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ANKARA: Turkey Should Have Invited Switzerland Instead Of Azerbaijan

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  • ANKARA: Turkey Should Have Invited Switzerland Instead Of Azerbaijan


    Hurriyet Daily News, Turkey
    Feb 10 2015


    Turkey and Switzerland have never been best pals in the years preceding
    the 2000s. During the Justice and Development Party's (AKP) rule,
    the relationship started having an inconsistent course with ups and
    downs. The Swiss parliament's decision in 2003 to recognize the World
    War I Armenian tragedy as genocide despite government opposition was
    not appreciated by Turkey.

    The Armenian issue became an even bigger headache between the two
    countries when Dogu Perincek, a Turkish political activist, who has
    repeatedly said the 1915 tragedy was not genocide during his visits to
    Switzerland, was found guilty by a Swiss court in 2007. The Turkish
    government canceled the visits of Swiss ministers, including the
    then-foreign minister, Micheline Calmy-Rey.

    Yet interestingly the same year, 2007, Switzerland became a key actor
    in the reconciliation effort between Turkey and Armenia. Under Swiss
    mediation, Turkey and Armenia signed in 2009 the historic protocols
    to normalize their relations. Unfortunately the protocols have not
    yet been implemented, but this has not affected the good atmosphere
    between Ankara and Bern. In fact in 2011 Micheline Calmy-Rey who by
    then had become the president of the country, visited Turkey and as
    a gesture, was asked to address the forth ambassadorial meeting held
    in Ankara. By then Perincek's case was already being discussed in
    the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).

    Fearing that the court case could turn into a ruling about whether
    Armenian killings amounted to genocide or not, Ankara wasn't
    specifically happy initially about Perincek's decision to apply to the
    court in Strasbourg. Let's also not forget that Perincek was (long
    after he took the case to ECHR) sentenced as part of the Ergenekon
    case which evolved around claims of plot to topple the government. He
    was later released.

    In 2013 ECHR decided in favor of Perincek and ruled Switzerland
    violated his freedom of speech. This was a historic decision. First,
    because it send a straight message to those countries who took steps
    or plan to take steps to criminalize (Armenian) genocide denial.

    Second, although it has not ruled whether Armenian massacres amounted
    to genocide, it did underline the fact that this was an issue under
    debate - that, of course, did not make Armenians happy at all.

    I am sure at that stage, deep down, the Turkish state was indeed
    grateful to Switzerland and Perincek for this outcome. Perhaps
    Switzerland even expected to be awarded by Turkey for this unintended
    consequence; like being invited to the G-20 meeting as a special guest,
    as Ankara was to take over the presidency for 2015?

    But Switzerland angered Ankara by objecting to the ruling and the
    case was taken to the ECHR's Grand Chamber for the final verdict.

    Interestingly, despite Ankara's reaction, I was told that Switzerland
    was among many other countries that wished to be invited by Turkey
    to the G-20 summit. According to G-20 procedures, the presidency can
    invite (in addition to the permanent members) a country that it sees as
    a very close friend and obviously in Turkey's case it was Azerbaijan.

    Still as a Turkish nation, we should be thankful to Switzerland for
    reminding the Turkish state of the importance of freedom of speech.

    Because ironically, while the AKP is heavily criticized for its poor
    record on freedom of expression, the representative of Turkish state
    underlined the importance of freedom of speech in his address to the
    hearing at the Grand Chamber that took place last week.

    Turkey's envoy in Strasbourg recalled a previous decision of the
    Court that ruled "the opinions expressed on these issues by one side
    may sometime offend the other side but [...] a democratic society
    requires tolerance and broadmindedness in the face of controversial

    I wish AKP's ruling elites were in the court that day. But then again,
    as far as AKP rulers are concerned, democratic values are recalled
    only when they suit their interests.


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress