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BAKU: Aliyev: Baku Is Ready To Cooperate With Armenia On Condition O

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  • BAKU: Aliyev: Baku Is Ready To Cooperate With Armenia On Condition O


    Turan Information Agency, Azerbaijan
    February 9, 2015 Monday

    The site of the President of Azerbaijan has published a detailed
    report on the speech of President Ilham Aliyev on February 7 at the
    panel session "Besides Ukraine - unresolved conflicts in Europe"
    in the 51st Munich Security Conference.

    The head of state spoke and answered questions from the panel,
    co-chaired by the President of Slovenia Borut Pahor.

    President Borut Pahor: President Aliyev, how much are you optimistic
    on the issue that acute crisis that we are facing in Ukraine may
    give impetus to a good initiative to resolve the frozen conflicts,
    which we sometimes forget? I would like to hear your comment on this.

    President Ilham Aliyev: Of course, the tragic situation in Ukraine
    draws attention to another conflict ongoing for many years,
    the solution of which is delayed. In our example, the conflict
    between Armenia and Azerbaijan has more than 20-year history. This
    conflict began before the collapse of the Soviet Union, and after its
    collapse it was even more acute. The conflict led to the occupation
    of the internationally recognized territory of Azerbaijan. Under the
    occupation are 20 percent of our territories and Nagorno-Karabakh -
    the historic part of Azerbaijan is captured. All Azerbaijanis were
    forcibly expelled from Nagorno-Karabakh. Occupied by Armenia are also
    7 surrounding districts, with a population of 700 thousand people. In
    the occupied territories all is destroyed, and we have more than 20
    years of negotiating to no avail. OSCE deals with this question. The
    OSCE has a special group dealing with the settlement of the conflict.

    It's called the Minsk Group and its Co-Chairs are three permanent
    members of the UN Security Council - Russia, France and the United
    States. This group has been operating for more than twenty-two years,
    but no results have been achieved.

    President Borut Pahor: Why? How can you explain this?

    President Ilham Aliyev: I think that Armenia is not facing enough
    international pressure. Sometimes we see that the UN Security Council
    resolutions are carried out if not for a few hours, then within a
    few days. As for us, there are four resolutions adopted by the UN
    Security Council in the early 1990s, but none of them was executed. I
    believe that the lack of political will of intermediaries to provide
    adequate pressure on the aggressor has led to a real situation with
    which we are facing today. Since Armenia is mainly a dependent country,
    it cannot provide for itself. They cannot develop and in question is
    even their statehood. Armenia will not be able to live without outside
    support. Support is being provided by the main countries, co-chairs
    of the Minsk Group. And it's ironic. Here we see a double standard,
    and it saddens us. I note that all conflicts in the post-Soviet
    space should be shown the same attitude. Territorial integrity of
    Azerbaijan has the same value as the territorial integrity of Ukraine,
    which all now talk about.

    President Borut Pahor: In your opinion, is the conflict in the shadow
    of the Ukrainian conflict?

    President Ilham Aliyev: In fact, this conflict has remained in the
    shadow of other major international events. By the way, the Ukrainian
    issue attracted some attention to this conflict. I believe that the
    lessons learned from the Ukrainian question should be carefully
    studied. If the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict was resolved, the
    Ukraine, may not now be faced with this conflict, because here
    we have the same scenario - the same violation of territorial
    integrity, the same result, occupation, separatism. They are like
    mirror images of each other. Therefore, we expect the same approach
    from the international community and the leading countries. As for
    us, unlike other conflicts in the post-Soviet space, in connection
    with the conflict, there are four resolutions adopted by the UN
    Security Council. The fact that these resolutions are not fulfilled,
    demonstrates disrespect countries that have adopted these resolutions,
    to their decisions.

    President Borut Pahor: Mr. President, do you think whether the failure
    creates opportunities for expanding the complexity of the European
    Union in the region where there is a problem?

    President Ilham Aliyev: As for us, that is the Armenian-Azerbaijani
    conflict, I believe that it is - not the main issue, as our
    perspectives associated with any integration into the European Union
    are clear.

    President Borut Pahor: And NATO?

    President Ilham Aliyev: As for NATO, I think it would depend mainly
    on the issues on the agenda of the organization. Initiative in the
    relationship between a country like Azerbaijan and international
    organizations always comes from international organizations. Until now,
    the level of cooperation between Azerbaijan and NATO, the European
    Union and Azerbaijan was satisfactory for both parties.

    Neither NATO nor the European Union intends to intervene directly in
    the negotiation process. Official representatives of both organizations
    have repeatedly pointed out this fact. Therefore, we, in fact, rely on
    their own resources. 21 years ago, when it was declared a ceasefire,
    the main goal of Azerbaijan is to build a strong economy and the state,
    relying on themselves. While we still had hope that the international
    community has to do something to restore justice.

    Initially, we had a lot of hope. As I mentioned, the resolutions
    adopted by the UN Security Council, the European Parliament, the
    Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and other international
    institutions have always supported our position. Over time, however,
    we saw that these resolutions just remain on paper, and all that -
    just statements, visits, activities, without any result.

    Then we realized that the fate of our country is in our own hands.

    President Borut Pahor: What first step should be taken to restore

    President Ilham Aliyev: I think that it's very simple. The first
    step - is the beginning of the return of the occupied territories by
    Armenia. Nagorno-Karabakh and adjacent 7 regions occupied. Thus, given
    that we will continue the process of negotiations, the beginning of
    the return of the surrounding areas immediately change the picture,
    immediately cease military operations, will be fully respected
    ceasefire. We have already put forward a proposal to open all
    communications between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Thus, Armenia will have
    rail access to Russia through our territory. In addition, Turkey will
    open and all communications with Armenia. Thus, we will eliminate any
    potential risks associated with the beginning of military operations,
    and begin to build trust.

    However, Armenia ignores all of our proposals. Because Armenia does
    not want peace. I think that it is - one of the most important issues
    related to the cause of unresolved conflicts, as one side wants peace,
    restoration of territorial integrity, and the other side does not want
    peace. Armenia wants things to remain unchanged, because their land
    is under occupation, they do not have such a big problem as millions
    of refugees and internally displaced persons faced by us. During
    negotiations, they simply take certain steps imitating nature. What
    to do? How to achieve greater accountability from Armenia? We have
    to work on these issues together with international organizations,
    primarily with the mediators. Armenian leadership sent a very clear
    message: end the occupation, begin to return the occupied territories.

    Azerbaijan has put forward these proposals. We even put forward a
    proposal that can be implemented in Nagorno-Karabakh certain social
    programs, because the people there are living in a very difficult
    situation. We can cooperate in the field of transport, energy. We
    are open. We offer the Armenians living in Nagorno-Karabakh, a high
    autonomy. However, none of our proposals are not accepted.

    President Borut Pahor: Mr. President, does Russia pursue any targets
    in the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict and the crisis in Georgia? What
    are they? How would you answer this question?

    President Ilham Aliyev: For us the most important thing is to find a
    way to resolve this conflict. We hope that the OSCE Minsk Group will
    do more to create the conditions to search for solutions. We believe
    that if the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict is settled and establish
    peace, it would serve the interests of all parties. So, of course,
    we do a lot of work to expand regional cooperation. For example, our
    bilateral relations with Georgia are an excellent example of regional
    cooperation and of how to achieve cooperation in the South Caucasus.

    If the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict will permit, Armenia will
    be able to join our projects such as energy, security, transport
    security. We hope that similar interests are also at the government
    of Russia, as each country should be interested in a climate of
    peace and friendship beyond its borders. Therefore, I believe that
    it is important to quickly find a solution to the conflict. I do not
    think that the policy of artificially increasing tension can bring
    any good neighbors. Neighbor should be interested in stability,
    because stability around is stability in your country and in your area.

    Caucasus partly belongs to Russia, and it occupies a large area. Here
    are three countries. At the same time, in Russia there are many
    autonomous republics, and between Azerbaijan and the Caucasus republics
    of the Russian Federation there are strong cultural ties.

    The representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia:
    I have a question for President Aliyev, and, of course, it is
    connected with Nagorno-Karabakh. As rightly said President Aliyev,
    US cooperation with Russia and France within the Minsk Group is
    probably a unique case. These three mediating countries - the US,
    Russia and France have indicated three basic principles of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. These three core principles include the
    right of peoples to self-determination, non-use of force or threat
    of use of force and territorial integrity. Mediators urged the sides
    to the negotiating process to assume the obligations in connection
    with these three basic principles. Armenia has repeatedly assumed
    the obligation to fulfill these principles. I have a question for
    Mr. President. Is Azerbaijan ready to make a commitment, associated
    with the implementation of these three principles as the basis for
    settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict?

    President Ilham Aliyev: Of course, Azerbaijan is the most interested
    party in the conflict, because we want to return to our lands. We want
    our refugees and internally displaced persons have the right to return
    to their homes. Although the houses they have all been destroyed. By
    the way, the OSCE has twice sent a fact finding mission and evaluation
    of the occupied territories of Azerbaijan and distribute reports. The
    report states that all buildings, cemeteries, mosques - all destroyed.

    Thus, the occupied territories - it is absolutely empty land. After
    returning our IDPs to these lands we will have to proceed on an
    extensive renovation. Therefore, first of all, our people have the
    right to return to their land, and we are a party interested in the
    speedy settlement of the conflict.

    The problem is why this conflict cannot find a solution. Because
    Armenia does not want to settle it. There is no mechanism that
    can force Armenia to accept the norms of international law. The
    resolution of a conflict must be based on international law. These
    rules of international law have found a clear reflection of the UN
    Charter and the Helsinki Final Act. The Helsinki Final Act contains
    quite clear definition associated with the principle of territorial
    integrity and self-determination. We are not against the principle of
    self-determination, but this principle must not violate the territorial
    integrity of countries. Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh Armenian army
    and expelled the Azeris of Nagorno-Karabakh to return to their native
    lands will have the right to rebuild their lives.

    However, this must not violate the territorial integrity of the
    country. The territorial integrity of a country can not be changed
    by force, as it tries to make Armenia. In addition, the territorial
    integrity of any country can not be changed without an agreement
    with the country. This - the basic principles. Once again I say, we
    are not against the basic principles of international law. However,
    Armenia should first of all to respect international law and comply
    with the UN Security Council adopted four resolutions demanding the
    immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Armenian armed forces from
    the occupied lands.

    Deputy Prime Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina: I want to touch on one
    question. We are celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Srebrenica
    genocide. These genocides do not change the past, but what is their
    role in terms of preventing such tragedies in the future and to
    achieve peace?

    President Ilham Aliyev: Thank you for your question. You are absolutely
    right. You must create an environment that was concluded from the
    mistakes. The international community should not remain indifferent
    to what is happening, that similar tragedies do not occur in other
    parts of the world. Unfortunately, about the Khojaly tragedy is no
    general information, in particular in the European public.

    Despite the fact that more than 10 countries have recognized the
    Khojaly tragedy as genocide. As a result of this genocide were killed
    over 600 innocent people, including 106 women, 63 children, and the
    only fault of these people was that they were Azerbaijanis.

    Unfortunately, Armenia has not yet been admitted to the commission
    of a war crime. They did not even apologize. They want to send
    international public opinion in connection with the deed of Khojaly
    in the wrong direction. As a result of the active Armenian lobby in
    Europe and the United States they were able to divert international
    attention from the tragedy. In connection with this tragedy did not
    apply sufficient information, although documented, photographed. There
    are testimonies of people who escaped from this genocide. There is
    a video, embodying women and children killed with extreme cruelty.

    Therefore, that such does not happen again, to those who committed
    these people at the beginning, at least, should apologize and admit
    to the crime. They must recognize that a war crime, that it does
    not happen again. Only then may the reconciliation. In this case,
    it will be easier to tolerate. I think it's possible, because we
    lived together. We lived together with the Armenians in peace. In the
    center of Baku, and today there is a renovated Armenian church. And in
    Shusha, Agdam Azerbaijani mosques completely destroyed. First of all,
    they should not have to destroy these mosques. But now they have to
    recognize the fallacy of the offense and apologize. After that, we,
    of course, make it up, because sooner or later there will be peace,
    and the two people will live together again.

    Member of the German Bundestag: My question has to do with double
    standards. We can say a whole day devoted to discussion of the Crimean
    issue. If we talk about the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, whether it
    can be compared with the Crimean question?

    Armenia's representative: I have a question for Mr. Ilham Aliyev. A
    few days ago the OSCE Minsk Group, referring to Azerbaijan urged
    to respect its commitments on the peaceful settlement of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Addressing this appeal is not accidental,
    because Azerbaijan constantly violates the ceasefire at the line of
    contact with Nagorno-Karabakh and on the border with Armenia. Between
    January and now the ceasefire has been violated, at least 3,000 times,
    killing several people on both sides. My question is to Mr. Aliyev is,
    not whether Azerbaijan conflict exacerbates such actions? Does this
    not reduce the likelihood of a peaceful settlement of the conflict in
    the near future? Only that the moderator asked the question that we
    need to at least be done to resolve the conflict. I urge Azerbaijan
    to cease fire.

    President Ilham Aliyev: First, I want to reply to questions from
    members of the German Parliament. Of course, one of the problems we
    faced at the beginning of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict was the
    policy of double standards. At the outset, I said that all conflicts
    in the post-Soviet space should be approached with the same position.

    Territorial integrity of Azerbaijan has the same value as that of
    the territorial integrity of Ukraine. If the territorial integrity of
    Ukraine receives strong support, and strongly supports Azerbaijan's
    territorial integrity. The UN General Assembly we, unlike Armenia,
    voted in favor of the territorial integrity of Ukraine. Armenia has
    voted against the territorial integrity of Ukraine. This - the answer
    to the question is present here another representative of Armenia
    related to how the country abides by the principle of territorial
    integrity. They even voted against the territorial integrity of
    Ukraine. And this - the result of their policies, because the country
    is not independent. They can not make their own decisions, and always
    follow the other. However, double standards - it is reality. In
    particular, seeing the imposition of sanctions, we ask ourselves: why
    not apply the sanctions against Armenia? After all, they do the same
    thing. Why not put them against the sanctions? The answer, of course,
    is that the world is a powerful Armenian Diaspora, protecting Armenia
    from all potential and appropriate questions. Therefore, once the
    policy of double standards will be excluded from the international
    agenda, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict will soon find its solution.

    In response to a question from the representative of Armenia to open
    fire, I note that, in fact, they always shift the blame on us - it
    is a tactic of the Armenian side. They occupied our land violated
    international law, committed genocide in Khojaly, destroyed our
    historical and religious monuments and accuse us. The question is,
    what do the Armenian soldiers do in the occupied territories? What
    does the Armenian soldier do in Agdam? If he does not want to die,
    let him not go to Agdam. Let him stay in his place, in Yerevan, Gyumri,
    in their own country. In your country, there is plenty of room for you.

    In Armenia, there are not too many people. What are you doing in
    Agdam, Fizuli? Responding to a question about who injects tension,
    can give an example from the past year. Last year was a landmark
    in terms of activity of international mediators. In August last
    year, President Putin organized a meeting between me and President
    Sargsyan. In September, US Secretary of State Kerry held a meeting
    with the three of us at the NATO summit. In late October, President
    Hollande invited me and President Sargsyan in Paris. We had a very
    good and constructive meeting. Both sides - both Azerbaijan and
    Armenia declared public that the meeting went very smoothly, and that
    they will try to reduce tension on the contact line. What happened
    after that? Less than 10 days, as Armenia organized in the occupied
    territories, particularly in Agdam, large-scale exercise. According
    to their own reports, in the occupied territories were held exercises
    involving 47,000th army. Were used aircraft and helicopters. Within
    three days, our army suffered and did not react. Then they sent to our
    positions military helicopters "Mi-24" and went on the offensive. Our
    army was forced to open fire on the helicopters, and one of them was
    shot down. They used this as a pretext to accuse Azerbaijan. They make
    provocations, incite us, disrespect to the heads of state of France,
    Russia and the United States has made great efforts to ensure that
    we have made to ease tensions, ignore them. They think they can do
    anything, and will not be punished for it. This is the main reason.

    And now they blame us and say: do not shoot. My message to Armenia
    lies in the fact that it should end the occupation. As soon as it
    ends its occupation, we will establish peace and mutual contacts
    and reconciliation. The reason that this does not happen is that the
    Armenian soldier is in Agdam and Fizuli. -0--

    From: Baghdasarian