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EPHEMERAL POWER OF BAKU, Or Another Hopeless Visit

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  • EPHEMERAL POWER OF BAKU, Or Another Hopeless Visit


    Friday, 06 February 2015 20:09

    The OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmen are going to visit our region in the
    nearest future. This has been recently stated by the U.S. Co-Chairman,
    James Warlick, in an interview to the Armenian Service the Voice of
    America Radio Station. According to him, the mediators are deeply
    concerned about the serious violations and incidents in the Karabakh
    conflict zone, which directly harm all the countries in the region.

    , Warlick noted.

    As we know, in late January, the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmen issued
    a joint statement, in particular, emphasizing that . There
    is no doubt that the upcoming visit of the international moderators,
    who have repeatedly noted the inadmissibility of a military solution
    to the issue, is aimed at the realization of the declared goals. This
    move by the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmen can be only welcomed, but
    we would also like to hope for their consistency, which has lacked
    so far. And only in their recent joint statement, the OSCE Minsk
    Group Co-Chairmen dared to make a targeted appeal to Azerbaijan -
    the true culprit of the escalation of the situation in the conflict
    zone and of the deaths on both sides of the line of contact.

    All this, again, deserves only approval. However, it is difficult
    to get rid of certain skepticism, which does not allow to hope for
    the success of the upcoming mission of the mediators. The matter,
    of course, is not the lack of their peacekeeping potential. Not at all.

    The stumbling block is the Azerbaijani party's disability for
    negotiations. Azerbaijan has long lost the ability to perceive
    adequately both the existing objective realities and reputable
    international institutions' appeals to official Baku to adhere to the
    basic norms and rules of a civilized society. The recent statement of
    the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmen, in which they directly recommended
    Azerbaijan "to observe its commitments to a peaceful resolution of the
    conflict", has undergone fierce obstruction by the power and public
    structures. This totalitarian state displays a hostile attitude to
    any fair criticism, attacking the opponents with tubs of dirty insults.

    The recent examples are the aggressive, far from the norms of
    human morality attacks of representatives of the official and
    pro-governmentstructures of Azerbaijan against international
    organizations, in particular, the PACE, Freedom House, Human Rights
    Watch, as well as the U.S. State Department, which criticized the
    ruling regime in Baku for mass gross violations of human rights.

    Surely, this frenzied and unbridled reaction of the Azerbaijani
    party has its explanation. And it is that the frantic tone towards
    the critics of Azerbaijan is defined by its President, playingthe
    first violin in this wickedly-brained orchestra. As the saying goes,
    the parish is like its priest. In mid-January, speaking at a conference
    summarising the passed year, the "priest", in response to the criticism
    towards Azerbaijan, confidently stated, "Nobody can talk to us in the
    language of diktat. Some wish to do so, but they can't and will never
    be able to do". The roots of this megalomania lie inthe overestimation
    of self-worth and exaggeration of self-estimation.

    Aliyev, intoxicated by thepetrodollars, seems to seriously believe
    that he is an independent political player, not even regional,but
    global, and therefore can afford much and even all. "Surely, the
    economic power allows us, without fearing of anyone, to state our
    view on the political scene", he stated presumptuously.

    Frankly, this is a topic for another conversation, but it is impossible
    to be silent. According to Western experts, Azerbaijan, as an energy
    supplier to Europe, should not rely too much on the European Union,
    which is trying to diversify its energy sources and to rely on the
    renewable energy, in order to be less dependent on oil and gas. In
    this context, the importance of Azerbaijan as an energy supplier to
    European countries is gradually reducing. In addition, again according
    to international experts, the sharp fall in oil prices has seriously
    downgraded the financial opportunities of Azerbaijan, 70% of the budget
    of which is formed thanks to the oil revenues. This is what relates to
    the economic component of the "power" of Azerbaijan. But, there is also
    a moral component, which was described by the Azerbaijani political
    scientist, Zardusht Alizadeh: "For Washington, Azerbaijan is such an
    unimportant country that nobody will soil himself with it. Today,
    we are dependent on Moscow more than in the Soviet period. We are
    dependent on Moscow, on London, on Paris, on Tehran, and on Ankara,
    because we are a weak state. And we are weak not because we have
    little money, but because people do not believe in their Government".

    Perhaps Aliyev's realization of these obvious truths and objective
    realities would allow him to get rid of the arrogance and to
    become more compliant. Unfortunately, this does not happen yet,
    and Azerbaijan, still relying on the military force, rejects any
    recommendations of international structures to normalize the situation
    and to find a purely diplomatic way of the conflict settlement. So,
    there is no doubt that the forthcoming negotiations of the OSCE
    Minsk Group Co-Chairmen with the Azerbaijani President will once
    again prove fruitless.


    Editor-in-Chief of Azat Artsakh newspaper
