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Report: State Carries Economic Losses Due To LGBT Migration

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  • Report: State Carries Economic Losses Due To LGBT Migration


    02.17.2015 14:30

    >From 2011-2013, the Armenian budget has lost approximately $20 million
    from the migration of LGBT individuals, while within the coming 12
    years the state's budget could lose as much as $370 million. These
    results are from a joint research project by the Public Information
    and Need for Knowledge and Socioscope Societal Research and Consultancy
    Center NGOs.

    These losses are explained by a number of factors. The damages society
    carries from one person migrating is tied to the migrant's childhood
    years and to the loss of public investment in his/her education (Brain
    Drain), to the lost capital that migrant's take with them when leaving
    the country, the decline in integral demand and psychological impact.

    In addition, the report's authors noted that the major difference
    between LGBT and other migrants is that LGBT individuals often do
    not send remittances or send insignificant amounts to the country,
    they often severe ties with their relatives in Armenia, which is
    cuases economic losses.

    The questions reveal that in difference to other migrants, who
    cited economic issues for migrating, LGBT individuals leave due to
    being subject to discrimination. Most experts, especially noted
    discrimination against LGBT people in multiple examples of being
    refused employment or being fired from work.

    The interview participants described multiple examples of physical
    threats (arson attempts, home or material belonging arson, expulsion
    from home, assault and other types of violence) of LGBT individuals.

    These threats take place in the family, public places, medical and
    educational institutions, law enforcement, and the army. In actuality,
    in all aspects of public life, relations with institutions, LGBT
    individuals are subject to violence (even in those institutions that
    call to defend them), instigate the decision to leave the country. The
    majority of LGBT individuals would not migrate if such issues did
    not exist.

    The report's authors made policy recommendations to Armenia's state
    bodies, Government, and the National Assembly.

    1. Implement a common state policy based on the principle of
    non-discrimination in all spheres of public life.

    2. Implement RA Government social policy and human capital development
    envisaged by RA Government 2012-2017 program based on the principle of
    non-discrimination in various fields towards society's most vulnerable
    groups, in this case LGBT persons.

    3. Adopt a separate piece of legislation prohibiting discrimination,
    which will prohibit discrimination on any basis in labor market and
    all spheres of the society, ensuring equal rights and opportunities
    for all.

    4. Adopt effective law enforcement mechanisms. Anti-discrimination
    legislation is, of course, necessary, but it is not enough and without
    effective mechanisms discrimination will not just disappear.

    5. Take into consideration the principle of non-discrimination when
    adopting laws and normative-legal acts as a basic rule for ensuring
    the realization of rights and freedoms of a citizen.

    Report in entirety here.
