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American Blogger: Azerbaijan Exercises Falsifications By Propagating

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  • American Blogger: Azerbaijan Exercises Falsifications By Propagating


    19:48 16/02/2015 >> SOCIETY

    "The Assembly of Friends of Azerbaijan," an affiliate of Turkish
    lobbying organization, associated with Fethullah Gulen, an influential
    Muslim spiritual figure, sent invitations to Kansas Legislators to
    attend a meeting titled "Remember the Khojalu Tragedy." American
    blogger of "Defining the Narrative" carried out a personal research,
    ending up urging his friends in the Kansas Legislature not to be
    misled by the Azerbaijani propaganda, as long as the events in Khojalu
    were "not a genocide by any stretch of the imagination," unlike the
    Armenian Genocide committed by the Turks in 1915. He also warned
    that some of the photos presented during the event, could possibly
    be taken in other places, in Kosovo for instance, in 1999.

    It's noted in the article, that today Armenia is in good relations with
    pretty much everyone other than its neighbors -Turkey and Azerbaijan,
    who have blockaded the Armenians for 20 years following a war over
    Nagorno Karabakh which left Armenia in control of NK; Azerbaijan is
    unwilling to let it go.

    The Azerbaijanis and the Turks call the Khojalu battle everything
    from a tragedy, to a massacre, to genocide, the article reads. The
    loss of civilian life in a war-zone is indeed a tragedy, but this
    hardly constitutes a "genocide." Especially, if the town of 6,000
    had been warned beforehand to be evacuated, and a safe corridor was
    available for that purpose.

    Citing an excerpt from the Human Rights Watch 1993 report, the author
    points out to the fact, that indiscriminate attacks commenced from
    both sides. He also cites the British journalist Thomas de Waal,
    who noted that the events in Khojalu were a result of a spontaneous,
    rather than deliberately planned action.

    "But the Azerbaijani websites such as '' serve as a
    propaganda tool to absolve Azerbaijan of any wrong doing, playing
    the victim, while placing all the blame for Khojaly at the feet of
    Armenia. Did I mention there were somewhere between 1000-3000 Jihadi
    mercenaries from Afghanistan and Chechnya fighting with the Azeri's
    during the war?" the blogger writes.

    Also, making a research over the situation in Azerbaijan, the blogger
    writes that the country is run by an autocratic regime of a clan
    who controls just about everything including the banks, the oil,
    the government, education and the media propaganda machine. The
    clan run Heydar Aliyev Foundation propagates a favorable narrative
    to perspective international partners and allies. Also SOCAR (the
    State Oil Company of the Azerbaijani Republic) hosted a large-scale
    lobbying event in Baku. According to an article posted on the website
    "The Washington Diplomat", 317 delegates from 42 states, including
    11 sitting members of Congress, 75 state representatives and three
    ex-insiders of White House - political strategist David Plouffe,
    former press secretary Robert Gibbs and ex-deputy chief of staff Jim
    Messina took part in the event. The article read that Plouffe, Messina
    and Gibbs were given five-figure sums to speak at the forum, praising
    Azerbaijan. All in all, $1.5 million were spent on holding the event.

    In its turn, CASILIPS (Citizens against Special Interest Lobbying
    in Public Schools) noted that the organizer of the event was Kemal
    Oksuz ("Kevin" Oksuz), who is a major player in the Gulen Movement
    in Azerbaijan and has connections in various states.

    On February 26, 1992, during the war in Karabakh, around 200 to 300
    people (according to Human Rights Watch, and 600 according to the
    version propagated by Azerbaijan) were killed in unknown circumstances
    near the city of Aghdam. They have been deliberately withheld by the
    Azerbaijani authorities in the midst of the military actions.

    Population of the village of Khojalu, which was one of the firing
    points shooting at the blockaded Stepanakert (among five others)
    was kept in the village for months by force and was not evacuated by
    the authorities of Azerbaijan deliberately, in order to use them as
    human shields later.

    Residents of Khojalu coming out through the humanitarian corridor,
    that the self-defense forces of NKR had left open, freely passed more
    than 10 km and reached the Aghdam city controlled by the Azerbaijani
    troops. Later, not far from the positions of Azerbaijani troops dead
    bodies of the villagers were found. The exact death toll remains
    unknown as the official Baku publishes data contradicting each other.

    Parliamentary Commission investigating the tragic death of the
    civilians at Aghdam city was dissolved by the order of Heydar Aliyev,
    the investigative materials are kept secret.

    From: Baghdasarian