    rivalry for dominance. Although Armenians had no say in the war, they
    were among its primary victims: the European conflagration gave the
    opportunity to Ottoman Turkey to slay 1.5-million Armenians and drive
    the rest from their 4,000-year-old homeland into the four corners of
    the world. Yet, to this day, no European historian has come forth and
    acknowledged that the Genocide couldn't have occurred had it not been
    for the European martial madness. We were just collateral damage. What
    counts are the bravery and casualties at Mons, Dieppe, Somme, Ypres,
    Marne... their sons who were victims of their rulers' greed and folly.

    And when these same Western historians accuse Armenians of siding with
    Tsarist Russia, they neglect to mention that IF the Armenians sided
    with Russia, they had every reason to do so: they had been subjected
    to centuries of persecution, pogroms, and massacres (as late as in the
    mid-1890s and in 1909) by the Ottomans. Besides, it was the Ottomans
    who attacked Russia first and the Armenians who fought on the Russian
    side had no option: they were conscripted as they were citizens
    of Russia. Finally, these same Western writers who cast aspersions
    against the Armenians, shy away from mentioning that the West made
    promises before, during, after the Genocide that were not kept.

    Why the hostility towards Armenians? Why do we continue to get short
    shrift in the Western media?

    Did it start in the Middle Ages with our refusal to recognize the Pope
    as the head of our Church or because Cilicia Armenians became hostile
    to the Crusaders when they discovered their so-called Christian
    saviors were colonialists? Was it because we--as "Levantines"--we
    were not sufficiently humble towards Western travelers in the Ottoman
    Empire or that our merchants posed serious competition to Western
    carpetbagging merchants? Was it because the Ottomans had to be courted
    for commercial, military, political reasons? Was it because Armenia
    was part of the Soviet Union? Consider that soon after the Genocide,
    when America decided it was more advantageous to come to terms with
    Turkey, its high commissioner in Istanbul said Armenians as "...have
    little or no national spirit and have poor moral character."

    What can we do to change the false perception?

    Petroleum is thicker than blood. 'Turkbeijan' has the money; but we
    have the truth. We can't change the posture of vile "think tanks"
    (the petrie dish of some of these 'writers') that are the strategic
    instruments of their pro-Turkey governments. We can't change the
    policies of media outlets which are mostly owned by multinationals
    whose heart belongs to the Wall Street or London's City. Consider that
    before being a media outlet, a publication, TV or radio is first of all
    a profit-making business. Most of their employees, aware of corporate
    interests and prejudices, practice self-censorship. They claim to be
    independent but in fact they have internalized the basic assumptions
    of the corporations which employ them. Thus, no mainstream publication
    has dared declare George W. Bush and Tony Blair war criminals. They
    know not to cross the red line.

    We should build bridges with independent and progressive publishers,
    authors, editors, writers willing to tell the truth. People like
    Robert Fisk, Jeremy Scahill, Laura Flanders, and outlets such as The
    Huffington Post, the Daily Beast, Salon, Al-Monitor, Harper's, Nation,
    AlterNet, Democracy Now, Mother Jones, Canadian Dimension and Tomorrow
    Magazine. Let's arm them with the facts so they can tell the truth
    about Armenians with a louder voice. 1915 is crucial. Let's try to
    change the perceptions of, at least, some of the global public. Let's
    find sympathetic ears and hearts.
