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Passions Rising Over Draft Statement "On Condemnation Of The Genocid

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  • Passions Rising Over Draft Statement "On Condemnation Of The Genocid


    by Tatevik Shahunyan

    Monday, February 16, 18:39

    Passions are rising over the draft statement "On condemnation of the
    genocide of Greeks and Assyrians in Ottoman Turkey" in the Armenian

    Today, a verbal duel occurred between Heritage MP Zaruhi Postanjyan
    and Head of the Parliamentary Commission for Foreign Affairs, RPA
    member Artak Zakaryan during the Commission's session, which was
    considering the draft statement. In particular, Postanjyan expressed
    her discontent with the fact that the lawmakers did not support her
    draft statement "On recognition and condemnation of Ottoman Turkey's
    genocidal policy against Greeks, Assyrians, Yazidis and other national
    and religious minorities as a grave crime against humanity". She
    blamed the RPA members for plagiarism, because "they have stolen
    her idea and elaborated their own document on its basis". Postanjyan
    was particularly indignant at the fact that the new version of the
    statement says nothing about the genocide of Yazidis.

    Today the "Sinjar" Yazidi National Union protested against the Armenian
    National Assembly's draft statement condemning the genocide of Greeks
    and Assyrians in Ottoman Turkey in 1914-23.

    Sinjar is displeased with the fact that the document does not mention
    the genocide of Yazidis that took place in the early 20th century
    in Ottoman Turkey. "Only 14,000 out of 200,000 families of the
    Yazidis living in the Ottoman Empire before 1914 survived. Later,
    the persecution against the Yazidis continued because they were
    blamed for hiding Armenian refugees in their houses. Why does the
    legislative body of Armenia forget these facts? Is the fact of
    the genocide of Yazidis disadvantageous from the viewpoint of the
    Armenian foreign policy?" In this light, Sinjar urges the authors
    of the draft statement "On condemnation of the genocide of Greeks
    and Assyrians in Ottoman Turkey in 1914-23" to include a provision
    about the genocide of Yazidis in the document. "Otherwise, we will
    perceive it as discrimination against Yazidi people", they say.

    ArmInfo's correspondent has asked Eduard Sharmazanov, Vice Speaker of
    the Armenian Parliament, co- author of the specified draft statement
    to comment on the Yazidi organization's statement. Sharmazanov
    says that the genocide of Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians in
    Ottoman Turkey cannot be considered emotionally. According to him,
    when elaborating the document, its authors studied all the facts,
    the relevant Convention of the UN, the resolution the International
    Association of Genocide Scholars took in 2007. The resolution says
    that a genocide of Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians was committed in
    Ottoman Turkey in the early 20th century and it features numerous
    facts, particularly, the documents of the Thessalonica Forum and
    letters of Taleat and Enver.

    "The same International Association of Genocide Scholars considered in
    2007 the issue of possible genocide of Yazidis in Ottoman Turkey in
    early XX century but found no documents substantiating it. If there
    are any facts confirming the genocide of Yazidis in Ottoman Turkey
    in early XX century, let the Yazidi community present them and we
    will recognize and condemn the genocide of Yazidis as well. I have
    repeatedly applied to the Yazidi community, however, I have received
    no such documents so far", says Sharmazanov. He stresses that if
    the Parliament adopts a resolution, it should be substantiated and
    flawless in all aspects. He adds that in 2015 Yerevan will host the
    forum of the International Association of Genocide Scholars and if
    the Yazidi community has some documents confirming the fact of the
    genocide of Yazidis in Ottoman Turkey in early XX century, it can
    present them at that Forum.

    To note, earlier MP from Heritage Party Zaruhi Postanjyan submitted a
    similar draft statement, which reflected on the genocide of Yazidis
    as well and the Yazidi community of Armenia supported that draft
    statement. However, the MPs from the ruling Republican Party of
    Armenia said that the document had inaccuracies and rejected it.
