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Ter-Petrosyan Calls For Head To Head Meeting With Sargsyan

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  • Ter-Petrosyan Calls For Head To Head Meeting With Sargsyan


    Huewire News
    Feb 17 2015

    Levon Ter-Petrosyan has required a one on one gathering with Armenian
    President Serzh Sargsyan to actually pass on his worries in regards
    to the as of late issued Pan-Armenian Proclamation on the event of
    the 100th commemoration of the Armenian Genocide. The declaration
    was drafted by a state dedicatory arranging board of trustees and
    Ter-Petrosyan contends that the body has violated its power by
    asserting that it represents the "united will" of all Armenians.

    Faceless Council

    Armenia's first president likewise contends that given that
    the announcement was tending to the global group it would have
    been instilled with more noteworthy gravitas and lawful political
    noteworthiness had it been marked by the presidents of Armenia and
    Artsakh and church ;eaders as opposed to a few faceless council.

    Ter-Petrosyan likewise blames the decree as somewhat more than a
    final proposal to Turkey, imminent Ankara to perceive also denounce
    the Armenian Genocide submitted by the Ottoman Empire, however,
    that it neglects to determine what Armenian arrangements to do if,
    and when, Turkey neglects to do as such.

    In his public statement to Sargsyan, Ter-Petrosyan additionally
    suggests the thought of arranging a consultative panel to at
    last portray the position of the Republic of Armenia vis-vis the
    Genocide issue. Ter-Petrosyan says that such a panel would utilize
    the announcement as a premise to draft another reminder, marked by
    the president of Armenia, to be sent to the United Nations Secretary
    General, the presidents of the OSCE as well as the EU, and to all
    heads of state.

    Taking everything into account, Ter-Petrosyan says that such an
    update should not harm the arrangement of the most vital issues now
    confronting Armenia, in particular a determination of Armenia-Turkey
    relations and the Karabakh clash. Ter-Petrosyan then recommends
    individuals to sit on the consultative council; people who have
    effectively demonstrated fit for climbing above conventional
    recognitions and who can see the matter from the point of view of
    Armenian state engages and in the connection of contemporary received
    worldwide standards.

    The folks proposed are:

    >From Armenia: Babken Ararktsyan, Gagik Harutyunyan, Vano Siradeghyan,
    Vazgen Manukyan, Vardan Oskanyan, Stepan Demirchyan, Ruben Shugaryan,
    Alexander Arzumanyan, Arman Grigoryan, Ashot Voskanyan, Ruben
    Vardanyan, Ashot Sargsyan, Ara Sahakyan, Ktrich Sardaryan, Hrant

    >From the U.S. - Jirair Libaridian, Ruben Atalian, Ara Sanjian,
    Khachig Tllyan, Hampig Sarafian plus Raffi Urfalian.

    >From France - Arman Sarian, Michel Marian, Jirayr Malkhasian,
    Raffi Kalfayian.

    >From Turkey - Levon Zekiyan

    >From Argentina - Rupen Mozian.

    Ter-Petrosyan says that he would be eager to partake in the exercises
    of the panel and that he couldn't care less how his "antagonistic
    companions" see his drive. Ter-Petrosyan closes by saying that the
    basic of his drive, paying little respect to the turmoil it will
    bring about, is made all the more critical given the forthcoming
    100th commemoration of the Genocide.
