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Azerbaijani LGBT Alliance 'Nefes' Suspended Its Activities Fearing F

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  • Azerbaijani LGBT Alliance 'Nefes' Suspended Its Activities Fearing F


    17:16 12/02/2015 Â" SOCIETY

    "NE~YfE~Ys" LGBT Azerbaijan Alliance that consists of sexual minorities
    officially terminates work in Azerbaijan, reports Gay-League of
    Lithuania that is engaged in issues of sexual minorities.

    The statement reads that the socio-political state in the country,
    increasing number of arrests and chasing of individuals and
    organizations working for human rights by government, as well as
    increasing risks for personal life and personal safety of organization
    members made "NE~YfE~Ys" LGBT Alliance to take this serious action.

    "Our view is such that Azerbaijan Republic is not interested in Human
    Rights NGOs to operate in the country; government wants to hide the
    state of the LGBT rights in Azerbaijan, and does not want legislative
    defaults on LGBT Rights to be discussed, and government does not want
    denying obligations that Azerbaijan Republic signed to be revealed,"
    the statement notes.

    It is noted that another reason for taking this serious action
    was recent changes to NGO operating legislation. "NE~YfE~Ys" LGBT
    Azerbaijan Alliance has stated during several meetings with EC,
    embassies of EC Republics, US Embassy in Baku that the changes to the
    legislation is not optimization of the existing rules, but targets
    Human Rights Organizations and its executive members. There are many
    examples of NGO Executives getting arrested with unjustified reasons
    after changes of the legislation. "NE~YfE~Ys" LGBT Azerbaijan Alliance
    has applied twice to Ministry of Legislation for registration and
    could not get official response.

    "'NE~YfE~Ys' LGBT Azerbaijan Alliance executive members are under
    serious risk of legislative actions if organization continues to
    operate without registration. Therefore, "NE~YfE~Ys" LGBT Azerbaijan
    Alliance is forced to terminate operating. We will continue to
    work with international organizations to run campaigns on state of
    Human Rights and LGBT Rights in Azerbaijan. One of the plans is to
    establish a network of Azerbaijani LGBT and Human Rights activists
    living abroad," the statement reads.

    In January 2014 a young activist, chairman of people with different
    sexual orientations Isa Shahmarly, committed suicide in Azerbaijan. He
    was 21 years old. Before committing suicide Isa wrote on his Facebook
    page, "I am leaving. This country, this world is not for me. I am
    leaving to find happiness." On the eve of suicide Azerbaijani alliance
    "Nefes" appealed to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan
    in connection with the discrimination faced by the members of the
    public association.

    The appeal read that in the last 10 days there have been two cases
    of hatred and intolerance. In the first case, 19-year-old young man
    could not endure discrimination from family and others and committed
    suicide. The second case concerns a 17-year-old young man who was
    brutally raped by eight persons who filmed it on video, and then
    extorted money from the victim. The young man could not get the
    required amount of money, and the video was delivered to his family.

    Parents beat him. Nothing more was known about his fate.
