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"Norat Ter-Grigoryants Has Gone To Russia, Slept And Seen Dreams." L

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  • "Norat Ter-Grigoryants Has Gone To Russia, Slept And Seen Dreams." L


    February 10 2015

    "When the ceasefire agreement was signed, Norat Ter-Grigoryants was
    present there. Why he was not offended then, that question was not
    raised then. Or, 20 years elapsed and now it occurred to his mind
    that mistakes have been made then. And has he forgotten the conditions
    under which we signed the ceasefire, under what condition our country
    was," so responded former Deputy Defense Minister, Lieutenant-General
    Gagik Melikyan in the conversation with, in response to
    the statement made by Lieutenant-General Norat Ter-Grigoryants that
    the disgraceful ceasefire agreement signed in Bishkek is a treachery,
    tomfoolery and stupidity.

    Note that recently, during the Russian RT TV transmission, Norat
    Ter-Grigoryants has told why he had left the country offended. As
    reported by, the General has mentioned that serious
    disagreements have arisen between him and the military-political
    leaders of Armenia because of the cease-fire agreement. According
    to him, it was not worthy for the winning state to sign such a
    disgraceful ceasefire, which was not driven from the interests of the
    Armenian people and the state. "This disgraceful agreement was signed
    by people who had no clue about the political and military affairs,
    they did not know what is meant by a strategy. The Bishkek cease-fire
    agreement was an arrangement written on the sand, a thing that does
    not represent anything, it was not only a disgraceful agreement, but
    also tomfoolery and stupidity. There is no commitment or guarantee,
    because the war could restart the very next day. The agreement did
    not provide any distinct borderline and Azerbaijan was not compelled
    to recognize the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic."

    We clarified from Gagik Melkonyan whether we did not have an
    alternative then, and whether we should have signed the agreement,
    the General replied, "No, there was no alternative, because at that
    time we could not compel anything to anybody. The third state was
    reconciling our two states and it was not accepting any condition. As
    for Norat, he was Lieutenant-General and Chief of Staff, whom they were
    listening to. During those times, if he was bringing his fist down on
    the table saying, "You know what?", and they will listen to him. Why
    was he offended? He could have raised the issue and have said what he
    wanted to the government authorities. The Army at that time was the
    most powerful and dictating structure. Let him strike his hand on the
    table saying, it should be so. He was the head of the General Staff,
    and could compel Levon Ter-Petrosyan. Why didn't he do it?

    Hence, I do not accept his reasoning that there was a treachery. Some
    minor people begin giving assessments from the side. They have not
    been in the battle field, nor in the state of war; they were seated
    under the walls, and now, they are criticizing the then government. In
    those winning years, they are saying that it was dark, there was no
    light and it was cold. These were the years of our victory rather
    than the years of darkness. Someone, let's say, was eating meal in
    the light of the lamp, but we are the ones who won."

    As for the accusations that Levon Ter-Petrosyan was not aware of the
    situation and did not know what was going on in the front, Gagik
    Melkonyan said, "I do not want to find fault with, the war passed
    away. I do not want to find fault with any commander of the troops,
    but I must say that Mr. Norat Ter-Grigoryants was not either aware
    of what is going on in the front. We were occupying territories, two
    days later only, they were getting to know that these territories are
    occupied. Let him not forget that he was the kind of General. At that
    time, no one was aware of many questions of how and what. How could
    the president of a country be unaware of what is going on? Or, now,
    Norat has gone to Russia, slept and seen dreams. Does he recall now of
    what had happened 20 years ago? I can sit in front of him, talk to him
    vis-a-vis and tell hundred things to him. But it is not good to find
    fault with anyone. Once, Commandos was also working in the same way,
    and I said a few things about Commandos. It is not good, you have
    passed a war, and we have won. Why do you want to stir all over again?

    Each of you made a mistake, each of you did something, but most
    importantly, we have won a united victory together with the president,
    minister, General Staff and the last soldier. We should be proud. And
    you know what is bad that our nation, when defeated, always knew
    exactly what to do after the defeat. This time that we have won,
    we do not know what to do after the victory. This is the trouble."

    According to Gagik Melkonyan, Norat Ter-Grigoryants left Armenia for
    another reason. "Let him say the main reason. It was not the reason."

    To our question of whether it is true that the problem was only
    with his disagreements to the decisions of Generals Andreasyan and
    Dalibaltayan, therefore he has left the country offended when his
    words were not considered, Melkonyan replied, "Andreasyan was a very
    powerful man. Indeed, we can say that he had clue about everything
    - the war, and knew what is what. They did not find common language
    with each other to continue their work. And this does not mean that he
    had disagreements with the government. Lieutenant-Generals Andreasyan
    and Norat Ter-Grigoryants did not understand each other, therefore,
    he left. The government authorities did not commit treachery. Our
    conditions the then dictated so and we could not bring forward any
    other condition. The war was on."

    Hripsime JEBEJYAN

    Read more at:

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress