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BAKU: The Financial Times Publishes Interview With Ali Hasanov

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  • BAKU: The Financial Times Publishes Interview With Ali Hasanov


    The Azerbaijan State Telegraph Agency
    Feb 12 2015

    12.02.2015 [22:11]

    London, February 12, AzerTAc

    The Financial Times has published an interview with Head of the
    Political and Public Affairs Department at the Azerbaijani Presidential
    Administration Ali Hasanov, in which he highlights the country`s
    position on the Ukraine conflict."

    In general, Azerbaijan is against military forms of solving conflicts.

    We believe that in the present world there are more powerful tools
    for solving conflicts than military ones," he said.Azerbaijan avoids
    aligning itself explicitly either with the west or with Russia in
    its foreign policy.

    Mr Hasanov said Azerbaijan was disappointed that western governments
    had not taken an equally firm stand against Armenia's seizure of
    the Nagorno-Karabakh and seven other districts in Azerbaijan. "Our
    objection is to the double standards in the west on this issue. In one
    conflict the west calls them separatists, in the other they don't,"
    Mr Hasanov said.

    He blamed a recent spate of violent incidents between Armenian and
    Azerbaijani forces on "internal forces in Armenia who are trying to
    strengthen their positions".

    He suggested that the US and its allies should take action to eject
    Armenia from international bodies, such as the Council of Europe and
    the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe.

    Mr Hasanov emphasized Baku's co-operation with Washington on
    counter-terrorism and energy, and blamed disagreements over human
    rights on non-governmental organisations based in the US rather than
    on the American government itself.

    "Unfortunately, there are forces who use these incidents to cause a
    deterioration in US-Azerbaijani relations and to undermine the image
    of Azerbaijan. But other than that, Azerbaijan is committed to its
    strategic partnerships with western countries," he said.

    Mr Hasanov noted that Azerbaijan shared a problem with western
    countries in that about 300 Azerbaijanis had gone to fight in Syria
    with Islamist extremists, posing a potential security threat upon
    their return home."Some forces want to see Azerbaijan as a radical
    fundamentalist country. Some forces are intent on undermining the
    secular path of Azerbaijan," he said.

    Mr Hasanov said the government was confident it could ride out the
    effect of sharply falling oil prices on its budget and development
    plans, partly because it was introducing new taxes on bank deposits,
    property sales and luxury items such as imported cars.He stressed
    that no new taxes would be imposed on the private, non-oil sector of
    the economy.

    He ruled out an abrupt devaluation of the manat, Azerbaijan's currency,
    but said the government was considering a managed downward adjustment
    in line with the euro, which has been falling against the dollar.

    Orkhan IsmayılovSpecial Correspondent
