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10 Things You Should Know About The Armenian Genocide

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  • 10 Things You Should Know About The Armenian Genocide


    Ten Facts You Must Know About the Armenian Genocide The Armenian
    Genocide occurred during World War I, from 1915 to 1922 in the Ottoman
    Empire. Although the present Turkish government denies that the
    massacres constituted a "genocide", scholars and historians maintain
    that the systematic slaughtering of 1.5 million Armenians by the
    Young Turks and their [...] Written by: Tracy Dye 2015/01/26 4:39 AM

    Ten Facts You Must Know About the Armenian Genocide

    The Armenian Genocide occurred during World War I, from 1915 to 1922
    in the Ottoman Empire. Although the present Turkish government denies
    that the massacres constituted a "genocide", scholars and historians
    maintain that the systematic slaughtering of 1.5 million Armenians
    by the Young Turks and their militant organization can irrevocably
    be considered one of the world's first holocausts.Much like the
    Holocaust in Nazi Germany during World War II, the origins of this
    genocide stemmed from religious bias and the desire to "cleanse"
    and "exterminate" a specific population.As these subjects are of a
    very sensitive nature, it is prudent to note that the intentions of
    the following list is in no way meant to insult religious views or
    affiliation. That being said, the anecdote of bringing awareness to
    past events in order to avoid "history repeating itself" could not
    be more prominent in the dissemination of information regarding the
    late Ottoman's Empire atrocities inflicted on an entire people. The
    utilization of religious bias as a vehicle for hate and violence
    was evident in the Armenian Genocide and the massacres preceding
    the genocide.

    Today, Armenians and family members of Armenians who were subject
    to the atrocities continue to suffer due to the history of their
    ancestors and lack of acknowledgement from the Turkish government.

    Armenian citizens, advocates and those whose ancestors were subject
    to the genocide note that denial of genocide (the eighth stage of
    genocide) perpetuates the pain and injustice felt by the Armenian
    culture as a whole.

    10. The Turkish Government Denies the Genocide

    <img class=" wp-image-12841"
    alt="Turkey's Government Denies the truth of the Armenian Genocide." width="504" height="437" />

    Turkey's Government Denies the truth of the Armenian Genocide.

    Today, the Turkish government still denies that the massacre of
    approximately 1.5 million Armenians constituted it as a "genocide".

    This is in spite of the fact that a litany of scholarly articles
    and proclamations from revered historians have posed evidence that
    the events leading up to the mass killings--along with the manner in
    which Armenians were assassinated--irrevocably makes this point in
    history one of the first holocausts.

    According to History, the Turkish deny the genocide by saying, "The
    Armenians were an enemy force...and their slaughter was a necessary
    war measure."

    The "war" being referenced is World War I, and the events preceding
    the Armenian genocide--which were paramount in the holocaust's
    fruition--predate WWI by over 20 years.

    One notable Turkish politician, Dogu Perincek, came under fire for
    his denials of Armenian Genocide while visiting Switzerland in 2008.

    According to The Telegraph, a Swiss court fined Perjncek after he
    called the genocide "an international lie." He appealed this charge
    in 2013 and it was determined by the European Court of Human Rights
    that the Swiss court's charges had "violated [Perjncek's] right to
    freedom of expression."

    Currently, Amal Clooney (yes, the new Mrs. George Clooney) has joined
    a legal team that will be representing Armenia in a challenge of
    that appeal. According to The Telegraph, Clooney will be joined by
    her head of chambers, Geoffrey Robertson, QC, who is also the author
    of the Oct. 2014 book, "An Inconvenient Genocide: Who Now Remembers
    the Armenians?"

    Publishers from Random House have stated that the book, "...proves
    beyond reasonable doubt that the horrific events of 1915 constituted
    the crime against humanity that is now known as genocide."

    The irony in Perjnek's outrage over the charges made against him
    are evident; Perjnek is an advocate of Turkey's current laws which
    condemn citizens from speaking about the Armenian Genocide.

    9. In Turkey, Discussion of the Armenian Genocide is Illegal

    <img class=" wp-image-12840"
    alt="It is illegal in Turkey to discuss the Armenian Genocide." width="504" height="336" />

    It is illegal in Turkey to discuss the Armenian Genocide.

    In Turkey, discussion of the Armenian genocide is considered an
    offense punishable by imprisonment. In 2010, Turkish prime minister
    Recep Tayyip Erdogan actually threatened 100,000 Armenians with
    deportation in response to an Armenian Genocide Remembrance Bill
    presented to the House of Commons.

    Foreign Affairs Correspondent, Damien McElroy, detailed the events
    in an article. Erdogan made this statement--later referred to as
    "blackmail" by Armenian MP, Hrayr Karapetyan--following the issuance
    of the bill:

    "There are currently 170,000 Armenians living in our country. Only
    70,000 of them are Turkish citizens, but we are tolerating the
    remaining 100,000...If necessary, I may have to tell these 100,000
    to go back to their country because they are not my citizens. I don't
    have to keep them in my country."

    "The statement once again proves that there is an Armenian genocide
    threat in present Turkey, thus world community should pressurize
    Ankara to recognise [the] genocide," was Karapetyan's response to
    Erdogan's subtle threats.

    8. America Has Been Hesitant to Label the Events as a Genocide

    <img class=" wp-image-12839"
    alt="Uncle Sam says I don't want to touch this thing with a ten foot
    pole." width="505" height="775" />

    Uncle Sam says I don't want to touch this thing with a ten foot pole.

    Although American government and media have labeled the slaughtering
    of 1.5 million Armenians as "atrocities" or "massacres," the word
    "genocide" has seldom made its way into U.S. vernacular when describing
    the events that occurred from 1915 to 1923. It was not until 2004 that
    the words "Armenian Genocide" appeared in the New York Times. Peter
    Balakian, a professor of humanities at Colgate University, and Samantha
    Power, a lecturer at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, composed
    a letter to the Times' editor which was subsequently published.

    In the letter, Balakian and Power chastise the Times' and other media
    outlets for their failure to label the atrocities that occurred during
    1915 as a genocide.

    "The extermination of the Armenians is recognized as genocide by
    the consensus of scholars of genocide and Holocaust worldwide. The
    failure to acknowledge this trivializes a human rights crime of
    enormous magnitude," reads one passage of the letter. "It is ironic
    as well, because in 1915 The New York Times published 145 articles
    about the Armenian genocide and regularly used the words 'systematic,'
    'government planned' and 'race extermination.'"

    Currently, recognition of the 1915 events as a genocide by America is
    being considered by the U.S. House of Representatives. The resolution
    proposed is coined "Armenian Genocide resolution" for short but its
    official title is "H. Res 106 or the Affirmation of the United States
    Record on the Armenian Genocide Resolution."

    7. Religion's Role in the Armenian Genocide

    <img class=" wp-image-12838"
    alt="Islam played a terrible role in the Armenian Genocide" width="505"
    height="332" />

    Islam played a terrible role in the Armenian Genocide

    The religious origins of the Armenian Genocide date back to the 15th
    century when Armenia's rule was absorbed by the Ottoman Empire.

    Leaders of the Ottoman Empire were primarily Muslim. Christian
    Armenians were considered minorities by the Ottoman Empire and though
    they were "allowed to maintain some autonomy," they were largely
    treated as second-class citizens; i.e., Armenians were denied the right
    to vote, paid higher taxes than Muslims, and were denied a plethora
    of other legal and economic rights. Resentment and bias was prevalent
    in the leaders of The Ottoman Empire, as unfair treatment toward the
    Armenians elevated into violence toward the Christian minorities.

    In the early 1900's, The Ottoman Empire was dismantled and taken
    over by the Young Turks. The Young Turks initially framed themselves
    as leaders who would guide the country and its citizens to a place
    that was more democratic and constitutionally sound. Armenians were
    initially overjoyed at this prospect, but later learned that the Young
    Turks' revamping would include extermination as a means to "Turkify"
    the new state.

    The rule of the Young Turks would be the catalyst in what is now
    known to be one of the world's first genocides.

    Religion's role in this genocide was prominent, as Christianity was
    perpetually viewed as a justification for the holocaust carried out by
    militant followers of the Young Turks. Similarly, the extermination
    of Jewish citizens was considered a justification to Nazi Germany
    during World War II.

    6. Lead-up to the Armenian Genocide: "Box on an Ear" Comment

    <img class=" wp-image-12842"
    alt="The Young Turk's Box on an Ear. Understatement of all time."

    width="506" height="557" />

    The Young Turk's Box on an Ear. Understatement of all time.

    The "box on an ear" comment was one that could be considered a grim
    foreshadowing of the Armenian Genocide. According toHistory, Turkish
    dictator Sultan Abdul Hamid II made this sinister threat to a reporter
    in 1890:

    "I will soon settle those Armenians," he said. "I will give them a
    box on an ear which will make them...relinquish their revolutionary

    Before the Armenian Genocide in 1915, these threats were realized
    during a massacre of thousands of Armenians between 1894 and 1896.

    According to the United Human Rights Council, the pleas from Christian
    Armenians for reform led to "...over 100,000 inhabitants of Armenian
    villages [being] slaughtered during widespread pogroms conducted by
    Sultan's special regiments."

    The Ottoman Empire's ruler was overthrown by a group called the Young
    Turks. Armenians hoped this new regime would lead to a fair and just
    society for their people. Unfortunately, the group became expeditors
    of the Armenian genocide during World War I.

    5. The Young Turks

    <img class="wp-image-12837"
    alt="Turkish Soldier Terrorizing young Armenians" width="504"
    height="374" />

    Turkish Soldier Terrorizing young Armenians

    In 1908, a group of "reformers"calling themselves "The Young Turks"
    overthrew Sultan Hamid and gained leadership in Turkey. The aim of the
    Young Turks initially seemed to be one which would lead the country
    to a place of equality and justice, and the Armenians hoped for peace
    amongst their people in light of the changes.

    However, it quickly became evident that the Young Turks' goal was to
    "Turkify" the country and eliminate the Armenians. The Young Turks
    were the catalyzers of the Armenian Genocide which occurred during WWI
    and was responsible for the slaughter of nearly two million Armenians.

    Many wonder why the crimes of the Young Turks are not viewed as
    prominently as the crimes of the Nazi party during the Holocaust.

    Scholars and historians note that part of the reason for this could
    be the lack of accountability that was taken on by the Young Turks
    for their crimes. After the Ottoman Empire surrendered in 1918, the
    leaders of the Young Turks fled to Germany, where they were promised
    to be exempt from any type of persecution for their atrocities.

    >From this point forward, the Turkish government--alongside several
    allies of Turkey--has denied that a genocide ever took place. In 1922,
    the Armenian Genocide came to an end, leaving only 388,000 Armenians
    remaining in the Ottoman Empire.

    4. Why Were the Events Considered a Genocide?

    <img class=" wp-image-12835"
    alt="The Armenian Genocide. When was the term Genocide coined?"

    width="504" height="479" />

    The Armenian Genocide. When was the term Genocide coined?

    The term "genocide" refers to the systematic mass killing of a specific
    group of people. The name "genocide" was not coined until 1944 when
    Polish-Jewish lawyer, Raphael Lemkin, used the term during trials to
    describe the crimes committed by the top Nazi leaders. Lemon created
    the word by combining the Greek word for "group" or "tribe" (geno-)
    and the Latin word for "killing" (cide).

    In a 1949 CBS interview, Lemkin stated that his inspiration for the the
    term came from the fact that systematic killings of specific groups of
    people had "happened so many times in the past," as with the Armenians.

    3. Similarities between the Armenian Genocide and the Holocaust

    <img class=" wp-image-12834"
    alt="Many Similarities between the Holocaust and Armenian Genocide"
    width="506" height="339" />

    Many Similarities between the Holocaust and Armenian Genocide

    There are several pieces of evidence which are indicative of the fact
    the the Armenian Genocide was an inspiration to Adolf Hitler before he
    led the Nazi party in the attempted extermination of an entire people.

    This point has been the subject of many heated debates, particularly
    in reference to an alleged quote Hitler made regarding the Armenians.

    It was declared by many genocide scholars that a week before the
    invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, Hitler asked, "Who speaks
    today of the extermination of Armenians?"

    According to a 2013 Midwestern Quarterly article by Hannibal Travis,
    it is indeed possible that--as many have argued--the quote from Hitler
    did not actually happen or was embellished in some way by historians.

    Irregardless, Travis notes that the several parallels between the
    Armenian Genocide and the Holocaust are transparent.

    Both utilized the concept of ethnic "cleaning" or "cleansing".

    According to Travis, "While the Young Turks implemented a 'clean
    sweep of internal enemies--the indigenous Christians,' according to
    the then-German ambassador in Constantinople...Hitler himself used
    'cleaning' or 'cleansing' as a euphemism for extermination".

    Travis goes on to note that even if Hitler's infamous quote about
    the Armenians never actually transpired, the inspiration he and the
    Nazi party gained from the various facets of the Armenian Genocide
    are undeniable.

    2. What Happened During the Armenian Genocide?

    alt="Armenians marched by Turkish soldiers, 1915" width="512" />

    The Armenian Genocide officially began April 24, 1915. During
    this time, the Young Turks had recruited a deadly organization of
    individuals that were sent to persecute the Armenians. The makeup of
    this group included murderers and ex-convicts, among others. According
    to History, one of the officers instructed called the atrocities
    about to occur, "...the liquidation of the Christian elements."

    The genocide played out in the following ways:

    Armenians were forcibly removed from their homes and sent on "death
    marches" which involved treks through the Mesopotamian desert without
    food or water. Marchers were often stripped naked and forced to walk
    until dropping dead. Those that stopped for reprieve or respite were
    shot Drowning of Armenians in rivers Forcing Armenians off of cliffs
    Crucification and burning

    The only Armenians spared were those subject to conversion and/or
    abuse. Some children of genocide casualties were kidnapped and forced
    to convert to Islam; these children were to be raised in the home of
    a Turkish family. Some Armenian women were raped and forced to serve
    as slaves in Turkish "harems."

    1. Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide

    <img class=" wp-image-12832"
    alt="The 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide will take place
    April 23-24 in 2015. This is the Armenia Genocide Memorial in Yerevan,
    Armenia" width="505" height="681" />

    The 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide will take place April
    23-24 in 2015. This is the Armenia Genocide Memorial in Yerevan,

    Asaf Eliason /

    The 100th anniversary of the brutal holocaust that took place in
    1915 is approaching, and international efforts to commemorate the
    victims and their families are being made. According to ARMENPRESS,
    the first official event commemorating the 100th anniversary will
    be held at Florida Atlantic University in southern Florida. The
    event will include Boston's Sayat Nova Dance Company as a VIP guest
    in Boca Raton. ARMENPRESS states that the company's mission is to
    "...preserve Armenian culture and foster its dissemination."

    On the west coast, Los Angeles councilman Paul Kerkorian will be
    accepting art submissions for an art contest commemorating the 100th
    anniversary of the Armenian genocide. according to West Side Today,
    Kerkorian stated that the contest " a way to honor the history of
    the genocide and to highlight the promise of our future." He continued,
    "I hope artists and students who care about human rights will
    participate and help commemorate the Armenian people's resilience."

    Abroad, the Armenian National Committee (ANC) of Australia has
    officially launched its #OnThisDay campaign, which will focus on
    honoring those affected by the Armenian Genocide. According to Asbarez,
    "ANC Australia has compiled an extensive catalogue of these newspaper
    clippings from Australian archives, including from the Australian,
    the Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, The Argus and other notable
    publications of the day, and will be releasing them on a daily basis
    via ANC Australia'sFacebook page."

    ANC Australia's Executive Director, Vache Kahramanian, noted that
    the information being released will include a litany of articles
    detailing the "horrors" of the Armenian Genocide along with reports
    on Australia's humanitarian efforts during that time.

    According to Today's Zaman, Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
    "...sent invitations to the leaders of 102 states whose soldiers
    fought in World War I, inviting them to attend an event commemorating
    the anniversary that is scheduled to take place on April 23-24,"
    the same time that the Armenians will gather to commemorate the 100th
    anniversary of the genocide experienced from the Ottoman Empire. The
    invitation was met with offense by Armenian citizens who viewed it as
    "ill-natured," "a joke," and a "political maneuver" on Erdogan's part.

    From: Baghdasarian