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ANKARA: Armenia Takes A Step Back From Normalization With Turkey

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  • ANKARA: Armenia Takes A Step Back From Normalization With Turkey


    Daily Sabah, Turkey
    Feb 16 2015


    Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said on Monday he withdrew from
    parliament landmark peace accords with Turkey, setting further
    back U.S.-backed efforts to bury a century of hostility between
    the neighbors.

    The two countries signed accords in October 2009 to establish
    diplomatic relations and open their land border, trying to overcome
    the legacy of the events of 1915 and later events that led to the
    death of thousands on both sides.

    The process had been deadlocked as both Ankara and Yerevan have
    accused the other of trying to rewrite the texts and setting new
    conditions. Many Armenians want Turkey to recognize the 1915 events
    as genocide and pay reparations, proposals Ankara balks at.

    Neither parliament has approved the deal, which would bring huge
    economic gains for poor, landlocked Armenia, burnish Turkey's
    credentials as an EU candidate and boost its clout in the strategic
    South Caucasus.

    "We were ready for a fully-fledged settlement in our relations
    with Turkey by ratifying these protocols, but we were also ready
    for failure," Sargsyan said in a letter that had been sent to the
    parliament, his press service said.

    He blamed Turkey for "absence of the political will" in finding

    "We have nothing to hide and it should be clear for the international
    community whose fault it was that the last closed European border
    was not open," he said.

    Turkish-Armenian border had been closed since 1993 due to the conflict
    between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh. The autonomous
    region and some adjacent territory, which comprises a quarter of
    Azerbaijan's land, have been under the control of Armenian soldiers
    and local Armenian forces since a 1994 cease-fire that ended a
    six-year war.

    Turkey, an ally of Turkic nation of Azerbaijan, had always stated that
    the normalization of relations with Armenia depends on a solution
    between two Caucasus states. The Turkish foreign minister recently
    urged Armenia to pull out its forces from Nagorno-Karabakh.

    Following the brief war of 2008 between Russia and Georgia and its
    aftermath, Turkey and Armenia were urged by both domestic factors and
    international community to start an initiative to normalize their
    relations. The war threatened energy supply from oil-rich Caspian
    region, while it further increased Armenia's isolation and poverty
    as its only route through world markets, passing through Georgia, was
    blocked by Russia. Meanwhile, Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink's
    murder in 2007 shocked Turkish society and it largely transformed the
    public opinion regaring the bitter past with their Armenian neighbors.

    As Turkey and Armenia paired in 2010 FIFA World Cup qualifiers,
    presidents of both countries exchanged visits for the game, paving
    the way for the accords of 2009.

    Armenia, a country of 3.2 million, is approaching the 100th-anniversary
    of the 1915 events, when tens of thousands lay flowers at a hilltop
    monument in the capital on April 24th.

    U.S. President Barack Obama will issue a statement to mark the
    anniversary of the events, a defining element of Armenian national
    identity and thorn in the side of Turkey.

    From: A. Papazian