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ANCA Leads Pro-Karabagh Campaign on Capitol Hill

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  • ANCA Leads Pro-Karabagh Campaign on Capitol Hill

    ANCA Leads Pro-Karabagh Campaign on Capitol Hill

    By Contributor on February 16, 2015 in Headline,

    Baku-Armenians Share Eyewitness Accounts of Azerbaijani Aggression;
    Support Artsakh's Security and Press for Increased US Aid

    WASHINGTON'A diverse delegation of Armenian American activists, many
    with roots in Baku, took part in a capacity-crowd Capitol Hill
    briefing and two-day series of congressional meetings, sharing with
    members of Congress, for the first time, their harrowing family
    accounts of Azerbajiani aggression against the Armenian populations of
    Baku, Sumgait, and Kirovabad. The delegation also advocated for robust
    U.S. political support and direct assistance to ensure a brighter
    future for the free citizens of the Nagorno Karabagh Republic,
    reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

    Congressional Armenian Caucus CoChair Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) with
    Vitaliy Dadalyan, Anna Astvatsaturian Turcotte, Dr. Alina Dorian,
    Julia Papiyan, and Marat Khoudabakhshiev at the ANCA Capitol Hill
    briefing marking the 25th anniversary of the Baku pogroms and urging
    robust U.S. aid to the Nagorno Karabagh Republic.

    The ANCA sponsored Capitol Hill program titled, `Nagorno-Karabagh, a
    Generation after Anti-Armenian Pogroms: The Challenge of Promoting
    Peace and Developing Democracy,' featured powerful remarks by Anna
    Astvatsaturian Turcotte, a lawyer, lecturer, and author of Nowhere, a
    Story of Exile, and Dr. Alina Dorian, an internationally respected
    public health expert and advocate who has worked for decades to
    strengthen and expand public health programs in Karabagh.
    Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Frank Pallone Jr. opened the
    program by offering warm words of welcome, and ardent support for an
    independent Artsakh. Both the Armenian Embassy and the Nagorno
    Karabagh Republic Office in Washington were well represented at the
    briefing by Deputy Chief of Mission Hrachia Tashchian and
    Nagorno-Karabagh Representative Robert Avetisyan.

    Joining Dorian and Turcotte as devoted spokespeople for
    Nagorno-Karabagh's independence were Vitaliy Dadalyan, Marat
    Khoudabakhshiev, and Julia Papiyan, who traveled from Utah, California
    and Michigan, respectively, to share their family stories of
    persecution in Baku during the late 1980's. In some 40 meetings with
    key Senate and House leaders, members of Congress were moved by their
    accounts of courage and survival, and inspired by the Nagorno Karabagh
    Republic's commitment to democracy and economic development. ANCA
    Western Region (ANCA-WR) Advisory Board Member Garo Madenlian, Esq.,
    ANCA-WR Legislative Affairs Director Tereza Yerimyan, and the ANCA
    Eastern Region's (ANCA-ER) Armen Sahakyan joined the ANCA Washington,
    D.C., team in facilitating congressional outreach efforts and sharing
    the broad range of Armenian American community priorities.

    `The ANCA was proud to help the Baku Armenian community raise its
    voice here in Washington'with purpose, power, and passion,' stated
    ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. `These remarkable young men
    and women delivered compelling messages of both remembrance and
    resolve across Capitol Hill, educating dozens of members of Congress
    about the atrocities committed against their families a generation
    ago, and'just as importantly'demanding that American leaders stand up
    for Artsakh's, freedom; stand strong against Azerbaijani aggression;
    and stand firmly with all those seeking a fair and enduring regional

    Images from the ANCA's Capitol Hill briefing and meetings is available
    on its Facebook page.

    Turcotte: `They knew our addresses'

    In her remarks on the Capitol Hill briefing, Turcotte described a
    `happy and sunny childhood' until 1988, when the `facades of tolerance
    began to fade.'

    `Life as we knew it for myself, my family, and hundreds of our friends
    ceased to exist as the violent gangs organized by the Azerbaijani
    government stormed our streets and attacked us for simply being
    Armenian,' explained Turcotte, who was just 11-years-old at the time.
    `They knew our addresses.'

    Turcotte went on to explain that families like hers `spent months
    hiding in the dark, with curtains closed tightly or, equally terrified
    and surrounded by Russian tanks who were there to assert the Soviet
    dominance, not to protect us.'

    The effects of that ordeal, their escape and the struggle for survival
    affect her to this day, explained Turcotte. `This fear is still
    engrained in me at 36 years old, and I detest it. I fight against it
    by speaking about it out loud, just as I am doing right now.'

    Turcotte praised the Nagorno Karabagh Republic for its commitment to
    democracy and development, despite ongoing Azerbaijani attacks.
    `Nagorno-Karabagh is flourishing with its limited resources, with all
    its security concerns, road by road, building by building, family by
    family,' She said.

    She continued, sharing this poignant message of hope addressed to the
    Artsakh people:

    `Baku Armenian communities around the world and especially in the
    United States stand with you, Nagorno-Karabagh. May your children
    never have to be subjected to the Azerbaijani government again. May
    you never hide in the dark like we did fearing for our lives in Baku.
    May you proudly display your Armenian names and culture within the
    borders of your democratic country, just like I proudly do in my
    adoptive country, the United States of America.'

    Watch Turcotte's remarks here.

    Dorian: `Direct U.S. aid to Nagorno-Karabagh has represented a
    powerful investment in peace'

    A public health expert and disaster assistance specialist, Dorian
    offered a strong indictment of the scarcity of international
    humanitarian aid efforts to Nagorno-Karabagh to date, and laid out a
    compelling case for expanded U.S. assistance to the fledgling
    democracy, based on both the critical needs and the merits.

    Explaining that most international response to humanitarian crises is
    spearheaded by the United Nations and its relevant agencies,
    International Red Cross, non-government organizations and governments,
    Dorian noted that `that didn't happen in Nagorno-Karabagh,' with the
    United Nations absent from the region to this day.

    Turning to U.S. assistance, Dorian explained, `As much as I am proud
    of what our government, what we have done in Nagorno-Karabagh to date,
    it cannot be forgotten that we didn't provide any assistance until
    four years post-ceasefire. Can you imagine waiting four years before
    responding to Haiti? Or, waiting four years before responding to
    Kosovo?' asked Dorian.

    Offering a brief public health snapshot of Nagorno-Karabagh to
    attendees, and thanking USAID for the rounds of assistance efforts in
    1998 and 2003, in which she participated, Dorian stressed that the
    need is still great. `The war and its aftermath have disrupted the
    lives of individuals, their families and communities'depriving them of
    the means of growth and development.'

    Dorian then outlined the merits of expanded U.S. assistance to
    Artsakh, citing its commitment to democracy and self-reliance. `Since
    1991, Nagorno Karabagh has successfully conducted five parliamentary
    and five presidential elections¦ this post-war generation is growing
    up in a government of their choosing.' She stressed Nagorno-Karabagh's
    commitment to peace, citing its willingness, unlike Azerbaijan, `to
    support the OSCE's calls to pull back snipers and increase OSCE
    observers.' Dorian highlighted the effectiveness of U.S. assistance in
    the region. `We have shown outcomes; we have shown impact; we have
    shown that our government's investment, although small, has been a
    wise one, by reaching for stated goals and objectives.'

    Dorian then shared recommendations for expanded U.S. assistance to
    Artsakh, including a thorough public health assessment in the region.
    She cited the importance of maintaining Section 907 restrictions on
    U.S. assistance to Azerbaijan, sending a strong signal to the
    dictatorial Aliyev regime, which has steadily increased its aggression
    against Nagorno-Karabagh. She urged Nagorno-Karabagh's direct
    participation in the OSCE peace process.

    `The fact is that the population in Nagorno-Karabagh is struggling
    daily for survival and it is not being afforded the necessary
    assistance and support of the international community. Within this
    triangle of conflict, the most vulnerable party'Nagorno-Karabagh'is
    still marginalized and disenfranchised. Twenty years later, it is time
    for us to change the tide,' concluded Dorian.

    The video of Dorian's remarks is available online.

    Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.), with Baku survivor Marat
    Khoudabakhshiev, ANCA Western Region Advisory Board member Garo
    Madenlian, Esq., and ANCA Western Region Legislative Affairs Director
    Tereza Yerimyan

    Baku Armenians share their stories of survival; vision for peace

    Twenty-five years after the Azerbaijani government incited racially
    motivated attacks that left hundreds dead, scores injured, and forced
    over 300,000 to flee their family homes in Baku, Sumgait, Kirovabad,
    Maragha, and other cities throughout Azerbaijan, a small but
    determined group of Baku-Armenian survivors travelled to the nation's
    capitol to share their stories of courage with legislators, offering
    thanks for the safe-haven provided by communities across the U.S. In
    meeting after meeting'some 40 Senate and House meetings with
    congressional leaders and staff'the eyewitness accounts of Azerbaijani
    aggression in the late 1980's and the continued attacks on Armenia and
    Nagorno-Karabagh today underscored the need for increased U.S.
    assistance and support for an independent Artsakh.

    Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) with Vitaliy Dadalyan, a Baku Armenian whose
    family sought refuge in Utah following Azerbaijani aggression in the
    late 1980's

    Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Frank Pallone (D-N.J.)
    explained, `Even though we talk about the Armenian Genocide
    centennial, we have to remember that this was not just something 100
    years ago. It was pogroms 150 years ago and it was pogroms 25 years
    ago and we have to remember that.' Citing his support for U.S.
    recognition of an independent Artsakh, Congressman Pallone urged for
    `whatever we [U.S.] could do'economic development that would lead to
    recognition¦ [and] a settlement'so that Karabagh could remain an
    independent country, or part of Armenia.'

    Inspired by the impact of Turcotte's moving diary of survival,Nowhere,
    A Story of Exile, the ANCA issued a call earlier this year to Baku
    Armenians across the U.S. to share their stories with elected
    officials and the American public, beginning with a poignant account
    relayed by 2014 ANCA Leo Sarkisian internInna Mirzoyan.

    Since then, others have come forward, including Julia Papiyan, who
    shared her family's story, both in the pages of Asbarez and this week
    on Capitol Hill. Family stories can be shared with the ANCA by
    emailing them to [email protected].

    Noted Armenian journalist Marianna Grigoryan and H1 Television's
    Washington correspondent Haykaram Nahapetyan travelled throughout the
    U.S. videotaping and collecting Baku pogrom survivor accounts for a
    powerful documentary which premiered on the 25th anniversary of the
    Baku pogroms in January of this year, the fifth installment in the
    `Ordinary Genocide' Project.

    That documentary will be shared with Congressional offices and is
    available online.

    Orange County area Congresswoman Mimi Walters (R-Calif.) discusses
    U.S. ` Karabagh relations with (L-R) ANCA Legislative Affairs Director
    Raffi Karakashian, Esq., constituent and ANCA Western Region Advisory
    Board member Garo Madenlian, Esq., ANCA-WR Legislative Affairs
    Director Tereza Yerimyan, and Francesco Urti.

    Expanding the Armenian American issues profile on Capitol Hill

    This month's Capitol Hill briefing on Nagorno-Karabagh is part of a
    broader ANCA sponsored initiative to spotlight key Armenian American
    community concerns through interactive programs and expanded community
    advocacy opportunities.

    Last month, the efforts of Near East Relief, the unprecedented
    American campaign of international humanitarian assistance which saved
    and sustained hundreds of thousands of Armenian Genocide survivors
    from 1915-1930, was spotlighted at the first Capitol Hill briefing of
    the year. Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Frank Pallone
    (D-N.J.), Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and Rep. Jim Costa were joined
    by public policy leaders and a bipartisan group of Senate and House
    congressional staff for the unique presentation by Maurice Kelechian,
    a member of the ANCA Western Region's `America We Thank You: An
    Armenian Tribute to Near East Relief,'' who has spent decades
    researching archives around the world to document this unprecedented
    American humanitarian aid effort.

    Both programs were made possible by a generous grant by the Aramian
    family, in memory of the late Martha Aramian'a respected community
    leader and devoted daughter of the Armenian nation.
