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There Won't Be 101st Anniversary

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  • There Won't Be 101st Anniversary


    Naira Hayrumyan, Political Commentator
    Comments - 12 February 2015, 14:46

    Perhaps few people would assume that this topic would not occupy even
    a secondary position on the agenda of most political parties. The
    political parties are busy with everything except participation in
    a global process which includes the centenary of the Armenian Genocide.

    Such behavior of the Armenian parties gives a surprise to not only
    the Armenian Diaspora and the West but also other countries which
    are doing their best to prevent the international resonance of the
    centenary and legitimization of the claims of Armenians.

    The commission set up for the events dedicated to the centenary of the
    genocide includes representatives of the Republican Party and the ARF
    only. The other parties have not joined the Panarmenian Resolution
    which refers to Woodrow Wilson's arbitral award and the Treaty of
    Sevres for the first time ever.

    Or the parties are afraid of joining the process in order not to be
    blamed for "conciliation" or agreement with the regime or otherwise
    everyone understands that putting forth these claims primarily means
    revocation of the Russian-Turkish treaties. And the Armenian parties
    have agreed not to put forth claims to Russia.

    The photo exhibition "100 Years of Silence" is available in public
    places. The first question is why Armenians kept silent for 100 years.

    Who prevented them from raising their claims, applying to court? Why
    did Ara Abrahamyan's initiative who announced in 2001 to prepare a
    legal package to apply to the international court fail? Who advised
    him to do it and who brought the process to a halt?

    Armenia which used to be part of the Soviet Union and afterwards
    was in the zone of "Russian influence" cannot contest the treaties
    on division of Armenia signed between Moscow and Turkey. This is 100
    years of silence out of fear from Russia. Judging by the behavior of
    the Armenian parties, silence continues.

    There will not be a 101st anniversary. Everyone understands this. One
    year later the Armenians will again visit the memorial to honor the
    victims. However, the political importance of the genocide will have
    disappeared. Either the Armenians will benefit from the moment and will
    break through the silence or will finally admit being a weak-willed
    space which has been divided between Russia and Turkey.
