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Raffi Hovhannisyan To Be In Liberty Square On February 20 Despite Ra

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  • Raffi Hovhannisyan To Be In Liberty Square On February 20 Despite Ra


    YEREVAN, February 18. /ARKA/. Raffi Hovhannisyan, leader of Heritage
    opposition party, said Wednesday that he will be in the Liberty Square
    in Yerevan on February 20 and will answer journalists' questions
    despite Prosperous Armenia Party's decision to cancel the rally
    scheduled for that day, Novosti-Armenia reports.

    Prosperous Armenia released a statement on Wednesday cancelling the
    rally Gagik Tsarukyan, Raffi Hovhannisyan and Levon Ter-Petrosyan
    (the first Armenian president), leaders of Prosperous Armenia Party,
    Heritage Party and the Armenian National Congress, decided to stage
    on the mentioned day to outline their further steps amid the tense
    political situation in the country.

    However, the Yerevan municipality said the rally of these opposition
    parties contradicts the assembly freedom law.

    Hovhannisyan refrained from commenting on the rally cancellation. He
    read out a statement criticizing social and economic things in the
    country as well as Armenia's geopolitical situation.

    "This is already two years Armenia stands isolated on the international
    arena and an unprecedented regress is seen in the process of Karabakh
    conflict settlement with many fatal incidents on the border," he said.

    Hovhannisyan called on President Sargsyan to resign and order early
    presidential and parliamentary elections.

    One week ago tension between Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan
    and Gagik Tsarukyan escalated after the president, speaking at a
    meeting of the executive board of the ruling Republican Party of
    Armenia President Sargsyan lashed out at his former coalition partner
    describing him as 'a scourge for the country who lacks intelligence,
    skills and education to govern Armenia.'

    Sargsyan told Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan to instruct corresponding
    bodies to thoroughly investigate the veracity of "unverified reports"
    implicating Tsarukyan in large-scale tax evasion.

    He also stripped Tsarukyan from his membership in the National Security
    Council for unjustified absence from the council's sessions.

    In retaliation to Sargsyan's crackdown, the leader of the Prosperous
    Armenia Party said the following day that the current situation in
    the country requires solution and 'the only solution is a complete
    change of power through extraordinary presidential elections.'

    Gagik Tsarukyan said also he was offered the post of president of the
    country but only after constitutional reforms that would turn Armenia
    into a parliamentary republic. He claimed that the reform is aimed
    at enabling Sargsyan to stay in power after the end of his second
    and final presidential term in 2018. Tsarukyan said he declined the
    offer causing Sargsyan's anger.

    Prosperous Armenia is the second largest force in the parliament
    controlling 36 seats. It was part of coalition governments from 2007
    to 2012. According to some estimates, Tsarukyan is the third-richest
    person of Armenia. On February 20, the party and its key allies,
    the Armenian National Congress and Heritage, plan to hold a joint
    rally in Yerevan to press for Sargsyan's ouster. ---0---- uary_20_despite_rally_cancellation_by_prosperous_a/#sthash.gudkewdR.dpuf
