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James Warlick: Interests Of All Sides Will Need To Be Taken Into Acc

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  • James Warlick: Interests Of All Sides Will Need To Be Taken Into Acc


    16:26 18/02/2015 " COMMENTS

    U.S. Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group James Warlick gave an exclusive
    interview toArtsakhpress news agency, in which he talked about
    some recent statements and developments of the current phase of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement.

    The interview is exclusive also for the reason that it is the first
    time when one of the Co-Chairs gives an interview to a media from

    - Mr. Warlick, it is a known fact that since the last year there has
    been an escalation of tension along the LoC which seriously undermines
    the mediation efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs. Apart from
    the statements, do you see any practical mechanisms that can stabilize
    the situation?

    - The escalation of violence along the Line of Contact and
    Armenia-Azerbaijan border over the last year undermines not only the
    Co-Chairs' mediation efforts, but also the Presidents' commitment to
    their people to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict peacefully.

    There are mechanisms that can reduce the likelihood of unintended
    incidents in conflict-affected areas and we support their
    implementation to help stabilize the situation on the ground. The
    Co-Chairs have raised several proposals with the sides and are
    discussing them during our trip to the region.

    - The Co-Chairs are currently in the region. Are there any concrete
    proposals that are being put at the table during the meetings with
    all three sides?

    - First and foremost, we are talking to the sides about recent tension
    and violence that threaten the region. There cannot be progress on
    the diplomatic track if violence continues. We are also raising with
    the sides the need to resume meetings of the Presidents, who hold the
    keys to peace in their hands. Additionally, we stress the importance
    of beginning comprehensive negotiations on a lasting settlement. It
    is critical to have a sustained negotiating process that can lead to
    a peace agreement.

    - According to the Azerbaijani mass media reports, you were cited
    as saying that transfer of the two Azerbaijani citizens (charged
    with heavy crimes) to Azerbaijan in the spirit of the Astrakhan
    Declaration would be an important humanitarian gesture that can help
    reduce tensions and build trust between the sides. Do you think
    that Astrakhan Declaration is applicable in relation to criminals
    and that the impunity of those crimes will not further enhance the
    false sense of all-permissiveness in Azerbaijan, as was the case with
    Ramil Safarov?

    - In the past, the sides have generally found a way to return prisoners
    as a humanitarian gesture. With tensions as high as they are, such
    humanitarian gestures can lead to a more positive environment for
    negotiations to take place.

    - Since 1997, Nagorno-Karabakh has not been direct and full-fledged
    party at the negotiations. At the same time, the OSCE Minsk Group
    Co-Chairs have announced on numerous occasions that the Karabakh side
    will reengage in the direct negotiations soon. Don't you think that in
    the given situation the restoration of the previous trilateral format
    of negotiations will be crucial in moving the negotiations forward?

    - The interests of all sides will need to be taken into account in
    the negotiations, as well as in a settlement to the conflict. The
    first step is for the sides to express their readiness to enter into
    such negotiations.

    - The Azerbaijani side has announced a number of times that the OSCE
    Co-Chairmanship has exhausted itself and there are disagreements among
    the Co-Chairs and suggesting a change in the mediation format. Do
    you agree with the above?

    - As Co-Chairs, we are united in our efforts to mediate a peaceful
    and lasting settlement to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The Minsk
    Group is the only mediation format accepted by the sides. We will
    continue to fulfill our mandate to work towards peace as long as all
    agree that our role as mediators remains useful.

    - Mr. Warlick, thank you for the interview.
