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Kurkcu: They Attacked Opposition MPs With Whatever They Could Get Ho

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  • Kurkcu: They Attacked Opposition MPs With Whatever They Could Get Ho


    02.18.2015 14:51NEWS

    Assaulted in Parliament during the meeting for the internal security
    package, HDP Member of Parliament described the fight that broke out:
    "You cannot but run for help when a friend of yours is being assaulted
    by thugs. If there is a price to pay for that, we are prepared,
    but the real problem here is that the Parliament is increasingly
    resembling a slaughterhouse."

    5 Members of Parliament were injured during the fight that broke out
    during the parliamentary meeting for the omnibus bill known as the
    'internal security package'. The fight began with taunts between
    AKP and CHP and HDP Members of Parliament during the closed session
    of the General Assembly, and turned into a full-blown fight during
    which HDP MP Ertugrul Kurkcu, and CHP MPs Musa Cam, Aykut Erdogdu
    and Mahmut Tanal were injured.

    HDP MPs held a press conference at the Parliament today, and stated
    that the AKP had to apologize especially because of the attack carried
    out by its MPs on female parliamentarians.

    HDP MPs stated that the session speaker AyÅ~_enur Bahcekapılı lost
    her impartiality and adopted a hard stance against the opposition. "The
    fact that Bahcekapılı remained silent in the face of violence will
    go down in history," said Pervin Buldan, and called for an apology
    from the AKP. HDP MP Ertugrul Kurkcu, who suffered a head injury
    during the fight, came to the Parliament wearing a helmet today.

    Pervin Buldan's statement was as follows:

    "This bill will eventually bring the government down. We, as the HDP,
    will do everything in our powers to prevent this draft law passing. We
    once again issue a call from here. This package, which will draw Turkey
    into a dark period, must immediately be withdrawn. The government
    should focus on the peace process, and do whatever is necessary. The
    deputy head of the AKP group must be investigated, and AKP MPs must
    apologize from us."

    Ertugrul Kurkcu explained the details of the fight with the following

    "I normally use this helmet to protect my head, but now I believe I
    need it to protect myself from AKP MPs. I will use this equipment
    in Parliament from now on. This is not mere black humour. What
    we experienced yesterday has left the impression that we have now
    crossed a certain threshold. Mustafa ElitaÅ~_ [AKP MP] will soon tell
    you how bad people we are, but if this were not a closed session,
    this was what you would have seen:

    When the AKP group deputy heads pressurised the session deputy head
    to stop our friends from speaking, our MPs Pervin Buldan and Sebahat
    Tuncel went up to the speaker's stand; upon which male AKP MPs began
    to physically attack them, and we were impelled to go to the help of
    our friends."

    'They slung a punch at Tuncel'

    "I could not have sat and watched for the sake of politeness when my
    friends were being harassed. I went up to the front to prevent the
    punch slung at Sebahat Tuncel, and I was hit myself, and then they
    continued attacking us."

    'Oktay Saral attacked MPs with speaker's hammer'

    "I also witnessed AKP MP Oktay Saral attack several opposition MPs
    with the speaker's hammer. He was the one who injured [CHP MP] Aykut
    Erdogdu. He was also the one who attacked [CHP MP] Mahmut Tanal. He
    led the attacking regiment of the AKP. But even more importantly,
    other AKP MPs took no objection to these attacks, they saw no harm
    in women MPs being disrespectfully harassed, which proved that their
    previous words about Ozgecan Aslan [the student who was brutally
    raped and murdered in Mersin] were insincere."

    "Yes, I might have staved off this attack with a few scratches, but
    no one can know beforehand what can happen in such attacks. [CHP
    MP] Musa Cam could have faced a much more serious injury [Cam
    was hospitalized]. We have to question the motivation for them to
    collectively attack opposition MPs in Parliament. I believe that the
    internal security package has become an issue of life and death for
    them. Either this draft law passes, or their power is threatened."

    "I ask you to imagine this: Police forces will be formed with the
    same mentality as these AKP MPs if this draft law passes. The same
    goes for plainclothes policemen and the gendarmerie. And if we are
    to lend an ear to the President's call, even civilians will act the
    same. We shall keep this incident in our mind as an example of how
    law enforcement will use its powers to resort to force, duress or
    firearms to turn the country into a slaughterhouse if this law passes."

    "All this took place with no access to the public because of the
    AKP's decision to hold a closed session. I would have liked you to
    witness it, but then again, I would have not, as human beings. You
    would have abandoned the Parliament if you had seen MPs speak and
    act in that manner towards their colleagues."

    "After speaking about women's rights and women's presence all day,
    for them to attack our female colleagues in this manner, and for us
    to adopt our traditional role to protect them, makes me feel both
    unfortunate, and like a victim. You cannot but run for help when
    a friend is being assaulted by thugs. If there is a price to pay
    for that, we are prepared, but the real problem here is that the
    Parliament is increasingly resembling a slaughterhouse."

    ElitaÅ~_: Women MPs assaulted themselves

    AKP Group Deputy Head Mustafa ElitaÅ~_ also made a statement regarding
    the attack on HDP MPs Pervin Buldan and Sebahat Tuncel in the General
    Assembly, and said: "The women MPs assaulted themselves. They carried
    out the assault. From what I understand, they hit themselves. No AKP
    MP would attack others, especially women."
