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Ethnic leaders demand sacking of Multicultural NSW boss Hakan Harman

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  • Ethnic leaders demand sacking of Multicultural NSW boss Hakan Harman

    Ethnic leaders demand sacking of Multicultural NSW boss Hakan Harman
    over 'airbrushing' of war atrocities

    By Rick Feneley
    February 15, 2015 - 11:00PM

    Ethnic community leaders are demanding the resignation or sacking of
    their most senior representative in the NSW government, claiming he
    pushed the agenda of his Turkish homeland to resist public memorials
    for genocides by the former Ottoman Empire as well as Japan's war
    crimes and other atrocities.

    Hakan Harman is under intense pressure to quit as chief executive of
    Multicultural NSW, just seven months after his predecessor, Vic
    Alhadeff, resigned over a perceived conflict of interest when he
    defended Israel's right to strike Gaza as a defence against
    Palestinian militants.

    Armenian, Greek, Cypriot, Korean and Assyrian leaders have united to
    sign a statement saying Mr Harman's position is untenable after he
    issued guidelines to local governments ` without first telling his
    minister, Victor Dominello ` that they should be careful not "assign
    blame" when considering memorials or public monuments to "contentious"
    historical events.

    Mr Dominello forced Mr Harman to withdraw the guidelines when he was
    alerted by the aggrieved community leaders. And Mr Harman told Fairfax
    Media on Sunday: "In hindsight, I made an error of judgement by not
    consulting more widely," but he said his door was open to his critics
    so they could work together on "what unites people as Australians".

    The signatories say Mr Harman's unilateral action makes him unsuitable
    to lead an agency with a charter "to promote and advance community

    In 1997, the NSW Legislative Assembly unanimously acknowledged the
    genocide of 1.5 million Armenians between 1915 and 1922 and it erected
    its own garden memorial the next year. The monument includes the
    parliament's resolution that it "condemns and rejects all attempts to
    deny or distort the historical truth" about this and other genocides
    of the 20th century.

    But the Foreign Affairs Minister, Julie Bishop, assured her Turkish
    counterpart last year that the federal government does not recognise
    the "tragic events" as genocide.

    Armenian Australians plan to erect another memorial in Willoughby when
    they mark the centenary of the genocide on April 24 this year ` the
    day before Anzac Day, when Australia will also commemorate 100 years
    since the bloody landing at Gallipoli in Turkey.

    Korean and Chinese Australians also have plans for a statue called
    Three Sisters in Strathfield to pay respect to 200,000 so-called
    "comfort women" ` sex slaves abused by Japanese soldiers during World
    War II.

    "This made us very angry," said Luke Song, president of the Korean
    Society of Sydney, adding that any attempt to block the memorial would
    deprive future generations of the truth about the abuse, especially
    while Japan refused to admit blame or apologise to the surviving

    Turkey vehemently denies there was genocide of Armenians, or of
    Assyrians and Greeks, who say they lost 750,000 and 500,000 people

    While Mr Harman's guidelines did not mention Turkey or Japan, he had
    received a letter last October from the Japan Community Network and
    the Australian Turkish Advocacy Alliance, lobbying him to introduce
    guidelines that would restrict public money or space being devoted to
    "specific ethnic groups" and their "own interpretations of historical

    "We do not believe that it is appropriate for government, at any level
    in Australia, to 'weigh in' on those historical matters," the letter
    said, arguing it could jeopardise community harmony.

    On February 3 this year, the Turkish alliance issued a press release
    applauding Multicultural NSW for its guidelines and pointedly
    criticising Mr Dominello and Prime Minister Tony Abbott for having
    attended the unveiling of memorials such as the "so-called" Assyrian
    Genocide Memorial at Bonnyrigg. (That memorial was vandalised with
    graffiti ` "f--- Assyrian dogs" ` soon after its opening in 2010.)

    In a newsletter last year, the Turkish alliance admitted that donors'
    pledges had not been forthcoming, so: "We are currently running on $0
    and are entirely reliant on campaign specific assistance from the

    The signatories against Mr Harman said Multicultural NSW could not be
    "led by an individual who engages in unilateral action ` in this case,
    by adopting divisive guidelines that were drafted by a body backed by
    a foreign government".

    Some of the leaders told Fairfax Media they regarded Mr Harman's
    "conflict of interest" to be worse than that of Mr Alhadeff, who had
    continued to act as chief executive of the NSW Jewish Board of
    Deputies while he headed the Community Relations Commission, recently
    renamed Multicultural NSW. His dual roles, they said, had at least
    been transparent.

    They feared stopping the construction of monuments was an attempt to
    "airbrush" war atrocities.

    While the board of deputies was not a signatory to their protest, its
    president, Jeremy Spinak, thanked Mr Dominello "for his swift action
    in quashing these guidelines which, if implemented, would have caused
    significant division and disharmony. It is concerning that policy in
    such an important and sensitive area could have been shaped in this

    Stepan Kerkyasharian, a long-serving head of the CRC, and an Armenian
    Australian, did not sign the document either but said he was saddened
    that "the processes followed by the commission have created
    disharmony, reflecting on its reputation".

    "The apparent selective consultation by the commission raises serious
    ethical questions which need to be addressed by the government," he
    said. "The commission is duty-bound not only to be impartial,
    inclusive and transparent but also be seen to be so."

    A spokesman for Mr Dominello said he had "asked Mr Harman to work with
    the relevant organisations to address their concerns". Mr Harman said
    he welcomed that opportunity and "we exist to build peace and harmony
    in the community".

    The signatories to the protest letter were the Korean Society of
    Sydney, the Assyrian Universal Alliance, the Australian Hellenic
    Council of NSW, the Greek Orthodox Community of NSW, the Cyprus
    Community of NSW and the Armenian National Committee of Australia.
