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"We continue to bleed red, blue, and orange:" The costs of the denia

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  • "We continue to bleed red, blue, and orange:" The costs of the denia

    The McGill International Review, QC, Canada
    Feb 14 2015

    "We continue to bleed red, blue, and orange:" The costs of the denial
    of the Armenian Genocide

    Posted by Emma Noradounkian

    Though Polish Jewish lawyer and drafter of the 1948 United Nations
    Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
    (CPPCG) Raphael Lemkin officially coined the term "genocide" in 1944,
    there can be no doubt that the Young Turk government's deliberate and
    centrally-planned extermination of 1.5 million Armenians in the
    Ottoman Empire between 1915 and 1917 should be labelled as such.[1]
    With the intention of purifying the region of Anatolia of its
    "cancerous" Christian population, the Young Turks undertook a series
    of "ethnoreligious homogenization" policies consisting of murder, mass
    rape, deportations, and forced death marches against hundreds of
    thousands of Armenians.[2] These atrocities fall under Article II of
    the CPPCG, which provides a definition for the crime of genocide:
    "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a
    national, ethnical, racial or religious group."[3]

    Yet, the classification of this crime as genocide has consistently
    been denied by the successive Turkish governments and a number of
    Turkish and non-Turkish scholars alike.[4] The reluctance of defining
    the extermination of Armenians as a genocide has also been widespread
    amongst the majority of the world's states, with only twenty-two
    states officially acknowledging the Armenian Genocide.[5] The
    international community continues to suffer from what Lipmann calls
    "denial syndrome," in which it is "reluctant to invoke the morally and
    politically significant term genocide" with regards to the Armenian
    massacres from 1915 to 1917.[6] This commonly-held denial of its
    reality as a genocide not only enables cross-generational trauma
    within the Armenian community, thereby preventing it from healing from
    its traumatic history, but its denial also allows for its repetition
    in addition to the continuation of other present-day and future
    genocidal episodes.[7] Before examining the consequences of denying
    the Armenian Genocide-which extend to the denial of all other
    genocides-it is important to consider the reasons for and the ways in
    which several scholars and the Turkish government have taken pains to
    utterly deny it themselves.

    Hovannisian argues that "following the physical destruction of a
    people and their material culture, memory is all that is left and is
    targeted as the final victim."[8] Thus, denial, by which the memory of
    a peoples' physical annihilation is destroyed and forever forgotten,
    marks the final stage of genocide.[9] In the process of denial,
    eyewitness and survivor accounts are discredited, archives on the
    genocide are destroyed, and scholars supporting the actuality of the
    genocide are bribed and/or persecuted and executed.[10] Moreover, the
    perpetrators aim to reshape historical facts, exonerate themselves of
    all blame, and demonize victims, reversing the victim-perpetrator
    roles and claiming that they instead suffered at the hands of the
    other.[11] Such intentions for the denial of the Armenian Genocide
    transpire in the writings of Kamuran Gürün, Stanford Shaw, Justin
    McCarthy, and Heath Lowry amongst others, and in the actions of the
    Turkish government.[12] The denial tactics of the Turkish government
    over the years have included its scapegoating of Kurdish officials who
    were allegedly blamed for this atrocity following the First World War;
    its continued coercion of journalists and foreign scholars to write
    about "the other side of the story" since the 1960s; its disruption of
    genocide talks and conventions such as that of Tel Aviv in 1982; and
    most recently, its invitation to the anniversary of the Battle of
    Gallipoli to 102 countries, including Armenia, which conveniently
    coincides with the centenary of the commemoration of the Armenian
    Genocide on April 24, 2015.[13]

    Whether tacitly or explicitly, the denial of genocide may encourage
    further instances of genocide by the same perpetrators and by other
    groups.[14] Denial absolves the wrongdoers from responsibility for
    genocide; they are undeterred from recommitting the same crime, either
    towards the same victim group or to others.[15] A more recent instance
    of the Turkish government's complicity in an an alleged assault on
    Armenians, according to the Armenian National Committee-International,
    occurred in March 2014 when Turkey was claimed to have played an
    active role in aiding al Qaeda-affiliated terrorist groups in their
    three-day attack on Armenians in Kessab, Syria.[16] The same logic
    applies to other possible perpetrator groups, who, in turn, are also
    empowered to make similar genocidal attempts, as they are guaranteed
    impunity like their Turkish counterpart.[17] In fact, Alayarian
    contends that, had the international community officially recognized
    the Armenian Genocide, the first genocide of the twentieth-century,
    and punished its perpetrators, the Jewish Holocaust and subsequent
    genocides could have been averted.[18]

    The denial of the Armenian Genocide also prevents Armenians across the
    globe from fully healing from the cross-generational trauma that they
    continue to suffer.[19] While the present diasporans of Armenian
    Genocide survivors did not experience the Genocide themselves, they
    undeniably identify with their Armenian ancestors who were victimized
    a hundred years ago and who have orally transmitted their trauma
    throughout the generations.[20] Staub argues that the members of
    victims of genocide remain in fear of a future genocide, unable to
    trust the majority of the international community that failed and
    continues to fail to protect them by virtue of their denial: "They
    mistrust people and see the world as a dangerous place. They feel
    disconnected from the people and a world that has harmed them and, at
    the very least, has not protected them."[21] If the world were to
    recognize the suffering that the Armenians endured from 1915 to 1917,
    Staub holds that they could begin to recover from their trauma.[22] If
    the perpetrators were to acknowledge their own pain and guilt, they
    could, in turn, also heal themselves, "stop blaming the people they
    harmed, [...] and begin [assuming] responsibility for having harmed

    On the eve of the Jewish Holocaust, when an aide had noted to Hitler
    that the world would not allow the Nazis to conduct a genocide against
    the Jewish people, he replied, "Who, after all, remembers the
    annihilation of the Armenians?," suggesting that he could expect to
    get away with his obliteration of the Jews without any intervention on
    his inhumane actions and with the guarantee of impunity, as had the
    Turkish government in 1915-1917.[24] In the wake of the commemoration
    of the centenary of the Armenian Genocide on April 24, Armenians
    around the world hope that the entirety of the international community
    will fully acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, and in the process,
    deter those who continue to partake in Hitler's and other genocidists'
    thoughts and repair the wound from which so many have bled red, blue,
    and orange.



    [1] Payam Akhavan, Reducing Genocide to Law: Definition, Meaning, and
    the Ultimate Crime (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012), 6,
    90; Aida Alayarian, Consequences of Denial: The Armenian Genocide
    (London: Karnac Books,2008), 8.

    [2] Taner Akçam, The Young Turks' Crime Against Humanity: The Armenian
    Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in the Ottoman Empire (Princeton, N.J.:
    Princeton University Press, 2012), 29.

    [3] UN General Assembly, Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of
    Genocide, 9 December 1948, United Nations, no. 1021, 280,
    (accessed 6 February 2015).

    [4] Alayarian, Consequences of Denial, XXX, 8.

    [5] "The White House and State Department Have Once Again Shown Their
    Fear of Turkey,",
    accessed February 8.

    [6] Matthew Lippman, "Darfur: The Politics Of Genocide Denial
    Syndrome." Journal of Genocide Research 9, no. 2 (2007): 195, accessed
    February 7, 2015, doi: 10.1080/14623520701368594.

    [7] Alayarian, Consequences of Denial, XXVII; Richard G. Hovannisian,
    Remembrance and Denial: The Case of the Armenian Genocide (Detroit:
    Wayne State University Press, 1998), 229.

    [8] Hovannisian, Remembrance and Denial, 202.

    [9] Hovannisian, Remembrance and Denial, 201, 202; Sévane Garibian,
    "Taking Denial Seriously: Genocide Denial and Freedom of Speech in
    French Law," Cordoso J. Of Conflict Resolution 9, no. 479 (2008): 487,
    accessed February 8, 2015,

    [10] Alayarian, Consequences of Denial, XXX; Lippman, "Darfur: The
    Politics Of Genocide Denial Syndrome," 210.

    [11] Hovannisian, Remembrance and Denial, 229.

    [12] Hovannisian, Remembrance and Denial, 208; See Gurun's "The
    Armenian File: The Myth of Innocence Exposed," Shaw's "History of the
    Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey," McCarthy's "Death and Exile: The
    Ethnic Cleansing of the Ottoman Muslims, 1821-1922," and Lowry's "The
    Story Behind Ambassador Morgenthau's Story," for examples of Armenian
    Genocide denial scholarship.

    [13] Roger W. Smith, Eric Markusen, and Robert Jay Lifton,
    "Professional Ethics And The Denial Of Armenian Genocide," Holocaust
    and Genocide Studies 9, no. 1 (1995): 1-22, accessed February 7, 2015, html. 5; Marvine
    Howe, "Turkey Denies It Threatened Jewes Over Tel Aviv Parley On;
    Genocide," The New York Times, June 5, 1982, accessed February 8,
    Robert Fisk, "The Gallipoli Centenary Is a Shameful Attempt to Hide
    the Armenian Holocaust," The Independent, January 19, 2015, accessed
    February 7, 2015.

    [14] Smith, Markusen, and Lifton, "Professional Ethics And The Denial
    Of Armenian Genocide," 14.

    [15] Gregory H.Stanton, "The Eight Stages of Genocide," Keene,
    accessed February 8, 2015.; UN
    Human Rights Council, Report on the Question of the Prevention and
    Punishment of the Crime of Genocide Benjamin Witaker, 2 July 1985, UN
    Document E/CN.4/Sub.2/ 1985/6, accessed 7
    February 2015.

    [16] "Reports Cite 80 Dead in Kessab; Churches Desecrated," Asbarez,
    March 24, 2014, accessed February 7, 2015,

    [17] Alayarian, Consequences of Denial, XXX.

    [18] Ibid.

    [19] Ervin Staub, "The Origins And Prevention of Genocide, Mass
    Killing, and Other Collective Violence," Peace and Conflict: Journal
    of Peace Psychology 5, no. 4 (1999): 303-36, accessed February 9,
    2015,, 308, 321.

    [20] Ibid., 320, 323.

    [21] Ibid., 320.

    [22] Ibid., 321.

    [23] Ibid., 321.

    [24] Gregory H. Stanton, "The Eight Stages of Genocide;" "U.S.
    Congress and Adolf Hitler on the Armenians," Armenian, Assyrian, and
    Hellenic Genocide News, January 7, 2004, accessed February 8, 2015,
